Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 v1.0.7
Mod & Version: MachineMuse Modular Power Suits 0.9.0-78
Pastebin link to crash log: NA
Whats the bug? When trying to look up the recipe for any item in NEI it never shows. I have disabled IC2 but have TE active still no recipe.
Can it be repeated?
Known Fix: Change the config setting to allow vanilla recipes and you will see vanilla recipes. Also if you do put in the TE recipe it is blank but click on the finish item in a crafting table and you get your item.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.7 + TE updated to latest
Mod & Version: buildcraft
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/mdm09nit
Whats the bug? I have a island that about 210 in the sky, under it, I was going to make a tree farm, so i pulled out the old reliable filler, marked the area i wanted done, and set it to fill underground and clear above ground (6 glass + 3 bricks) give it power via a TE energy cell (highest tier). filler starts filling in the ground but after about 15 secs. the client (not server) crashed (see crash log) when i log back in, the island thats above the area i was clearing is gone!!. not everything just what was above the area that i marked off to be cleared/filled
Can it be repeated? yes
Known Fix: N/A
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Direwolf20 1.0.8 will be available as a dropdown option in about an hour give or take 30 mins more or less (yay computers).

You will see mismatched ID messages when you load. The only ID mismatch that will affect your world is the change mentioned here that fixes my derp with ITEM version of conduits and ducts. Any conduit or duct from TE3 in your inventory will vanish. Ignore the others, but as always take backups just in case.

BoP has been updated and if you used BoP world type some of your leaves may be missing or changed. This is not an ID issue it is a code change in BoP. We can't prevent it.

This should fix the interaction from RC hidden blocks causing crashes and corruption when interacting with some TE3 blocks. That bug is explaine din more detail here http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...d-before-updating-any-pack.36499/#post-507020.

Please read the entire update thread in the launcher news section before updating.

Assuming no major new issues are discovered 1.0.8 will become recommended in roughly 24-48 hours
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Reactions: Vauthil
Not sure where your server got their configs but Forestry ID's are the same as the client in every version of DW20.

If you deleted the configs that came with the server... yes the configs would be different. This is user error not a modpack bug. Don't delete the server configs we ship with the server packs. They match the client configs we ship.
Obviously not, or this would not have been an issue. The client generates configs with some forestry items in the 5xxx range as intended. However, the server (and client) ships with a config that improperly has items in the 31xxx range, (i got my server from the FTB launcher by the way) which was noted as "strange" by another user. After regenerating the config and reinstalling the pack twice, i was still generating these 5xxx ranged IDs. Thanks for deleting my post by the way, i was trying to help people that were having the same issue (which it did, people who googled it can now join the server that i play on.) You are certainly welcome for my feedback.

Ship the 1.0.8 server with the proper configs, please.
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Obviously not, or this would not have been an issue. The client generates configs with some forestry items in the 5xxx range as intended. However, the server (and client) ships with a config that improperly has items in the 31xxx range, (i got my server from the FTB launcher by the way) which was noted as "strange" by another user. After regenerating the config and reinstalling the pack twice, i was still generating these 5xxx ranged IDs. Thanks for deleting my post by the way, i was trying to help people that were having the same issue (which it did, people who googled it can now join the server that i play on.) You are certainly welcome for my feedback.

Ship the 1.0.8 server with the proper configs, please.

I have backups of all the packs we have shipped with configs. The forestry ID's range all over the place they are not in a group. The Forestry id's from each version of the DW20 server and clients are identical to each other version. We checked it before deleting it as invalid.

We put all these packs on a server and test them with the client prior to shipping them. If Forestry or any other mod was by default shipping with mismatched server and client ID's that wouldn't work. Also we would have been told by the server providers and the other 100+ servers running DW20. If this only happens on one server its not our configs. This is still not a valid duplicatable bug report.
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Reactions: Vauthil
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:TE and 1.6.4
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/3PtRhDwv
Whats the bug? I have placed a aquisaccumulator from TE on a server using the 1.0.6 version and everyone that is within the player chunk loading area of that crashes and the only way we have goten them back on is deleting the player files and tell them to stay away from that area
Can it be repeated? Yes every time someone is near
Known Fix:
You never said it was not a "valid duplicatable bug report" Go read my original post, as i posted the error log. In order to properly understand what i meant by "some forestry items", you need to read which items i am talking about.

