Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 v1.0.11
Mod & Version: Forestry for Minecraft
Pastebin: no pastebin
Whats the bug? The Bee Analyser have wrong owner

I have for he first time started with bees so i'm not sure if this is a bug.
But when i place down the Bee analyser that I made the legit way the owner name is not my name matter fact the name that I forgot is not even white listed on our server
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 v1.0.11
Mod & Version: Logistics Pipes
Pastebin: no pastebin
Whats the bug? Logistics pipes accepting input from any TE machine crashes server.

Placing any Logistics pipe which either receives or pulls items from any Thermal Expansion machine will cause an immediate crash of the server. Please refer to screenshot of the crash, restarting the server is of no help, you must restore a previous backup.

To Replicate:

1. Craft a basic logistics pipe
2. Place down any TE machine (Such as a RedStone furnace)
3. In the UI for the TE machine, set a side for output (I used the rear, though the specific side does not matter)
4. Place basic logistics pipe connecting to the nominated output side of the TE machine

Server will freeze (No ticks) for about 10 seconds, then crash.

Note: Supply pipes which supply items to a TE machines' inventory does NOT cause a crash. To test this:

1. Craft a logistics supplier pipe
2. Place down any TE machine (Such as a RedStone furnace)
3. In the UI for the TE Machine set a side for input (I used the rear, though the specific side does not matter)
4. Place basic logistics supplier pipe, connect to logistics network if one is available
5. Pipe works normally, no crash.


To pull items from a TE machine into your Logistics network, use regular build craft pipe or item ducts, send the items to a chest,then use a logistics pipe to extract items from the chest into the network.

I would rate this issue as CRITICAL especially given that Mr DireWolf20 has just featured two episodes of logistics pipes on his YouTube channel (that's how I came across the bug as I'm following his series). Unless there's a way to edit the world offline, you are forced to go to a backup of your mine craft world. This could be very bad on a well populated server.

It seems that this could be a bug that has been fixed in a subsequent release of either TE or the mod with the logistics pipes.

**EDIT** Apologies, screenshot resolution is too low to be of any use (Unreadable) :(
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Reactions: scythe96
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 v1.0.11
Mod & Version: Logistics Pipes
Pastebin: no pastebin
Whats the bug? Logistics pipes accepting input from any TE machine crashes server.

This is a known bug with a known fix; which, as Jadedcat posted just on page 43, is obviously known by the FTB team; thus hopefully the normal Monday update window will have the fixed version of Logistics Pipes as well as the other recent mod updates (Another Ars Magica release for some small issue comes to mind).
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 v1.0.11
Mod & Version: StevesCarts interacting with Firestone
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/21Ebrauw
Whats the bug? Putting a fully charged Firestone in a StevesCharts Coal engine crashes the game.
Tested and repeatable in singleplayer. Worldfile cant be loaded without immediate crash. Second world, same error.
Didnt dare to crash our multiplayer server.

