Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 v1.0.11
Mod & Version: Logistics Pipes
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Whats the bug? Logistics pipes accepting input from any TE machine crashes server.
Placing any Logistics pipe which either receives or pulls items from any Thermal Expansion machine will cause an immediate crash of the server. Please refer to screenshot of the crash, restarting the server is of no help, you must restore a previous backup.
To Replicate:
1. Craft a basic logistics pipe
2. Place down any TE machine (Such as a RedStone furnace)
3. In the UI for the TE machine, set a side for output (I used the rear, though the specific side does not matter)
4. Place basic logistics pipe connecting to the nominated output side of the TE machine
Server will freeze (No ticks) for about 10 seconds, then crash.
Note: Supply pipes which supply items to a TE machines' inventory does NOT cause a crash. To test this:
1. Craft a logistics supplier pipe
2. Place down any TE machine (Such as a RedStone furnace)
3. In the UI for the TE Machine set a side for input (I used the rear, though the specific side does not matter)
4. Place basic logistics supplier pipe, connect to logistics network if one is available
5. Pipe works normally, no crash.
To pull items from a TE machine into your Logistics network, use regular build craft pipe or item ducts, send the items to a chest,then use a logistics pipe to extract items from the chest into the network.
I would rate this issue as CRITICAL especially given that Mr DireWolf20 has just featured two episodes of logistics pipes on his YouTube channel (that's how I came across the bug as I'm following his series). Unless there's a way to edit the world offline, you are forced to go to a backup of your mine craft world. This could be very bad on a well populated server.
It seems that this could be a bug that has been fixed in a subsequent release of either TE or the mod with the logistics pipes.
**EDIT** Apologies, screenshot resolution is too low to be of any use (Unreadable)