Because when spoils bags drop initially, they are "empty" and don't actually have NBT or whatever to contain items - they actually will stack if placed in a DSU, barrel Etc.
Thus only generate their contents when they enter a players inventory.
Not a turtle inventory - a player inventory.
Once the contents are generated, then a turtle can empty them.
That's why when you were setting up the program it seemed to work - by manually carrying bags to the turtle, you had them in your inv, generating their contents.
But when you piped them in, they did not enter a players inv and therefore did not Actually contain anything yet.
No-one has found a way to automatically generte these contents yet.
Right clicking can be done in a Tool Dynamism Tablet or a Turtle very easily, S you all know.
But the Players inv part?
Not so much.
So, it's like Schrödinger's spoils bag?