Solutions? For our server: Ban the firestones :(
In general - none known fix.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 v1.0.11
Mod & Version: unknown
Pastebin: no pastebin
Whats the bug? I don't know if this is a bug or not but it I cant break dirt with a pick it works on stone ore same with sickle cant break dirt but i can break leaves and grass I cant even pick up my bed :/ is this part of the mod pack or a bug
Whats the bug? I don't know if this is a bug or not but it I cant break dirt with a pick it works on stone ore same with sickle cant break dirt but i can break leaves and grass I cant even pick up my bed :/ is this part of the mod pack or a bug
maybe you are in adveture mode?
Modpack version: DWv1.0.11
Mod & Version: Railcraft -
Pastebin: No crash
Bug: Low Pressure Boiler not outputting steam. Attempted using TE fluiducts (worked in previous version of the modpack) and BC Transport fluid pipes, both with and without wooden transport pipe connected to the boiler. Using Solid Fueled Fireboxes. Tried disabling AM2 because of the reported bug with pipes, etc. No difference. Says it is full of steam ( 576, 000 / 576, 000 ) and says there is steam in the ducts, but no animation can be seen.
Repeatable? Same issue is occurring on 3 worlds. 1 was created before current modpack version and was working previously.
Modpack version: DWv1.0.11
Mod & Version: Railcraft -
Pastebin: No crash
Bug: Low Pressure Boiler not outputting steam. Attempted using TE fluiducts (worked in previous version of the modpack) and BC Transport fluid pipes, both with and without wooden transport pipe connected to the boiler. Using Solid Fueled Fireboxes. Tried disabling AM2 because of the reported bug with pipes, etc. No difference. Says it is full of steam ( 576, 000 / 576, 000 ) and says there is steam in the ducts, but no animation can be seen.
Repeatable? Same issue is occurring on 3 worlds. 1 was created before current modpack version and was working previously.
There have been some issues with the steam /texture/; hovering over the pipe (verify with another fluid) does a small GUI display the pipe contents? Is there a steam consumer on the pipe? Does it show a numeric quantity of steam? (again there have been issues with the steam texture)[DOUBLEPOST=1389635541][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 v1.0.11
Mod & Version: unknown
Pastebin: no pastebin
Whats the bug? I don't know if this is a bug or not but it I cant break dirt with a pick it works on stone ore same with sickle cant break dirt but i can break leaves and grass I cant even pick up my bed :/ is this part of the mod pack or a bug
Please be a little more specific, what kind of pick? Is it enchanted in any way? If you're using a rechargeable or repairable (Tcon) tool is it depleted or full?
Modpack: Direwolf20 1.6.4
Mod & Version: LogisticsPipes-MC1.6.4-0.7.4.dev.80
Crashlog: http://pastebin.com/fT5Lrej3
What's the bug: Everytime i load my world the client closes.
Is it repeatable: It happens every time
Known Fix: Haven't found one
If it helps i think i had just put an extractor module mk2 in to a logistics chassis connected to a thermal expansion furnace or pulverizer when it first crashed.
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Modpack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11
Mod & Version: Thaumcraft 4 & MFR
Crashlog: None
What's the bug: Duplicate item farming. It is possible to use the Pech from Thaumcraft to duplicate items.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Find a Pech and drop the item you want duplciated so he picks it up. In our test we used thermal expansion tank that contained mob essence.
  2. Use a re-usable safari net to capture the Pech
  3. Place net in the MFR auto spawner - set it to exact copy
  4. Spawn and killl the Pechs most of the time they will drop the item they picked up.
Known Fix: Don't do it
There have been some issues with the steam /texture/; hovering over the pipe (verify with another fluid) does a small GUI display the pipe contents? Is there a steam consumer on the pipe? Does it show a numeric quantity of steam? (again there have been issues with the steam texture

