Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: (v1.0.7)
Pastebin link to crash log: Not a crash, no log.
Whats the bug? Connecting a extra utilities transfer pipe into a forestry farm hatch looks like it doesn't work, but the pipe does carry items inside the hatch (carrying dirt from a chest inside the farm hatch for an arboretum), any other farm block connection (valve, gearbox) works fine. I uploaded a picture to show the bug: http://i.imgur.com/lveLxju.png
Can it be repeated? Yes, replacing the pipe or the hatch doesn't change the pipe into it's "connected" form
Known Fix: none
I have 2 loaders 1 in front and one behind there is a 5 block gap between the 2 loaders. I was using the same system perfectly in 1.5 I just had to tweak the coding a bit for 1.6

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You need to be very careful such that there is /always/ a chunkloader covering your turtle. This means when you /move/ things automatically (since your player isn't there to chunkload them inherently) you require TWO chunkloaders. One to place down to become the primary and the previous primary to pick up.

I have 2 loaders one in front and one behind the mining system there is a 5 block gap between the 2 loaders. I was using the same system perfectly on 1.5 I just changed the coding suitable for 1.6 it runs as it should just crashes the server if the mystcraft age is left

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: i do not quite know
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/29HwSsVf
Whats the bug?
While starting up minecraft it closes the windows, (not when
is enabled, than only the minecraft window closes and the console stays open.)
Can it be repeated?
it keeps repeating when i try to start it...
Known Fix: i donot know of any
note: i have the mods chisel-1.6.4-1.5.0fix and autoutils-1.6.4-1.0.1 added, (chisel can't run without autoutils), but the crash log is when the 2 mods where disabled.
Hi again,
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 --Not a modpack bug
Mod & Version: 1.0.7
Pastebin link to crash log:
Whats the bug?

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 v1.0.7
Mod & Version: Chicken Chunks v
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/y54Aauv5
Whats the bug? After I play a while only on my singleplayer worlds my game stops and it says that chicken chunks has crashed my game
Can it be repeated? Yes it does
Known Fix: I have not seen one
my post is on page 20 and no one will help me plz help im soooooo sad D;[DOUBLEPOST=1387903942][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hi again,
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: 1.0.7
Pastebin link to crash log:
Whats the bug?

View attachment 8833

I think it might be good to reinstall it I have had that happen on private packs and I reinstall the pack and its fine and works GOOD! That's because of the pic you took so that's what I think! Merry Christmas!!!
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 -- Cannot duplicate
Mod & Version: N/A
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug?: just a strip of already generated land dissapears, not like 1 chunk glitch, but just like 10 to 12 chunks(and it reaches the end of my render distance)
Can it be repeated? i have no idea, it just happens randomly, but i do have screenshots of it including the data open(like RAM usage)
Known Fix:Fly over it with creative, but all the ores and stuff that used to be there are gone

screenshot link: http://imgur.com/a/Qfwzg
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: N/A
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug?: just a strip of already generated land dissapears, not like 1 chunk glitch, but just like 10 to 12 chunks(and it reaches the end of my render distance)
Can it be repeated? i have no idea, it just happens randomly, but i do have screenshots of it including the data open(like RAM usage)
Known Fix:Fly over it with creative, but all the ores and stuff that used to be there are gone

screenshot link: http://imgur.com/a/Qfwzg

just reload the world, it fixes this. Just a chunk error
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 (1.0.6)
Mod & Version:Open Blocks 1.2.2.
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug? I Have XP Juice in a Railcraft Tank and use it in an Open Block Auto Enchantment Table, it won't let me add a lvl30 enchant to anything and results in me not beeing able to right click anything, that means i cant open chests etc
When I try to reconnect the complete Server crashes.
Can it be repeated? Yes happens everytime i try it.
Known Fix: Couldn't find a Fix up until now.
Semifluid generator doesn't accept Creosote Oil -- Wrong wiki entry

Mod Pack: Direwolf20 (1.0.7)
Mod & Version: 1.6.4

I couldn't find any reference of this being changed. Running stock DW20 with no config changes and the Semifluid generator doesn't appear to be accepting Creosote Oil. I tried with pipes, fluiducts, buckets, and cells but no luck.

It does appear to correctly accept Oil and Biomass.

FTB Wiki Entry:
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 -- Not a modpack bug
Mod & Version:Journey map
Pastebin link to crash log:no crash
Whats the bug?trying to remove journey map, but once i restart the pack it reinstalls it
Can it be repeated?yes
Known Fix:none[DOUBLEPOST=1387916031][/DOUBLEPOST]Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:Veinminer 0.8.3 -- Also not a modpack bug
Pastebin link to crash log:no crash
Whats the bug?i added this mod and edited the config of it, but once i restart the pack it resets the config to default
Can it be repeated?yes
Known Fix:eek:nly way for it to work is to edit the config while the console is still loading
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Fixed in next update with TE 11b

Yet another TE pipes total crash. This time a item duct connected between a chest and a forestry fermenter with a servo at one end.. stopped working and wasn't feeding saplings from the chest anymore, pipe tool tips said it was stuffed with items.. Right clicked the end with the servo until the pipe reconnected and crash. Now the world will not boot up (yet again sigh).

Mod Pack: Direwolf20 (1.0.7)
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion

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@unafisher I suspect that may not be a bug as gregtech isn't a part of DW20. The admins go through a lot of troble to help make mods cross compatible (in this case a GT block using Railcraft fluids). Likely there is a config in Greg tech for the generator that you need to find and add the "missing" fluids to it. I don't use gregtech so I'm afraid I couldn't tell you where it is but google might.

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:Journey map
Pastebin link to crash log:no crash
Whats the bug?trying to remove journey map, but once i restart the pack it reinstalls it
Can it be repeated?yes
Known Fix:none[DOUBLEPOST=1387916031][/DOUBLEPOST]Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:Veinminer 0.8.3
Pastebin link to crash log:no crash
Whats the bug?i added this mod and edited the config of it, but once i restart the pack it resets the config to default
Can it be repeated?yes
Known Fix:eek:nly way for it to work is to edit the config while the console is still loading
(a) Not a modpack bug. If anything it's a launcher issue. Go the tech support and run a search.
(b) This is for modpack bugs, not "I added a mod and it's broken". Once you add a mod, it's no longer a modpack bug. Also seems related to your other issue, though, so again, not a pack problem anyway.
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