Demographics for those who play FTB

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A little about me: I'm a college student in my junior year in the social work program. I'm taking a 4000 course called Human Behavior Social Systems, and we are doing a fairly large paper over communities. I have chosen the FTB community for my paper because its one that I have enjoyed and grown to like over the past few months. However, I need to gather what information I can from the community. This is completely voluntary and feel free to leave whatever parts of this form blank if you would like.

I greatly appreciate the feedback of the community!

Thank you in advanced and feel free to add any additional comments or information as you choose!

Please copy and paste this form as follows and answer any and all questions you are comfortable answering (and please no real names):



Race you identify with:

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring:

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP:

How long have you been playing FTB:
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Awesome! My fiance is going for a psych major so he's really been into statistics, group psychology, etc, lately. I wish you the best in gathering info for your paper!

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race you identify with: White/Caucasian

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: Building (Houses/Structures)

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SMP

How long have you been playing FTB: 3 months


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 48

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: Drow

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: Building, automation, and exploring

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SSP only. Will never, ever play SMP (I despise multiplayer games)

How long have you been playing FTB: For as long as the launcher has been available.

Not asked for information: I work as a software developer (C#) in supply chain management, such as warehouse automation, inventory management, shipping integration systems. I'm single, but have been living with my significant other for close to 10 years. She has no interest in gaming whatsoever, with the exception of playing Minesweeper on her iPad. I'm an avid sci-fi/fantasy reader and writer, and I also enjoy video production such as special effects, compositing, etc...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: White

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: Building contraptions/automation and adventuring/exploring.

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SMP

How long have you been playing FTB: Since its release.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: White

What you enjoy most out of the game building: (contraptions/automation)

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SSP

How long have you been playing FTB: 3 Months


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Race you identify with:White

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: exploring and farming

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SMP

How long have you been playing FTB: since release


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 21

Gender: M

Race you identify with: Human

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: Building (contraptions/automation)

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SMP

How long have you been playing FTB: 4 Months


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 33

Gender: Female

Race you identify with: Caucasian

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: Adventuring, mining

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SMP

How long have you been playing FTB: Since release


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you mean by "Race you identify with:"? Humans, Dwarfs, Klingons, ...? Or something else?
examples of races are African American/black, Caucasian/white, Latino/a, biracial ect. you can just tell what country you identify with or if you're not comfortable you can leave it blank.[DOUBLEPOST=1360688316][/DOUBLEPOST]
Awesome! My fiance is going for a psych major so he's really been into statistics, group psychology, etc, lately. I wish you the best in gathering info for your paper!

Thank you much![DOUBLEPOST=1360688445][/DOUBLEPOST]
Age: 48

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: Drow

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: Building, automation, and exploring

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SSP only. Will never, ever play SMP (I despise multiplayer games)

How long have you been playing FTB: For as long as the launcher has been available.

Not asked for information: I work as a software developer (C#) in supply chain management, such as warehouse automation, inventory management, shipping integration systems. I'm single, but have been living with my significant other for close to 10 years. She has no interest in gaming whatsoever, with the exception of playing Minesweeper on her iPad. I'm an avid sci-fi/fantasy reader and writer, and I also enjoy video production such as special effects, compositing, etc...

I appreciate the added information!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also wanted to add that for those that posted human or humanoid sub-species names under races (while creative)will have their race as unspecified in the final count.
Sorry for the confusion!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: White

What you enjoy most out of the gam: building (houses/structures)

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SSP because I have crummy internet. Will play SMP when I can

How long have you been playing FTB: early December.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: Caucasian

What you enjoy most out of the game: building (contraptions/automation)

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SSP

How long have you been playing FTB: Since launch


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race you identify with: Albino (Caucasian is the technical term I believe...)
What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one): Mining and Energy production mostly (I'm a geologist by trade :p)
Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SSP unless I find a good server to 'work on'
How long have you been playing FTB: since inception last September. Played Minecraft since 2010. Began using mods since April 2011 with IC1 for Minecraft beta 1.3

Good luck in your project! Keep in mind, though, that you may want to get on other mod community forums (like Buildcraft's and Industrialcraft's) in order to add to your data. I know some of them may not use FTB specifically, but they do represent a core demographic that's been present for quite awhile now in Minecraft...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: my coworkers claim I'm a Vampire

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: building

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SSP

How long have you been playing FTB: December when I started with FTB


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 24
Gender: Human
What do you enjoy the most: building contraptions and CC code
SSP or SMP: SSP primarily, because I can't seem to find a server that stays up for more than a month
How long: Been playing Insanity map a few week after its release, and following FTB ever since. Playing with mods since MC beta 1.6, and minecraft since beta 1.0.

Wanted to add that most people playing the pack don't even come to the forums, and that among those that come, many never post, so your demographics study that comes out will not be representative in any respect, as most of those that are active here are roughly the same profile. (Caucasian, 20-30 years old, having interest or working with technology)
Anyway, good luck.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wanted to add that most people playing the pack don't even come to the forums, and that among those that come, many never post, so your demographics study that comes out will not be representative in any respect, as most of those that are active here are roughly the same profile. (Caucasian, 20-30 years old, having interest or working with technology)
Anyway, good luck.

Nice input, thank you. I've already had to cut down from the entire minecraft community down to the FTB community and now down to the FTB Forum community. Doing an Interest Based Community for my project poses these unique challenges. I've asked slowpoke for better numbers but I've been referred down to those that have been active on the forums within the past 5 months. Its unfortunate, but it will have to do.[DOUBLEPOST=1360691214][/DOUBLEPOST]
Good luck in your project! Keep in mind, though, that you may want to get on other mod community forums (like Buildcraft's and Industrialcraft's) in order to add to your data. I know some of them may not use FTB specifically, but they do represent a core demographic that's been present for quite awhile now in Minecraft...
Thank you, and I've came to a realization that I had to narrow my choice down and have chosen to represent only the FTB community that is active in posting on the forums. When it comes to internet interest based communities, getting numbers is a pain.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: White

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one); mining, building (houses/structures), building (contraptions/automation), adventuring/exploring: building (and unbuilding, via explosives)

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: SSP, can't ever seem to find a server that isn't riddled to hell and back with either lag, completely unhelpful people, and/or trolls that lazy admins refuse to actively deal with.

How long have you been playing FTB: Around 3 months.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been getting some great feedback so far, I love the extra comments people are adding. Its helping me flesh out some of the things I was unsure of. Still have a week before its due. If I end up quoting any of the added responses in my paper I will give credit to those who posted! I've also been thinking if anyone was interested I may post the finished paper here for all to view. I think that anyone that helped contribute to the work in any way should get to see the results!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 46 or 45. Can't remember. October 67, you work it out.

Gender: Male

Race you identify with: Ghostly white from being indoors too long.

What you enjoy most out of the game (choose one) exploring.

Do you play mostly SMP or SSP: Both equally.

How long have you been playing FTB:Since launch.... Mods in general about a year.

Question I want to answer.... What do you hate about the game ? Answer; People who complain about it endlessly. (oh and lighting bug)