Other fluids have worked fine (lava, water, creosote); There is a numeric value shown on the boiler GUI, but no texture in the gauge; WAILA tooltip says "Fluiduct - Steam" but duct appears empty. It's connected to a Railcraft Steam Turbine which is then connected to an MFE with gold cable. It is not producing any EU.
Modpack: DireWolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11
Whats the bug: Auto Enchanter not enchanting past level 23. i spawned in a few pairs of iron boots and any level after 23 does not work. The internal buffer is full as well as reinforced tank from TE3.
Modpack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11
Mod & Version: OpenBlocks 1.2.2
Crashlog: Didn't actually crash, just a server side bug I wanted to report: In the server log it says this:
2014-01-12 22:11:02 [WARNING] [OpenBlocks] Trying to propagate invalid map data 0
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Reached end of stream for /
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Reached end of stream for /
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDERR] java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDERR]     at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(Unknown Source)
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDERR]     at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(Unknown Source)
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Reached end of stream for /
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDERR]     at org.bouncycastle.crypto.io.CipherOutputStream.write(Unknown Source)
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDERR]     at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(Unknown Source)
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDERR]     at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDERR]     at java.io.DataOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDERR]     at net.minecraft.network.TcpWriterThread.run(SourceFile:121)
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Reached end of stream for /
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Reached end of stream for /
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Reached end of stream for /
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Mobius_One6 lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Mobius_One6 left the game
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [INFO] [STDOUT] Unloading Player: Mobius_One6
2014-01-12 22:16:17 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
2014-01-12 22:16:18 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] / lost connection<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(THESE ARE MY ATTEMPTS AT RECONNECTING)
2014-01-12 22:16:18 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] / lost connection
2014-01-12 22:16:18 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] / lost connection
2014-01-12 22:16:18 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] / lost connection
2014-01-12 22:16:18 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] / lost connection
2014-01-12 22:16:19 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Reached end of stream for /
2014-01-12 22:16:23 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Received valid FML login packet from /<<<<<<(I finally succeed at reconnecting and everything returns to normal)
Whats the bug: Every few times this happens-NOTE THE "EVERY FEW", the server will freeze up for a minute, kick off all the players, then after a few more seconds return to normal operation, as if nothing was ever wrong, very much like a giant lagspike...
Known Fix: Ignore it and move on like nothing happened. (even though something did happen)
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Reactions: Tezorian
Modpack: DireWolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11
Whats the bug: Auto Enchanter not enchanting past level 23. i spawned in a few pairs of iron boots and any level after 23 does not work. The internal buffer is full as well as reinforced tank from TE3.
Place a normal enchanting table in it's place, make sure you're able to see level 30 enchants as an option. You probably have something wrong with your books.
Check the railcraft multiblock IC2 producer UI to ensure that the multiblock is well formed and that it is recieving steam. You may need to add a steam turbine, you probably also need to ensure that the fluiduct network has at least 4 faces (or was it 6) on each end to that sufficient steam is provided for full output. Lastly you can try placing down any form of tank (even a cheep glass one) at the end of the fluidduct to ensure that it is transfering steam.

If the tooltip says the fluiduct contains steam it probably does; it might not contain as much as you'd /like/ but that doesn't mean the fluiduct is broken, it just means something is wrong with the rest of your build and/or interaction among other mods.

http://ftbwiki.org/Steam_Turbine_(Railcraft) Hopefully the ftbwiki is an allowed offsite link.
Place a normal enchanting table in it's place, make sure you're able to see level 30 enchants as an option. You probably have something wrong with your books.

a regular enchantment table only allowed access to level 20 enchants on a diamond sword. do i need to put up another column of bookshelves on either side? ive got two columns of them three blocks high.
a regular enchantment table only allowed access to level 20 enchants on a diamond sword. do i need to put up another column of bookshelves on either side? ive got two columns of them three blocks high.

Enchantment mechanics work within a 5x5 grid on the level of, and above, centered on the enchanting table. There must be a path of /air blocks/ between the enchantment table and a bookshelf (the diagonal to the outer corners counts corner edge to corner edge) in order to count the bookshelf.

You will need a minimum of 15 bookshelves in order to reach a level 30 (current max level) enchantment.
Found another small bug:
Modpack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11
Mod: Thermal Expansion
crashlog: n/a
Whats the bug?!?!?: When you place a redstone torch and then place a "Glowstone Illuminator" block directly over it, it fails to receive the redstone signal and does not turn on.
Known Fix?: Place the redstone torch AFTER you place the Glowstone Illuminator. For some reason it does not update the redstone correctly the when it is first placed.
Tried emptying the steam into a Railcraft tank, and indeed it is transferring (and there is an animation showing in the pipes and gauge now for some reason). I guess there was a change between versions because this set up DID work previously. Anyway, thank you for the help. I'll play around with it until I figure out just what the transfer rate is to get my turbine working again.
Tried emptying the steam into a Railcraft tank, and indeed it is transferring (and there is an animation showing in the pipes and gauge now for some reason). I guess there was a change between versions because this set up DID work previously. Anyway, thank you for the help. I'll play around with it until I figure out just what the transfer rate is to get my turbine working again.
Oh it should still /work/ as far as generating power, the issue is LIKELY to be IC2 experimental; Try it out in a creative test world with a cheaty setup that's simplified just to make sure and experiment.
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