Let me walk you through this. This issue ONLY happened when i had to regenerate my configs, causing it to properly generate those items in the 5xxx range rather than the 31xxx range. The prepackaged server configs from the server downloaded directly from the launcher have those items in the 31xxx range.

I reinstalled FTB in its entirety twice, if that did not fix the issue for ANY of the servers joined then it is on your end and is not user error.
...that's because the files included in the FTB-supplied configs of the pack have those items in the 31xxx range, by default. When you "regenerate" a config by deleting it and then just launching, you're running Forestry's generation script, which is NOT even remotely aware of FTB's manually set parameters. I don't know how aware you are of how Minecraft, Forge, and mods work, but mods have no visibility on the launcher or any of that. In short, mods are blind and dumb to things outside their own functioning (this may change in the future, but that's neither here nor there when it comes to this specific discussion).

A correct way to fix your pack would be to delete the actual pack directory, backing up any SSP-vital information only, and re-download the pack itself, which includes the correct configurations which have been manually set and don't necessarily have anything to do with Forestry's automatically generated ones. Not deleting and reloading the launcher, not relying on Forestry's fill-in-the-blanks configuration generation script to somehow magically be aware of the parameters which, for whatever reason, you deleted.

What you are proposing, in essence, is that FTB break compatibility with every other server and world everybody else has just to fix your personal problem. That's an utterly ridiculous request and I have a hard time conveying how very inimical to the concept of a mod pack it is without getting insulting about it. This is why you're getting the kind of response you're receiving, because you're telling people who have specifically and meticulously created a harmonious set of configurations that are interoperable across multiple packs that they need to smash compatibility because you, yourself, alone didn't figure out how to reload a modpack and its configs. You're laying the blame for your own deficiency in troubleshooting on the Modpack Team. That's ridiculous.

I don't even see you having hit Tech Support, which is where people go when they have technical issues, before hitting up this thread, which is for reporting issues and defects internal to the modpack itself, with your problem. Try that next time. You'll get a better response.

Any further replies that aren't in the form of an actual bug report will be deleted.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8
Mod & Version:TE / Factorization (I guess)
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/TxYFanf4
Whats the bug? invis blocks still (broke old ones with terrain smasher, replaced) im guessing its wrath lamb got 2 in the room with the bug...
Known Fix: wait for Factorization to update with a bug fix? or update forge to 965 since it seems to have a fix for bug?
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.7
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion 3.0.0.b10a
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/YWFGsFHP
Whats the bug? Using a crescent wrench on a backstuffed itemduct (impulse or not), setting the pipe to "do not connect to inventory" mode causes the crash.
Repeatable: Yes in creative and survival, and using only TE items in the system.
Known Fix: Singleplayer: disable TE to delete items when load world and then re-enable TE for second launch. Will lose TE items but will allow world to launch. Server fix unknown, suspect same method would work.
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.7
Mod & Version: Unknown
Pastebin Link to CrashLog: http://pastebin.com/GCZKUSKH

What's the Bug: Crashing when crafting a shapeless recipe. I am a developer for a mod that adds crafting recipes but, for some reason, when I add my mod to this pack, it causes crashes when attempting to craft them. Which was working fine in another pack. The recipes don't show in NEI but, when put into a crafting table, causes the crash above.

This is the code i am using to add the recipe:
        ItemStack Lapis = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder.itemID, 1, 4);
        ItemStack BoneMeal = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder.itemID, 1, 15);
        GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(4449/* Fertilizer */, 8, 0), BoneMeal, BoneMeal, BoneMeal, BoneMeal, Lapis, BoneMeal, BoneMeal, BoneMeal, BoneMeal);

This is a screenshot from my private pack of it working:

This is the screenshot from the Direwolf pack:

Recipe is not showing.

