When will people learn that telling the godmodder how much damage it took does not work.I notify the godmodder that we may have to necro him removing all but one point of health
When will people learn that telling the godmodder how much damage it took does not work.
The godmodder has more swag than you. It does nothing.I dance with swag at the Godmodder.
I destroy any and all swag thus destroying part of godmodders endless memories
The swag is too much for Liara and she explodes.I use my channel swag spell to imbue Liara with intense amounts of swag.
I notify Doctor Hax of the Godmodder's existence.
I delete the Godmodder before he can react.
And remove his powers.
I throw cheese at the godmodder.
Sent from my Galaxy Note 3 using Tapatalk
I notify the godmodder that we may have to necro him removing all but one point of health
When will people learn that telling the godmodder how much damage it took does not work.
View attachment 8677
Anyways, in all seriousness I send in zombies...View attachment 8678
Also I call n Bartz with necromancer job and send all of them to attack the GModder
The godmodder takes your money and then beats you up and takes your wallet.I donate $5 to the Godmodder.
Prays to Zeus to strike down the godmodder with a thunderous lightningbolt that would cause a short circuit disabling it for some time that I save for later in case I need to respawn.