Whitelist Server |Deltro-Ultimate|120 Slots|Dedicated 24/7|Grief prevention|mature 15+|

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age (15+): 21
Experience with ftb/mods: Played technic first since .8 or ealier then went to feed the beast later on
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Yes I can
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Tech and design
How long have you been playing FTB?: since Dec
IGN: TankoHidiki
Anything else you want to add(extra points): Lots of cool pictures on this page
age (15+): 21
Experience with ftb/mods: Played technic first since .8 or ealier then went to feed the beast later on
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Yes I can
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Tech and design
How long have you been playing FTB?: since Dec
IGN: TankoHidiki
Anything else you want to add(extra points): Lots of cool pictures on this page

Please add a little bit more information to get whitelisted.
age (15+): 15!
Experience with ftb/mods: I have been playing Ftb for 6-7 months now
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I will but i do not give out my skype publicly as i can be ddos
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Tech and Mining
How long have you been playing FTB?: See Question 2
IGN: Bloodychris
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I hope i get accepted :)
age (15+): 18
Experience with ftb/mods: Been playing ftb since release date and played tekkit before that, have experience with mindcrack and ultimate pack.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Yes :) Nick : jullejul
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): tech, mining, im not a very good builder so i do most tech stuff.
How long have you been playing FTB?: Since release or something like that.
IGN: julllleee
Anything else you want to add(extra points): Hope i get whitelisted :)
age (15+): 15!
Experience with ftb/mods: I have been playing Ftb for 6-7 months now
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I will but i do not give out my skype publicly as i can be ddos
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Tech and Mining
How long have you been playing FTB?: See Question 2
IGN: Bloodychris
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I hope i get accepted :)

age (15+): 18
Experience with ftb/mods: Been playing ftb since release date and played tekkit before that, have experience with mindcrack and ultimate pack.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Yes :) Nick : jullejul
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): tech, mining, im not a very good builder so i do most tech stuff.
How long have you been playing FTB?: Since release or something like that.
IGN: julllleee
Anything else you want to add(extra points): Hope i get whitelisted :)

Both accepted.
welcome to the server
age (15+): 16
Experience with ftb/mods: I play FTB daily and have previously been whitelisted on a private mindcrack server which was great as i got to meet new people and work together with them, Me and my friend practically completed Ic2, had a quarry and started into Advanced gregtech, then the owner ran into financial difficulties and the server was shut down so now im looking for a new server to call home. I also had a server for a period of about 6 months on Tekkit classic if that counts for anything.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?:I am able to do both and would be willing to give out these details once whitelisted ;)
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): personall i would consider myself a well rounded individual in all of these respective fields, as i have a knack for building awesome houses and structures with my friends, I am literally a mole and love to hoard gems, ores and ingots and because of this I am able to enjoy all of the mods on offer in the ultimate pack as i have the resources to do so. I am also a team player and love working with other people towards a combined goal.
How long have you been playing FTB?:Since it's release last september/November I forget when it was released exactly :0
IGN: pooman685
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I have been banned twice through accusations of hacking, And even though i was innocent i was not able to sway the people who banned me to un-ban me just ask MClaude on these forums and he will tell you i am excellently behaved and am up for any fun etc.
Age: 16
Experience with FTB mods: bit of of everthing built around IC2
What is your best skill in FTB: Tech and mining
How long have you been playing FTB: quite a while been on another whitelist server but was taken down due to technical difficulties
IGN: Dan_685
Are you able to skype/teamspeak: yes ill give my skype after Ive been whitelisted
Extra: abit bored at the moment after my last server got taken down and would like to play again on a server where everyone is mature to atleast some extent.
age (15+): 16
Experience with ftb/mods: I play FTB daily and have previously been whitelisted on a private mindcrack server which was great as i got to meet new people and work together with them, Me and my friend practically completed Ic2, had a quarry and started into Advanced gregtech, then the owner ran into financial difficulties and the server was shut down so now im looking for a new server to call home. I also had a server for a period of about 6 months on Tekkit classic if that counts for anything.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?:I am able to do both and would be willing to give out these details once whitelisted ;)
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): personall i would consider myself a well rounded individual in all of these respective fields, as i have a knack for building awesome houses and structures with my friends, I am literally a mole and love to hoard gems, ores and ingots and because of this I am able to enjoy all of the mods on offer in the ultimate pack as i have the resources to do so. I am also a team player and love working with other people towards a combined goal.
How long have you been playing FTB?:Since it's release last september/November I forget when it was released exactly :0
IGN: pooman685
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I have been banned twice through accusations of hacking, And even though i was innocent i was not able to sway the people who banned me to un-ban me just ask MClaude on these forums and he will tell you i am excellently behaved and am up for any fun etc.

