First: I would like you to consider the fact that you are only trying to make the city look as hellish as possible because you lack the ability to raid it properly, and you don't want anyone to tell you that is actually easy because you will feel like you are not as good as you though. Now you are just making excuses and it's starting to bore me. But for the sake of clarity:
1) Day 2-3? Again, no need to wait, ore duping in the first or second day will yield you twice as much. If you go for the high oven, (Which requires some more effort) triple. If you can't understand that, not my problem.
2) Talked about the scyte in late game, not in 2 days. (I think that you could get it in the second day if you had a good income of iron in the city and got the alumite scyte head from a building, but I think it's better to use that iron for hoppers if you don't have aluminum yet, and for armor and various thingies that require iron.)
3) If you don't run away from zombie pigman and blazes then the next time you go to the city you will not have to deal with them because you destroy the spawners, can't understand that? Again, not my problem.
4) Wrong, you can loot every single chest easily, with I would say a 90% chance of doing it safely if you do it with patience and correctly. Can't understand the power of water? Not my fucking problem. Stop watching direwolf and start watching people who play vanilla (Like etho) And you will learn much more.
5) I will call you whatever I want, as you were the one who called me a cocky bastard, which means you think you are superior than me because you think Im not as good as Im saying (Add let met tell you something, it's not that i'm good, i'm actually worse than etho for example, there is a ton of trick's that I can't do (stair parachuting for example, or water bucket parachuting are seriously hard for me, to the point I dont even try) its that you are bad. Plain bad. You forgot vanilla basic shit. News flash kiddo, vanilla still works in modded..).
6) Deal with pigman with a bow? Why are you doing that? You do know that you can put blocks right? And that they actually STOP ARROWS? Now, for the regular 3 pigman: Put bucket of water, which will push them away, then, put a block in front of you to be able to get to stop properly and dont get washed by the water, then smack the crap out of them while pushing backwards so you are safe when they jump because of the hit.
7) Yes, it's worth it, because when I come home I have the basics I need to start doing all I want without any trouble, further exploration of the city besides going to 2 smelt bulding and 3 or 4 (If you are looking to get the quick assembly) pneumatic buildings, is just fluff and trying to get raw materials like iron, invar, apples and heart canisters. Which you don't need right away, so yeah, completely worth it.
8) Congratulations on raiding with all that stuff, welcome to the 100% who can do it, do you want a cookie or something? Minecraft is a game about thinking and being creative, you are just doing what you are told, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a better way. The fact that you are unable to accomplish something without your jetpack doesn't mean that no one can do it, and also doesn't mean that it's not worth it, you may have trouble doing it in the second die and find it worthless, I don't, I just go and beat the crap out of the spawners from outside/below and then pill up and do the same with the enemies, takes more time (Which means more food) that's why I have to come back quick, after 10 to 15 builds, but yet again, I come back with all I need.
9) Diamonds are not that usefull in this map. You don't get that much emeralds sifting gravel, you get enough to get you by but not enough to trade with villagers. You can fucking melt villagers into emeralds. Ergo, villagers = better source of emeralds than gravel.
10) Yeah, of course, gravel gives you every metal, but you can't triple it. You can only triple dust. And the time spent in making gravel is time you could spend with an indestructible cobalt shovel (Not hard to get) getting stacks and stacks and stacks and more stacks of dust to sieve using a steve's factory setup (which is fast as fuck, check it on youtube if necessary). So in the end, gravel is only useful for one piece of lapis (After that, you can just convert pneumatic seeds to lapis) and some diamonds. Yup, Ill take the dust with redstone, glowstone and certus.. And the triple ores. Thanks!
11) 30 minutes to raid a building with water? Dude, just stop crying like a kid because I broke your perfect world in which you are the master of the masters because you can do what everyone can, and grab a fucking bucket of water and go to the city. If you don't believe me (which would destroy your ego, so I understand that you are reluctant to admit the fact that there is an easy way to raid) then try it yourself.
12)Yes it is, and yes I do.
13) Sooo.. looted like what? 4 cities? Maybe 5? Please, at the point you have the time to loot that much, you should have enough infrestructure to get 4 times what you get on those cities, that's just a lie dude, don't hype yourself without thinking first.
14) I will not! Thanks for the support, have a nice day, babay!