Nice dude![DOUBLEPOST=1414320585][/DOUBLEPOST]
Accepted. welcome to CCGIn-Game Username: jaydog12987
Age: 16
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No I have not been banned from any minecraft server
If Yes, why?
How often can you play?: Almost everyday when I'm not doing anything else
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes
Will you follow ALL of our rules?: Yes sir, I will follow all the rules
Why do you want to join CCG?: My friends Psychorelic and 0blivi0n329 play on the server
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?: I will work together with anyone who asks me any questions on the server as well as communicate back with any inquires.
Denied, poor application SorryIn-Game Username:Solomonzz
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:nop never
If Yes, why?
How often can you play?:6-8hours a day
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?:yes
Will you follow ALL of our rules?yes
Why do you want to join CCG?:cos i wanna meet new ppl and have fun with other ppl without haveing to fear that someone will rob me after im off
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?:i want to find new friends and have fun and play with other people.
ill white list you when I'm home[DOUBLEPOST=1414478365][/DOUBLEPOST]In-Game Username:Ceragor1
Age: 33
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No, but I haven't played on a server with more than 3 people
If Yes, why? N/A
How often can you play?: I play usually every day for at least an hour, but really depends on me having time next to my wife and kids...
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes, I used TS for a long time, but same with gametime: depends on family
Will you follow ALL of our rules? I will try.
Why do you want to join CCG?: I'm a long-time Minecraft player, and enjoyed it in multiple forms. But always just on my own or with at the max two other people. Recently I was playing a lot less active and observed, that it is because I have no one to show my builds to on my singleplayer world, or to help others with theirs. To sum it up: I am looking for a bunch of people to share my love for this game with...
Did this just then, thanks for waitingill white list you when I'm home
Accepted, welcome to the communityIn-Game Username: setfry
Age: 17
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: nope, I don't normally play on servers but I've always tried my very best to be tolerant of others, even if they grief, it is after all just a game.
If Yes, why?
How often can you play?: whenever I want provided I'm not busy with other hobbies, or some time soon starting an apprenticeship, if not that then college, but still everyday if I can.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: yes
Will you follow ALL of our rules? most certainly, rules define the experience, if we didn't have them and follow them, no one would have any fun
Why do you want to join CCG?: This community looks small enough for me to feel comfortable in and yet big enough for me to make lots of new friends, I love the aspect of Minecraft of building something together, mods just add to that incredible experience, and by the looks of things people have enjoyed the server thus far
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?: in whatever way I can, my social skills lack a little due to my aspergers syndrome however I'm sure with a little help and kind welcome I will gladly be able to partake in the server in any way I can, and if there is anything the server needs assistance with I would be thrilled to lend a helping hand.
Accepted, welcome to crowd controlIn-Game Username: Boratanoim
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope.
If Yes, why?
How often can you play?: I can play for around 4-5 hours everyday with the exception of some homework that I may have to do.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes I do
Will you follow ALL of our rules? Yes
Why do you want to join CCG?: I have played alot of feed the beast servers and all of them lag, this server I hope provides a good lag free community, I like your way of accepting and denying players and It looks like it has been going well since no trouble makers have joined
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?: I plan on making myself as helpful as anyone else would say and being the nicest person I can be on the server, with the exception of having a joke around at times!![]()
[DOUBLEPOST=1414874256][/DOUBLEPOST]In-Game Username: collazocraftGeneral Rules:![]()
- IP: Friendly Admins
- Mystcraft Restricted!
- Nuke Disabled
- No Lag
No Duplication Glitches! No Griefing! No Stealing! Please don't talk in all caps Be Mature Play friendly. Be respectful to everyone. No flaming of any sorts allowed. If you have a bad attitude, don't come on the server. Do not Beg for anything (Admin, Items , Etc.. ) No 3rd party clients allowed.
Myst-Craft Rules
- If you experience any problems with the server, Contact a mod or admin on the forums or ingame
- All the rules provided above are pretty basic and cover many aspects of the game and how to conduct oneself on the server. They have served us well for the past year and should continue to do so until the server comes to a close, which hopefully will not happen for a very long time. However, if we need to, we will change the rules in order to deal with any situation that the current rules can't deal with or if something goes haywire in the behaviour of the community. Really has not been an issue in the past, really should not be in the future. We need you, the player, to help us keep it that way.
- Advertising - You will be banned
- Practice the art of the inner monologue. You don't need to share your every thought in chat. The occasional witty remark is fine and expected (laughing is good, we love to laugh), and often times people building/adventuring together will use in-game chat to coordinate, but you'll have to learn how much is too much when working by yourself chatting to no one in particular.
Mystcraft is a great mod, unfortunately it causes way to much server lag.
Spongecakes!! <-- Secret word
- May still create link books to get to and from places in the overworld
- May Use link books to other ages, only if created by its owner.
- May not take up residence in another players age without the owner + an admins permission
- May Create Link Book Modifiers to create Intralinking books
Dell PowerEdge M610
CPU - 2 x Hex-Core Xeon Processors E-5645
HDD - 1 x 400GB SATA II SSD (3Gb/s)
If you want to improve your chances of whitelist, come chat with us!People who may Approve/Deny your application:
- Myself (mnbvc655)
- Kona351
Welcome to ccg man![DOUBLEPOST=1414874256][/DOUBLEPOST]In-Game Username: collazocraft
Age:17 Spongecakes
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:No
If Yes, why?
How often can you play?: every day, or when have free time
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?:yes
Will you follow ALL of our rules?yes
Why do you want to join CCG?:My freind jdmus plays the server and said it was a blast so i would like to join him.
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?:Ill help out in community projects and be of assistance to anyone who needs it.
Anybody is allowed my friend[DOUBLEPOST=1414990806][/DOUBLEPOST]Small quistion are players who only can play at 2 week basis allowed?
Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9515 met Tapatalk
Hey man, your application is a little empty, so i'm going to declineIn-Game Username: DJ_HoneyDew
Age: 18
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope
If Yes, why?
How often can you play?: Every Weekend due to college
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes i do
Will you follow ALL of our rules? of Course
Why do you want to join CCG?: For the experience of sharing creations with other people, and being part of a community
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?: Any way that i can![]()