Casual Server DeVco | FTB Infinity 1.3.4 | Open | PvP | 24/7 | Pex | QuickShop | GriefPreventionPlus | GPPCities

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My friend and I have been playing on this server, i'd have to say it's pretty good. Just sucks that not a lot of people play inf-East. Deff hope more people eventually make the switch over though!
My friend and I have been playing on this server, i'd have to say it's pretty good. Just sucks that not a lot of people play inf-East. Deff hope more people eventually make the switch over though!

Unfortunately it's extremely difficult to run this modpack with more then 30 players online at a constant 20TPS/50MS
This is the main reason we have it split into 3 seperate servers however we have tried our best to make it still feel as one "big" server with the cross server chat and the ability to transfer items between each of the servers via Vanilla Enderchests.
If you have any suggestions on how we can better make it feel as one big server please feel free to let us know
My friend and I have been playing on this server, i'd have to say it's pretty good. Just sucks that not a lot of people play inf-East. Deff hope more people eventually make the switch over though!
HEY! I'm in infin east! it's the same name as here. What's yours?
i really enjoy playing on the server even to i have not played alot but it is fun and the other players a nice
hmm...are werewolves allowed?
if so... how do i become one without going through all the the witchery stuff?
hmm...are werewolves allowed?
if so... how do i become one without going through all the the witchery stuff?

As far as I know they're enabled in the modpack, but I'm not too helpful with Witchery. Maybe someone else can answer you here
Me and my friend have been playing this server for a couple of weeks and we have been having the time of are lives. this is by far one of the best servers i have ever played on!
I have been trying to connect to the Infinity-West server and t says there is no connection I have been doing this for a while and still no connection have I been banned or is it down?
I have been trying to connect to the Infinity-West server and t says there is no connection I have been doing this for a while and still no connection have I been banned or is it down?

We were having some odd issues on Saturday but it was all fixed up an hour later, let me know if you're still having issues

Thanks to a new feature in Grief Prevention Plus from KaiNoMood we have unbanned quite a few items from all of the servers.

Take a look at the banned items list to see these changes and enjoy :)

Expect further reductions to the banned items over the next few weeks.
hmm...are werewolves allowed?
if so... how do i become one without going through all the the witchery stuff?
You can get infected by a level 10 werewolf... I know that's how myself and crafty got wolved. You'll prob want a wolf statue and some gold ingots though so you can get the quests and control over your transformations.

Since I'm here, I suppose I ought to give my thoughts on the server, and to be frank, I couldn't ask for a better server. I'm honestly not fond of PVP in minecraft, but the thing that keeps me here is the community more than anything else. Each staff member I've encountered has been helpful. While on the subject of PvP, I find it's not really that common on the server; but there are a few PvP hotspots around if that is your thing. (Most notable is the End here.) Don't let it being a PvP server put you off.
Great server little to no lag but only complaint is the req for the qgen that comes up in chat is wrong. can you please update and tell what items we need to get.
>be me
>join server
>team up with someone
>find spot and trust each other on claims
>play together for 3 hours
>gotta go for diner
>come back, everything on my claim is gone
>better check out house
>"you don't have permission to do this"
>"buddy" joins
>sees I'm online
>"buddy" disconnected
>ask mod what to do
>"sorry, you can be an asshat on this server, no probs"