Whitelist Server Deltro-NR | Grief Prevention | No Banned Items | TeamSpeak | Whitelist | NOW UNLEASHED

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IGN?: kiingjuggy
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: since it came out
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Technical knowledge
Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Never :)
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: I most certainly do :)
What is your In Game Name?
My in game name is mihai16121998
What is your email address?
[email protected]
How old are you?
I am 14 years old
How long have you been playing minecraft? *
I play minecraft since beta version.

How long have you been playing Feed The Beast?
I play ftb since last summer

Why do you want to join this Feed the Beast server?

I want to play on these server because i want to join a nice community with nice players and no griefers.I want to make new friends and to have fun!
Which of the below, would you consider to be your best attribute in Feed the Beast?
Technical Expert
Do you accept that you have read the rules above and therefore agree to follow them at all times during your stay on the server? Yes
My in-game name: mango541
How long I have been playing Minecraft: Almost 2 years and on going. Love everything about the game! From the crazy architecture to the simple dirt houses everything is awesome, and Feed the Beast only adds more to the already amazing game!
How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: Not long actually, only about 3 weeks but I love the endless possibilities that it adds to the game.
My favorite mods in Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: IC2, Buildcraft, and Thaumcraft. I'm interested most in these because of the amount of content they add to the game including power in general and transport pipes which add so much to the game in my opinion. Thaumcraft I am still trying to get a grasp of but I'm learning fast! Honestly these are my real favorites because I haven't had the time to wrap my mind around the other mods, but that'll change soon.
The thing I enjoy most about the game is: How much the game is like Legos but in a different and more advanced way. I think all of us just enjoy such a simple game because, we can make it as complicated or as simple as we want, unlike Call of Duty that seems to get more and more complicated each day. The act of creating and being able to have others learn and see what this game can be is really awesome. The addition of FTB in my past couple days of playing has blown my mind on the possibilities in this game, but when it comes down to it my favorite thing about the game is how you build up and get better and better. The game never ends!

> I'm a 19 year old male studying Electrical Engineering at Oregon State University.

> I love intricate contraptions and love trying to figure out how things work (circuit boards have always blown my mind)

> I don't start fights I resolve them.

> Love almost every type of music but mostly beats with a good bass line.
accepted =D however i'm surprised you didn't mention red power as a favourite considering your an electrical engineer
IGN: Emrehoops
How old are you: 15
How long have you been playing feed the beast: 1 year
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity: Technical Knowledge, I advance in this caregory because I have done lots of Grechtech/Industrial craft and I know a lot about these 2 category's as well as Buildcraft.
Have you ever been banned? If so what for: I have never been ban on a FTB server
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them:I accept all of them and I hope I can be on the server soon. Thank you
IGN?: xVertical
How old are you?: 13
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 1 Year.
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Technical knowledge. I think this would be my best attribute only because I'm really good with Buildcraft, Thermal expansion, Industrialcraft, Computercraft, and a bit of Redpower.
Have you ever been banned? If so what for? I have never been banned.
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes, I accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them.
Thank you for reading my application.
How old are you?: 28
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 1 week
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Mining and creativity. I love to build but have done alot of mining to get there
Have you ever been banned? If so what for? nope had never been banned :)
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Absolutley :)
IGN?: gankinjenkins
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 8 months
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: technical knowledge
Have you ever been banned? If so what for? no
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: yes
How old are you?:16
How long have you been playing feed the beast?:6 months
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: my best attribute is definitely technical knowledge but i am also a good miner and i have some creativity
Have you ever been banned? If so what for?: ive never been banned
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes i do
How old are you?:!6
How long have you been playing feed the beast?:4 weeks
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?:Mining some technical knowledge and a hint of Creativity
Have you ever been banned? If so what for?No
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?:Yes
  1. IGN?: Doofer10
  2. How old are you?: 15
  3. How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 1.5 month
  4. Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity? My opinion is that my best attribute is mining and technical knowledge :p
  5. Have you ever been banned? If so what for?: No
  6. Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: yes!

    I really hope you accept me because i was looking a great server like this..thanks :)
IGN: Aidan3026
How old are you?:12
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: a little over a 4 months
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: mining
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: yes