This is the Cult of Kitteh's concept pack, a pack that shows off that you can survive and thrive in minecraft without using GUIs. The progression of the pack is based on cross interaction of different mods, all handily documented in books you start off with!

- Unique ore processing!
- Self Sacrificing!
- Accuse tinkerers of heresy!
- Books!
- Kill Slimes!
- Skyhooks!
- New and exciting recipes!
- Burn the Witches!
- Pick flowers!
- Shun the non-believers!
- Shun!

- CodeChickenCore (by chicken_bones)
- NotEnoughItems (by chicken_bones)
- Mantle (by mDiyo)
- Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
- Waila (by ProfMobius)
- Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
- Jabba (by ProfMobius)
- TiC Tooltips (by squeek502)
- Baubles (by azanor)
- Blood Magic (by WayofTime)
- AgriCraft (by InfinityRaider)
- AutoPackager (by smbarbour)
- Ex Nihilo (by Erasmus_Crowley)
- Dense Ores (by RWTema)
- Witchery (by Emoniph)
- Ztones (by riciJak)
- Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
- Aura Cascade (by pixlepix)
- ModTweaker (by jaredlll08)
- CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
- Crafting Pillar mod (by Dawars)
- Super Crafting Frame (by Edgar_Allen)
- Alternate Terrain Generation (by TTFTCUTS)
- Enchiridion (by joshiejack)
- Mariculture (by joshiejack)
- Antique Atlas (by Hunternif)
- Ex Astris (by insaneau)
- Quadrum (by dmillerw)
- ExtraTiC (by JeanGlassmaker)
- Carpenter's Blocks (by Syntaxial)
- Another One Bites the Dust (by ganymedes01)
- StartingInventory (by bspkrs)
- BiblioCraft (by JDSinclair)
- Botania (by Vazkii)
- Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
- MineTweaker3 (by StanH)

If you want to talk about the modpack at all, feel free to join us on #cultofkitteh on irc.esper.net!
You can download the pack on the Curse Launcher! If you can't get the Curse Launcher, then use this Curseforge link to download the files to use in a MultiMC instance.
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