Age: 16
Experience with FTB mods: bit of of everthing built around IC2
What is your best skill in FTB: Tech and mining
How long have you been playing FTB: quite a while been on another whitelist server but was taken down due to technical difficulties
IGN: Dan_685
Are you able to skype/teamspeak: yes ill give my skype after Ive been whitelisted
Extra: abit bored at the moment after my last server got taken down and would like to play again on a server where everyone is mature to atleast some extent.

Both accepted!
welcome to the server
age (15+): 15
Experience with ftb/mods: 3 months
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: yes
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): mining/gathering
How long have you been playing FTB?: see question 2
IGN: Trollzor693
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I hope I get accepted
age (15+): 15
Experience with ftb/mods: 3 months
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: yes
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): mining/gathering
How long have you been playing FTB?: see question 2
IGN: Trollzor693
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I hope I get accepted

server ip:Deltro.dedi.creeperhost.net
age (15+): 17
Experience with ftb/mods: played FTB since it came out, also played some tekkit before that so im well familiar with the mods :)
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I don't have a microphone :(
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): I'd say my best skill is building.
How long have you been playing FTB?: As i said further up i have played FTB since it came out.
IGN: Urgie_
Anything else you want to add(extra points): The previous server i played on started with whitelisting, but recently changing to open, resulting in a lot of items getting banned (portable hole, wand of excavation, portal gun, gravity gun, just to name a few). IMO that really ruined the server and i hope the same won't happen to this one :)
Age (15+): 16.
Experience with ftb/mods: I have been playing Tekkit since it came out. Then FTB showed up so I played on a whitelisted server for the mindcrack pack for a while but than the server had to go down and so I took a break from Minecraft. Ultimate pack doesnt seem that diftent so I think I should understand what i will be doing.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I could but my english will sound Russian(though im Lithuanian) and Im a pretty quiet guy. But anyways Skype: Nesamone654
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): I think my strong parts are building and tech but I also love bees and I take everything slow and dont get full quantum and stuff so I wouldnt get bored.
How long have you been playing FTB?: To be fair I never played the Ultimate pack but I have alot of experience from Tekkit and the Mindcrack pack
IGN: Kotton_Lt
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I play 4-6 hours a day. Im a pretty good builder though I dont play creative or survival and everything I did went down with the server I mentioned earlier.
age (15+): 18 ( in a week)
Experience with ftb/mods:i am playing ftb already since it came out
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: i have teamspeak and skype bur if you don't mind i will only give it once accepted for privacy messures at the moment so i can talk and will be glad to :)
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): i love minning and building new stuff and together with that making new tech stuff to test with in builds is amazing so i like everything about ftb
How long have you been playing FTB?: since it came out
IGN: CaptainAmerica26
Anything else you want to add(extra points):

i am most of the time online but only not when i am having my graduation exams but those don't take too long
i'll be glad to help build stuff and make a fun but serious time :)
age (15+): I am 16 years of age.
Experience with ftb/mods: They way I got hooked into mods was through Technic/Tekkit - played all I could out of that. Tekkit was very easily exploited however, making the online gameplay not too good. Forget how I found out about FTB, but ever since I have been playing it nonstop. (found out about it last November). I am specifically good with all of the Techy type mods - i.e. ComputerCraft, IC2, Redpower, BC, etc. However I just recently got into bees!
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Yes I am (both Skype and Teamspeak), though I am not too talkative unless I am living with said person. Skype: Ryan84MC.
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): I would have to say Tech and Mining - though I am trying to become a better builder!
How long have you been playing FTB?: Since November, so a good 7 or 8 months.
IGN: Ryan784
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I am looking for a nice tight-knit community to join and play with, I am an active player for the most part - but the next two weeks will be hectic with exams and all; I do try to live with at least one other person (as long as they are experienced with FTB!), but besides that I like to keep to my self living wise. However, I do try to be as helpful as possible; I like to trade other players, or if they are just in need of a quick item (i.e. 5 Redstone to finish a build), I will usually help em out. I am strongly against spoon feeding players.
experience with ftb: I have most end game items on my singleplayer world 5 or 6 months
are able to skype or ts: I do have Skype my name is Falken
best skill: mineing tech and some building
how long have you been playing FTB?: A very long time
IGN: Falken1998 or falken1998
Extra: was a mod on a ftb server but the server crashed
really want/hope to be whitelisted
age (15+): 17
Experience with ftb/mods: played FTB since it came out, also played some tekkit before that so im well familiar with the mods :)
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I don't have a microphone :(
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): I'd say my best skill is building.
How long have you been playing FTB?: As i said further up i have played FTB since it came out.
IGN: Urgie_
Anything else you want to add(extra points): The previous server i played on started with whitelisting, but recently changing to open, resulting in a lot of items getting banned (portable hole, wand of excavation, portal gun, gravity gun, just to name a few). IMO that really ruined the server and i hope the same won't happen to this one :)

