age: 15
experience: too much
skype?: cant skype
skill: im an awful miner but im great at killing things in twilight and tech
How long have played?: probably 2 months
IGN: pizzawolf14
No screenshots of builds yet but i have a massive iron farm using carmanite golems in an ssp world
and i really like babarocks' house![]()
age (15+):15
Experience with ftb/mods: ive been playing for a few months now, and im pretty good at it.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: i can use both my skype name is mjbentley1001, or something like that
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): i like to do allot with applied energistics, and with ic2 and build craft.
How long have you been playing FTB?: for a few months now
IGN: blowery
Anything else you want to add(extra points): i have been playing minecraft since late alpha, and i like waffles!!!!!
Age: 15
Experience with ftb/mods: I have been playing for a few months, pretty good with machines but still need a lot of practice.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: i have skype it is tyler.dalton95.
What is your best skill in FTB: really good at mining and building.
How long have you been playing FTB: for a few months.
IGN: axemanyo
Anything else you want to add (extra points): i've been playing minecraft since early beta and my favorite mob is an enderman.
All accepted! Join up soon!