Attempting to craft the item, using the shapeless recipe, causes the game to crash and upon logging back in, the items used to craft are on the ground. Very unsure what's causing it because, no code has changed on my end. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Repeatable: 100% Repeatable, every time.

Known Fix: Unknown
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: not sure.
Pastebin link to crash log:http://pastebin.com/WXzereNQ
Whats the bug? won't even start up the game just get the errors shown in the pastebin link and then closes
Can it be repeated? yes every time i try to launch it
Known Fix:no clue
Remove the peaceful table from the configs on both client and server. Do this by setting the peacful table ID to 0 in the Extra Utilities config
ok, i did that but the server owner says if he does that, all air blocks become tables, is there a way around this?
I know this isn't a pack bug but just s warning
Anyone who puts enderIO into the DW20 pack.
Rhe 1.0.8 update currently breaks enderIO when connected to TE machines and will cause a on map load crash until enderIO is updated.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8
Mod & Version: N/A
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/Uc7R8CqP (client) http://pastebin.com/LwJca935 (server)
Screenshots: http://oi40.tinypic.com/v4chfq.jpg and http://oi39.tinypic.com/335crb8.jpg
Whats the bug? Random nether portal spawning in new chunks
Known Fix: N/A

This may be related to the obsidian spires in the nether. I forget if its BoP or Natura, but one of them adds obsidian towers in the nether that let you return to the overworld.[DOUBLEPOST=1388139538][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.7
Mod & Version: Unknown
Pastebin Link to CrashLog: http://pastebin.com/GCZKUSKH

What's the Bug: Crashing when crafting a shapeless recipe. I am a developer for a mod that adds crafting recipes but, for some reason, when I add my mod to this pack, it causes crashes when attempting to craft them. Which was working fine in another pack. The recipes don't show in NEI but, when put into a crafting table, causes the crash above.

This is the code i am using to add the recipe:
        ItemStack Lapis = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder.itemID, 1, 4);
        ItemStack BoneMeal = new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder.itemID, 1, 15);
        GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(4449/* Fertilizer */, 8, 0), BoneMeal, BoneMeal, BoneMeal, BoneMeal, Lapis, BoneMeal, BoneMeal, BoneMeal, BoneMeal);

This is a screenshot from my private pack of it working:

This is the screenshot from the Direwolf pack:

Recipe is not showing.

Attempting to craft the item, using the shapeless recipe, causes the game to crash and upon logging back in, the items used to craft are on the ground. Very unsure what's causing it because, no code has changed on my end. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Repeatable: 100% Repeatable, every time.

Known Fix: Unknown

Much as I would love to be able to offer help:

1 I am not that smart
2. This is a place to report bugs with the mods included in the pack not mods added or in development.

Try #minecraftforge on esper lots of smart dev people hang out in there and can maybe help you.
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Reactions: Ashzification
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.7
Mod & Version: TE
Pastebin link to crash log: {removed pastebin cause IP address}
Whats the bug? Think it's fluidducts
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: Tried the delete and replace all ducts method(Did not work)

I disabled TE because of this crash, everything worked fine so I enabled it again, no problems whatsoever. I started recreate my setups and suddenly my server crashed again. I have no clue what it can be, but for now I guess I won't be playing with TE, before someone could suggest a fix.
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mod&version: 1.0.7
pastebin link to crash log: none
the bug: Unexpected end of zlib input stream. the pack doesn't even launch for me...
repeated? indeed, this is happening in all 1.6.4 packs... :(
plz help me... :( people im going to kill myself soon if i can't play this pack....

jk lol but plz help me

Dont think its a pack bug, but a mod bug, i think thats the bug the mod dev was talking about

As of October 26th, I'll not be releasing a final stable version of rv14, because of some annoying crafting related issues that have come to my attention that did not exist in rv13, and I was unable to find them in a reasonable timeframe. If you are interested in playing with the new features and are ok with smacking the network to reboot it every so often, the build can be found http://ae-mod.info/dev/, only a few other minor crashes are known ot exist in rv14, and to my knowledge they are all related to Spatial IO.
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