Accepted welcome!
Age (15+): 16.
Experience with ftb/mods: I have been playing Tekkit since it came out. Then FTB showed up so I played on a whitelisted server for the mindcrack pack for a while but than the server had to go down and so I took a break from Minecraft. Ultimate pack doesnt seem that diftent so I think I should understand what i will be doing.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I could but my english will sound Russian(though im Lithuanian) and Im a pretty quiet guy. But anyways Skype: Nesamone654
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): I think my strong parts are building and tech but I also love bees and I take everything slow and dont get full quantum and stuff so I wouldnt get bored.
How long have you been playing FTB?: To be fair I never played the Ultimate pack but I have alot of experience from Tekkit and the Mindcrack pack
IGN: Kotton_Lt
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I play 4-6 hours a day. Im a pretty good builder though I dont play creative or survival and everything I did went down with the server I mentioned earlier.

Accepted Welcome: Deltro.dedi.creeperhost.net
age (15+): 18 ( in a week)
Experience with ftb/mods:i am playing ftb already since it came out
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: i have teamspeak and skype bur if you don't mind i will only give it once accepted for privacy messures at the moment so i can talk and will be glad to :)
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): i love minning and building new stuff and together with that making new tech stuff to test with in builds is amazing so i like everything about ftb
How long have you been playing FTB?: since it came out
IGN: CaptainAmerica26
Anything else you want to add(extra points):

i am most of the time online but only not when i am having my graduation exams but those don't take too long
i'll be glad to help build stuff and make a fun but serious time :)
Accepted welcome :)
age (15+): I am 16 years of age.
Experience with ftb/mods: They way I got hooked into mods was through Technic/Tekkit - played all I could out of that. Tekkit was very easily exploited however, making the online gameplay not too good. Forget how I found out about FTB, but ever since I have been playing it nonstop. (found out about it last November). I am specifically good with all of the Techy type mods - i.e. ComputerCraft, IC2, Redpower, BC, etc. However I just recently got into bees!
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Yes I am (both Skype and Teamspeak), though I am not too talkative unless I am living with said person. Skype: Ryan84MC.
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): I would have to say Tech and Mining - though I am trying to become a better builder!
How long have you been playing FTB?: Since November, so a good 7 or 8 months.
IGN: Ryan784
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I am looking for a nice tight-knit community to join and play with, I am an active player for the most part - but the next two weeks will be hectic with exams and all; I do try to live with at least one other person (as long as they are experienced with FTB!), but besides that I like to keep to my self living wise. However, I do try to be as helpful as possible; I like to trade other players, or if they are just in need of a quick item (i.e. 5 Redstone to finish a build), I will usually help em out. I am strongly against spoon feeding players.
experience with ftb: I have most end game items on my singleplayer world 5 or 6 months
are able to skype or ts: I do have Skype my name is Falken
best skill: mineing tech and some building
how long have you been playing FTB?: A very long time
IGN: Falken1998 or falken1998
Extra: was a mod on a ftb server but the server crashed
really want/hope to be whitelisted
Denied, sorry.

Awesome, can't wait to play!

*EDIT Says I am not whitelisted - did you put my name in correctly? "Ryan784" EDIT* I am whitelisted, thanks again. :)
age (15+): 18 ( in a week)
Experience with ftb/mods:i am playing ftb already since it came out
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: i have teamspeak and skype bur if you don't mind i will only give it once accepted for privacy messures at the moment so i can talk and will be glad to :)
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc):tech
How long have you been playing FTB?: Almost 2 years
Anything else you want to add(extra points):

i am online for a couple of hours a day, less during exams.
age (15+): 18 ( in a week)
Experience with ftb/mods:i am playing ftb already since it came out
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: i have teamspeak and skype bur if you don't mind i will only give it once accepted for privacy messures at the moment so i can talk and will be glad to :)
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc):tech
How long have you been playing FTB?: Almost 2 years
Anything else you want to add(extra points):
i am online for a couple of hours a day, less during exams.

Accepted welcome to the server :D
age (15+): 24
Experience with ftb/mods: Used almost everymod in this pack, was in single player on ultimate for about 2 months so i got to learn almost all of it.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I have access to both skype and teamspeak, once accepted ill give this out :)
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): tech
How long have you been playing FTB?: been on ftb more or less since release, been using tekkit before that. been on since beta
Anything else you want to add(extra points):
i am usually on atleast 6-7 hours a day at the moment may drop abit in the next few weeks