Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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*i`m sorry in advance if this is not the correct place for this, im new to the fourms, also if this is posted elsewhere could someone help me find it?*
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: it`s a problem downloading rescource packs
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug? the JC mix rescource pack wont download, it pops up the donwloading screen/window for a half second then does nothing and disapears
Can it be repeated? yes, everytime i try to download it

Grab the pack from here and install it manually.
Well, tossing exactly the two things you quoted (noclassdeffounderror and the class) in to google...


That sounds like your problem too.

Following those instructions, there is no /lib folder anymore for 1.6.4. I put the extracted zip in the mods folder for DW20_1_6_4 and still get the same error.

Poking around a little more, the FTB directory has a libraries folder that includes subdirs to include com/google/ and argo/ which appear to have the same versions or more recent versions of a couple of the .jars in the thread you pointed me to. If they are missing, I would expect this to be a problem with FTB not providing them, and not something I am missing, correct?
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: LogisticsPipes-MC1.6.4-0.7.4.dev.80 & Thermal Expansion-
Pastebin link to crash log:http://pastebin.com/4ftKQwQe
Whats the bug? I placed a Basic Logistics Pipe under a Redstone Furnance, my client insta crashed, and I can't open the world anymore, my game will insta crash again. I still can open other worlds, so it must be the pipe under the redstone furnance
Can it be repeated? Yes, by everyone who does it
Known Fix: None yet
Hello ^^ , I'm here to report a bug, while i am openning the DirectWolf20 v1.0.11 my launcher retruns to the Menu, where all the packs are. I don't know why, i don't have a low PC, but i can't play the last version of DW20 , so i need help :( ty

PD:Sorry for my English lenguage I'm Spanish :)
Known fix: don't use 100 turtles or 100 quaries or 100 arcane bores...

I will forward this to CC devs just in case they can improve it.. but really 100 of any auto miner is going to have some issues.

Deadlocks are a particularly nasty type of bug, since if they are possible, they tend to happen eventually. Thanks for passing this on. I have much respect for dan200 and his ability to squash it.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion
Pastebin link to crash log: n/a
Whats the bug? My leadstone conduits wont connect to my leadstone energy cell. Its all the same modpack, I tried using a cresent wrench but it wont connect my conduit to the cell it does although connect to my steam dynamos.
Can it be repeated? I believe so I broke the energy cell while it was filling up with energy when I placed a new one the conduit could not connect. Sorry I do not have a screenshot :(
Known Fix:
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion
Pastebin link to crash log: n/a
Whats the bug? My leadstone conduits wont connect to my leadstone energy cell. Its all the same modpack, I tried using a cresent wrench but it wont connect my conduit to the cell it does although connect to my steam dynamos.
Can it be repeated? I believe so I broke the energy cell while it was filling up with energy when I placed a new one the conduit could not connect. Sorry I do not have a screenshot :(
Known Fix:

Double-check the configuration of your energy cell and make sure the sides are set to appropriate colors.

Gray = no connection
Blue = input
Orange = output
Tried launching server on mac, but I think it crashes. I have never seen a crash like this with any servers before so I'm not exactly sure what happened. I will attempt to paste in the last part of the log. I don't know how to post spoilers so here it is. I am attempting to run it with 5 GB of RAM, but I doubt that makes a difference.

2014-01-09 17:08:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_12

2014-01-09 17:08:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_13

2014-01-09 17:08:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_14

2014-01-09 17:08:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_15

2014-01-09 17:08:14 [INFO] [Hats] [2.0.2] Loaded 78 hats

2014-01-09 17:08:18 [INFO] [STDERR] java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://repo.creeperhost.net/static/ichun/hatscontrib.xml

2014-01-09 17:08:18 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1457)

2014-01-09 17:08:18 [INFO] [STDERR] at hats.common.thread.ThreadGetContributors.run(ThreadGetContributors.java:57)

