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My IGN: is GhostKnifer1
How old am I?: 13
How long have you played FTB: 4 months(?)
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge,mining, or Creativity?: i would say mining because although i know alot there's a TON in Ftb to Learn.
Have you ever been Banned?: yes, i was told by the head-admin to ban someone, then unban him and another admin came on got was angry his friend was banned so then banned me.(if you cant tell i talk Alot even on the internet and i am sorry if that matters)
Do you accept the rules and any updates made to them?: Yes, I accept All the Rules and any changes you make to them.
IGN?: Redillan
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: Since beta
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Mining
Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Nope, Haven't
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes I do Good Sir
cossieolie, Dylan was banned for threatening to delete the world file and multiple other server files.
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: About half a year
What are your skills? Tech stuff, Mining, Building?: Tech
Have you ever been banned? If so what for?: I have never been banned. Ever.
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Why of course my friend
Your In-game name?: dasboot222
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: About half a year
What are your skills? Tech stuff, Mining, Building?: Mining
Have you ever been banned? If so what for?: I have never been banned, and hopefully never will be!
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: Yes i do! :)
Your In-game name?: Assassinzz09
IGN?: Miller Highs
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: A year and some change.
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?:Buld craft, Ind. Craft, creativity, Thaumcraft. But I Enjoy all mods! :)
Have you ever been banned? If so what for? No, I have not.
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?:Yes.
I added MillerHighs and Miller_Highs not sure if that is correct or not as you left a space :P but accepted xD
IGN: The_Snack_Bandit
Age: 26
Amount of time playing Feed The Beast: Not long, maybe a week or so.
Best attribute: probably mining, i like building stuff the most though.
Have you ever been banned?: No

yes i accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them.
How old are you: 12
How long have you been playing ftb: beta A
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity: Mining and technical
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: absolutely
IGN?: Garmeer
How old are you?: 13
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: Since the day the launcher was released, played with tech mods for years.
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Technical Knowledge
Have you ever been banned? If so what for?: never
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: I agree to the current ones, but I'm not going to agree in advance to future rules until I know what they are.