Open Server Dig For Diamonds [DW20v1.1.2][1.5.2][24GB Ram][MyTown][Economy][Twilight Forest][Mall][TS3][MCMMO]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Server is running nicely! I like the new spawn and that the new mining age doesn't have any negative effects.
2013-02-14 State of the Server Update:

1. Timers may not be set to less than 2 seconds. Anyone caught doing this may be subject to extreme punishment. Busi (you know, the owner/founder) has stated that his words are backed by Nukes! Your town members will not like this....

2. DigForDiamonds forums coming soon! This will allow us to better serve your concerns and suggestions.

3. New mall soon to be opened! Rent your own stall for 7 days using in game currency. Which player/town/company will rule the economy?!?

4. Nations now enabled! Towns currently managed by the plugin MyTown. It seems that Towny had some griefability issues on the server. Hopefully, there will be less griefing now. This will lead to future wars and PvP.

5. More Mods and Admins to help! Please utilize the Help channel by either typing your question with a preceeding /h or change your current default channel by typing /ch h.

6. You can also get help by sending an ingame Mail if no Mods or Admins are available. Use the /mail command.

7. Twilight Forest is currently available but might be shutdown in about 1 day to test for lag issues. We are trying to ensure a great gaming experience for all and why we love Twilight Forest (I, my oldest son, and a lot of our town mates love exploring it) if it is the current cause of lag on the server we will unfortunately need to leave it closed except for special occasions. Never fear! We are working towards a lag free experience.

8. Additional banned items: item - reason - future
personal Mystcraft crystal portals - lag causing - testing for later use (do not ask about please)

9. Capitalization is gone again. Sorry, that is a part of MyTown. :(

10. Generally, lite advertising of you or your group live streaming on is allowed. Please do not spam chat (announce more than every 5 minutes) with streaming information.

11. We use a multiserver ban plugin. This means that a ban on may lead to a ban on another server (over 9000!, 2000). We strive to warn and remediate and local temp ban before resorting to a global ban but you are WARNED!

12. Dynmap!

And MORE! More special events upcoming and other goodies coming!

{redacted donation links are not allowed} <- Ooops! Sorry did not realize that!

Edit2: If you have the time you can help get more players on the server by voting here:
As a reminder while you may certainly receive donations Donation Links are not allowed on the site. Sometimes stuff is left out of the OP for a reason :p
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Reactions: damunzy
I warn the new players for this server, the host will delete all your stuff if you accidently do something wrong, for example, if you combine 2 soulshards (like a wither skel with 1 soul and a zombie T5) you get a T5 wither skel shard. Apparently this is a bug that i was not aware of and the owner threatened to blow up me and my friends house (we had 1 together). After a conversation about if it is a bug or not and that we did not know it was a bug he deleted all our items, all our chest and barrels and left us with nothing. When we were not happy and disagreed with his deeds he threatened us to ban us from 2800 servers and then ignored us.
I warn the new players for this server, the host will delete all your stuff if you accidently do something wrong, for example, if you combine 2 soulshards (like a wither skel with 1 soul and a zombie T5) you get a T5 wither skel shard. Apparently this is a bug that i was not aware of and the owner threatened to blow up me and my friends house (we had 1 together). After a conversation about if it is a bug or not and that we did not know it was a bug he deleted all our items, all our chest and barrels and left us with nothing. When we were not happy and disagreed with his deeds he threatened us to ban us from 2800 servers and then ignored us.

so you abuse a well known glitch and think you just can get away with it, most other servers will a Reset you 100% or just ban you right away for abusing a bug.

i left you with some of all your stuff even your hole base so you didnt had to start all over
but instead you and your friend whined for about 20 min

and yes we are connected to Glizer where if we issue a ban it will be placed on a ban list where around 2800 servers are using

not a threat just a infomation
As a reminder while you may certainly receive donations Donation Links are not allowed on the site. Sometimes stuff is left out of the OP for a reason :p
Oops! Thanks for the warning. :D

I warn the new players for this server, the host will delete all your stuff if you accidentally do something wrong, for example, if you combine 2 soulshards (like a wither skel with 1 soul and a zombie T5) you get a T5 wither skel shard. Apparently this is a bug that i was not aware of and the owner threatened to blow up me and my friends house (we had 1 together). After a conversation about if it is a bug or not and that we did not know it was a bug he deleted all our items, all our chest and barrels and left us with nothing. When we were not happy and disagreed with his deeds he threatened us to ban us from 2800 servers and then ignored us.
One of the 'jokes' is that Busi reserves the right to nuke your base if you are caught cheating. This is a rare occurrence that has only happened once to my knowledge and was done to part of the city I am a part of! I wasn't an admin at the time but I am now. I bring this up to show that while punishment may be swift for the town Busi understands that things are done by people accidentally, sometimes by your town mates without your knowledge, and will take the total of your actions into account while you are on the server. BTW, the nuke was set on a far away part of the city and affected only that part- no one else was damaged.

To those that have never been on the server: We encourage all people to post their experiences of the server on these forums, whether positive or negative. We just ask that you provide all relevant information and reserve the right to reply with further information on the situation. Thanks! :) Also, please not that English is not Busi's first language so don't take any abruptness as insult. Come on teamspeak at the address to chat us up!
It may be well know bug in your server but i thought its a feature of the mod, as explained before. And I do not really care about other servers I am not happy the way you have acted to me, not believing my word that I did not know this is a bug and now I am simply putting my complain on your thread why I am not happy about your server. I am not asking to undo anything, I am simply putting this here because I disagree with the actions you have taken, that I did not get a warning and deleting basically everything.
I was falsly banned for having a hacked client. I swear, if I had a hacked client, I wouldn't be targetting random servers. I would target servers if I had a very very good reason. A reason that affects me in real life. I had my client deleted anyways, so yeah. IGN: CreeperLover101 :P (Also, I think caps should only be disabled for people who abuse them)
cant reach server, also ... is the out of game map turned off perm now? i kinda liked having it up on another monitor while playing
cant reach server, also ... is the out of game map turned off perm now? i kinda liked having it up on another monitor while playing
Sorry for not have been posting it but have been busy working

Dynmap is removed for now but will come back soon

the server is down since i messed the dedicated server up and was forced to do a full restore on the server but a full backup was made before i took it down. and its uploading the minecraft backup and will soon be back "if my slow internet would speed up" it got around 1.7gb updated and miss like 1.4 more