Configuring Gregtech for Noninterference

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1. Inventory Unification: changes items in your inventory every so often
2. Crafting Unification: changes items that enter a Gregtech block only

The first impacts you all the time, and sometimes it's useful to have it off if items are being improperly converted while you're holding them.
The second only impacts items that enter Gregtech blocks, which you can easily avoid on purpose if you want to keep an item the same in your inventory.

You'll need to set special unification targets for those things which aren't crafted into the right version (using unification.cfg) Unfortunately, I'm not entirely familiar with this section, so you'll need to experiment setting things to true.

This root of this problem is often a result of mod authors not conforming to specific Oredict "standards", which Gregtech relies upon to convert things and represent the materials as a single meta item correctly.

I don't believe there is a config option for plastic sheets. The TPPItweaks mod might have it fixed.
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I think the GT config might have an option for paper. There was an option under "harderrecipes" in the dynamic config that was called platePaper, I'm not 100% sure that's what it does, but I think so.
Sorry it took me so long to say this, but yes, that config does boost the paper recipe up to 3 per craft again.
Hello! Nice to read you. :)

I am especially interested in these options:
in GregTech.cfg

These are our settings right now, ahd there are lots of problems concerning other mods.
When items changed in player inventory, that caused a problem with other mods.
Right now Mekanism suffers - you cannot craft the circuits (named Control circuit) in the mod, you have to use electronic and advanced circuits from IC2/GregTech.
Applied Energistics Fluix dust has a problem, if you make dust from nether quartz in any other machine than IC2 macerator or Mekanism Crusher, it will become a nether quartz dust with another, unusable ID for fluix dust.
Also Minefactory Reloaded plastic sheets are complicated, and must be madee by two IC2/Greg machines.
Should I set B:CraftingUnification=true, as I think? Or can I de-activate these unintentional infringements into other mods in greg's multitude of configs?

I keep scanning the configs, till you answer, thanx in advance!

Well, about the nether quartz, put the macerated nether quartz in the "preferences" in the unifier from mfr and then you can put pulverized quartz and it will turn into the macerated kind.
My greatest problem is that it's very hard to set up a server, which is good for both kind of players who like Gregtech or not.
It would be wonderful if this IC2 expansion consider only modifying it's parent mod: IC2.

Right now, we cannot craft some Mekanism Circuits (original recipe disappeared, but we could use IC2 circuits instead), and nether quartz dust of Applied Energistics works in recipes only if you sent it thru an IC2 Macerator or Mekanism Crusher.

I would like to see happy players - one tinkering carefully with gregged ic2, the other doesn't even need to go near it to use different mods.

I went thru GregTech config files like crazy, and seeking some documentation for it (1.5.2 wiki only), discovered that the altered recipe for flint and steel requires "NameFix=false" option.
First I was so happy to see the complicated config files, I thought: "Okay I can set up everything whith this." No. :(

Please if you can, set me into the right direction to find the config options for the problems above!

Thank you.

Unusable pages: Guide
Well, about the nether quartz, put the macerated nether quartz in the "preferences" in the unifier from mfr and then you can put pulverized quartz and it will turn into the macerated kind.

Yes, I've made an Unifier - first I had to trade with an IC2 player, because the plastic (looks like a stack of plastic sheets) recipe for Minefactory Reloaded disappeared too, and it only could be made in another IC2-Greg machine. :P

I sincerely hope Greg will write a current documentation for the configs, because I don't even know if there are options against these alterations. I've found a lot (for example the tool and armor recipes), but I don't know what for to search? ;)
Circuit, for example as a search word in the configs yielded no success.

There comes the GregMagic expansion for EE3!
Anyone using Ars Magica, and Thaumcraft: FLEE! :D
Only issue I'm having is the recipe change for gears, does anyone know where the line in the configs is to reverse this change?

EDIT: gear recipes nothing to do with GT, so configs are ready to go if someone needs them
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Scottulus, thanks for taking a look at the 4.08s configs. What sorts of changes did you find, and how much do the files differ from 4.08l?

If they're more than a few lines different I can paste yours into my pastebin link and credit you if you're interested.
Scottulus, thanks for taking a look at the 4.08s configs. What sorts of changes did you find, and how much do the files differ from 4.08l?

If they're more than a few lines different I can paste yours into my pastebin link and credit you if you're interested.

There are quite major changes as it's a completely different set of files now as he's split up the configs into separate files now. Sure you can do that, let me know how I can get them to you. I don't run FTB so I'll just need the block and item ID's from you to put them into my configs so they match up with everyone else's because with the file system change people will have to d/l that too now I think.
There are quite major changes as it's a completely different set of files now as he's split up the configs into separate files now. Sure you can do that, let me know how I can get them to you. I don't run FTB so I'll just need the block and item ID's from you to put them into my configs so they match up with everyone else's because with the file system change people will have to d/l that too now I think.
Oh, you not running FTB changes things: The Gregtech Dynamic Config adds many many things from other mods only if it's been loaded with those other mods, like the block to ingot recipes and the armor crafting recipes. For example, running Metallurgy (I think that was the one) adds tens of lines (possibly as many as 100) for the various armors it adds of each metal type. I'll have to fiddle.

As to the IDs... I never re-wrote the BlockItemID.cfg, since FTB ships with one to make it work properly. I'll have to check Jadedcat/Eyamaz's latest GT inclusion to see if they're up to version s, since there were some IDs added recently.
Oh, you not running FTB changes things: The Gregtech Dynamic Config adds many many things from other mods only if it's been loaded with those other mods, like the block to ingot recipes and the armor crafting recipes. For example, running Metallurgy (I think that was the one) adds tens of lines (possibly as many as 100) for the various armors it adds of each metal type. I'll have to fiddle.

As to the IDs... I never re-wrote the BlockItemID.cfg, since FTB ships with one to make it work properly. I'll have to check Jadedcat/Eyamaz's latest GT inclusion to see if they're up to version s, since there were some IDs added recently.

I've got all the mods in any of the FTB packs as far as I can tell and then some actually... Ok just check if they're up to ''s'' yet, if they are not a prob, if not I'll have to pull Id's from the previous version and just reconcile. Just had a look now and ''BlockItemId'' appears to be the same between versions it's just ''dynamic'' that's split
I have a problem. With GregTech, Vinteum Dust from Ars Magica doesn't work in Altar because it changes into GregTech variant! I would like to make sure that Vinteum Dust from GregTech can also be used in Altar to make spells! It is for GregTech 5.08.27 (unofficial) and GregTech 6.
That also has an issue in Galacticraft Space Stations. I'm pressing a Create button, but instead of creating the Space Station, the game zooms me to the Overworld (Earth). The problem is in Tin and Aluminum! They're transforming into GregTech variants! If only GregTech's Tin and Aluminium Ingots were compatible with Galacticraft Space Stations!