2014-01-09 17:08:18 [INFO] [Hats] [2.0.2] Loaded 0 contributor hats


[Process completed]
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion & Railcraft 1.6.4-
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/1mRZxUNs
Whats the bug? When Thermal Expansion itemducts try to export utens into a Railcraft void chest the itemducts give out and crash.
Can it be repeated? The server crashed 3 times. Unsure if this is the true cause of the crash though.
Known Fix: None

Quick Fix - Use trashcans or void pipes.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: LogisticsPipes-MC1.6.4-0.7.4.dev.80 & Thermal Expansion-
Pastebin link to crash log:http://pastebin.com/4ftKQwQe
Whats the bug? I placed a Basic Logistics Pipe under a Redstone Furnance, my client insta crashed, and I can't open the world anymore, my game will insta crash again. I still can open other worlds, so it must be the pipe under the redstone furnance
Can it be repeated? Yes, by everyone who does it
Known Fix: None yet

I had the exact same problem last night.

Everything seemed fine if the Redstone Furnace is not connected to the main LP system. As soon as I placed the last Basic Logistics Pipe to complete the circuit, client crashed, followed by instant crashes afterwards.

I managed to "resolve" the problem by disabling LP mod from the DW20 pack, in which I could open my world again. Enabling LP mod again didn't crash the client, just that there were invisible/intangible blocks in place of where the LP pipes once were. Exiting/re-entering worlds seemed to fix that invisible/intangible blocks problem.
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Reactions: poeks and Altek001
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion & MMPS - 1.6.2-0.9.0-84
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug? Cannot crash the Thermal Expansion recipe for modular power suits wiring. (6 copper 3 silver)
Known Fix: None
Following those instructions, there is no /lib folder anymore for 1.6.4. I put the extracted zip in the mods folder for DW20_1_6_4 and still get the same error.

Poking around a little more, the FTB directory has a libraries folder that includes subdirs to include com/google/ and argo/ which appear to have the same versions or more recent versions of a couple of the .jars in the thread you pointed me to. If they are missing, I would expect this to be a problem with FTB not providing them, and not something I am missing, correct?

Presuming you've also completely purged the cache directory and the install location directories and then attempted a force update, the only remaining logical answers are you have an incompatible anti-virus software, some other system misconfiguration, or hardware reliability issues.[DOUBLEPOST=1389320272][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion & MMPS - 1.6.2-0.9.0-84
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug? Cannot crash the Thermal Expansion recipe for modular power suits wiring. (6 copper 3 silver)
Known Fix: None
As reported earlier in this thread, one of the recipes contains a typo which needs to be corrected. This will hopefully be in the next release of the pack.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:1.0.9
Pastebin link to crash log:N/A
Whats the bug? No XP from any mobs.
Can it be repeated? Yes, every time I start a new world the same thing happens. No XP. I get this black stuff.
Known Fix: None yet


  • 2014-01-09_20.56.34.png
    774.8 KB · Views: 135
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:1.0.9
Pastebin link to crash log:N/A
Whats the bug? No XP from any mobs.
Can it be repeated? Yes, every time I start a new world the same thing happens. No XP. I get this black stuff.
Known Fix: None yet
You are seeing 'morph' in action. Try using [, ], `, shift + [, shift + ]; Holding ` while out of the morph menu allows you to wheel select your body shape from favorites while [ opens the menu and the other keys move about the menu (with ` flagging / un-flagging) favorites.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 Beta Version: 1.0.11
Mod & Version: Numina-1.6.2-0.1.1-53 AND ModularPowersuits-1.6.2-0.9.0-84
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/SvkwGbrT
Whats the bug? Server crashes on launch
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: Disable Modular Power Suits and Numina. Server boots fine.
Server: Ubuntu Linux Running Stable Unleashed World

Relevant Error Messages from crash report:
Time: 1/9/14 9:11 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop

com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 12


numina{0.1.1-53} [Numina] (Numina-1.6.2-0.1.1-53.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Errored
powersuits{0.9.0-84} [MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits] (ModularPowersuits-1.6.2-0.9.0-84.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Errored

Work around: Disabled Modular Power Suits and Numina. Server booted fine.
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