Computer Craft recipes, overpowered?

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I do not think they care at all about what GregTech does. If someone dislikes what GregTech does to another mod, they can modify the config files as GregTech always has config options for changes to other mods. It's a waste of their time.

Can never be too sure. They might get pissed if he used his mod to cause their own to have different results. I know I would personally. If I were to ever write a mod it would specifically malfunction with GT.
That was how the MindCrack pack was set up by default (HTTP off). You can still manually copy programs down (and then find the typographical errors, fun times!), and use floppy disks to move programs around in the game world. I'd say it's a loss of an extremely useful feature for the safe guarding of a few people's egos, ergo a horrible trade off.

Brb writing a CC botnet.
Can never be too sure. They might get pissed if he used his mod to cause their own to have different results. I know I would personally. If I were to ever write a mod it would specifically malfunction with GT.

Is that so? Well, I hope you never write a mod, then, mate, as I enjoy GregTech and his modifications to the game balance. Good luck.

Brb writing a CC botnet.

Crap, I better start on a CC firewall.

The safest CC computer is one sans rednet modem, it seems.
I don't really know if CC is overpowered. I mean, they are pretty cheap, but require fuel, and you need to program them. They don't work super fast, forget what they're doing on a reload, and can do strange things you didn't mean for them to do. It doesn't bother me any way, because I don't really use them, and I play SSP, so I can ignore them just fine.
If GregTech "nerfed" them, I likely would take note and try them. Why? Because I like trying the various changes in GregTech to see how I feel about them. I kind of don't like the "compressor for metal blocks" change, but I haven't had a chance to actually try it due to "L.W. Syndrome" and crippling lag.(which removing XyCraft seems to have helped a lot in my tests)
Is that so? Well, I hope you never write a mod, then, mate, as I enjoy GregTech and his modifications to the game balance. Good luck.

Crap, I better start on a CC firewall.

The safest CC computer is one sans rednet modem, it seems.

No I meant a real CC botnet. Like, if HTTP is on I could join your server and have it join a botnet that would flood real-world targets.
They don't work super fast

A turtle quarry, using a basic mine every three layer and compare the top and bottom block against a stone and dirt block in its inventory system is around the same speed as a fully powered quarry. Evidence:

The linked system could also be optimized to have an ender chest (or two, for fuel) that it keeps in its inventory, and places down whenever it fills up.

forget what they're doing on a reload

That is a condition of the programming, not the system. You need to make sure that your program can handle being shut off and restarted at any point. That normally means writing your current status to a file.

can do strange things you didn't mean for them to do

User error is not the fault of the system, thankfully. But yes, it does end up causing people frustration when they cannot figure out why their system is not working, which is a direct part of programming in general.

No I meant a real CC botnet. Like, if HTTP is on I could join your server and have it join a botnet that would flood real-world targets.
Ahhh, even more amusing. The CC firewall would have to be more violent, and it'd need to utilize HTTP calls, but it could work.
Is that so? Well, I hope you never write a mod, then, mate, as I enjoy GregTech and his modifications to the game balance. Good luck.
Then just hope you don't enjoy a mod if I make it.
No, you did not. You said this, exactly:

With the key words being "lacked all balance". I'm not really sure why you're attempting to backtrack on this as it appeared to have been your key point in this discussion, but I still suggest that you talk to either the ComputerCraft or GregTech teams to look into making the changes you want. Good luck!
I was referring to the fact that cc doent lack all balance
Currently, Greg's stance on CC is that he won't alter it (yet), as he doesn't use it. This is for the fact that there are some glaring issues regarding coding efficiency and some client packet spamming according to him, and you can lock down a server with a single turtle.

Guswut, thanks for that useful post clearing up some misunderstandings. I agree that the recipes are far too cheap for what they're capable of doing, even for someone with 0 lua knowledge. If you can type 'excavate' you can use a turtle. If you can't, I've got some bad news...
If you can type 'excavate' you can use a turtle. If you can't, I've got some bad news...

You have some bad news for a good deal of the FTB community then, as the vast majority of people are not able to do that. Even if they get assistance to be able to do that, they discount the cost of a chunkloader to keep the turtle running.
@ Guswut
Just wrting to a file won't do as it has been proven that turtle can move before you quit and lack the time for writing. I am not saying that smart turtle that are reboot proof are impossible, I am just saying it require a bit mare than writing.
And that's what I like about computercraft, the turtle were voluntary made somewhat dumb, like real computer some task are easy to automate, other require real skill to learn the computer basic human thing.
Just wrting to a file won't do as it has been proven that turtle can move before you quit and lack the time for writing. I am not saying that smart turtle that are reboot proof are impossible, I am just saying it require a bit mare than writing.

There isn't anything else required so long as you program it properly. Use a GPS setup if you aren't able to properly program your turtle, though, if that is what you require.

And that's what I like about computercraft, the turtle were voluntary made somewhat dumb, like real computer some task are easy to automate, other require real skill to learn the computer basic human thing.

There isn't anything "dumb" about them, although I can understand why an enduser with no programming skill (I can only assume) would think as much. You could not have "smart" turtles without programming them for as much (which people do all of the time).

And yes, that is one of the nicer things, as opposed to making them overly simple which would then require further balancing. Resources versus skill, as always.
Currently, Greg's stance on CC is that he won't alter it (yet), as he doesn't use it. This is for the fact that there are some glaring issues regarding coding efficiency and some client packet spamming according to him, and you can lock down a server with a single turtle.

Greg complaining about efficiency? Yeah, trust the guy who iterates to sky every tick when you build his structures the way the documentation recommends.
There isn't anything else required so long as you program it properly. Use a GPS setup if you aren't able to properly program your turtle, though, if that is what you require.

I think what crazy is getting at is there is no amount of programming you can do to block minecraft/server shutting down in the middle of your program. The SSP instance or server can shutdown on any line of a turtle program.

Say you did this:
positionX = 100 --some ongoing count from start point
if turtle.forward() then
  positionX = positionX + 1
  writeX(positionX )
function writeX(position)
  handle writting

The turtle can move forward, but before writeX is called or finished processing the server can shutdown. So now when the turtle reloads it is one block further than it thinks it is. If you write first then move you could get out of sync that way as well. If you write to two variables one for before and after, then when they are in sync you can be confident in your position, but they can still get out of sync with the server shutting down mid program. You can't resolve a de-sync pro-grammatically because you have no way of knowing if the turtle moved. If it did than your higher value is right, if it did not move then your original value is correct.

GPS is more reliable, but limited range and more setup for something simple like wanting to be able to return a turtle to its start point through restarts.
I think what crazy is getting at is there is no amount of programming you can do to block minecraft/server shutting down in the middle of your program. The SSP instance or server can shutdown on any line of a turtle program.

It is just like real life in this. ;) Welcome to my world every day I sit down to work! Only instead of a game's mining program it's a product I'm pouring my heart and soul into! People ask me why I am such a light sleeper–I tell them it is because of the perpetual fear. :D
Eh, I just remove it when I play. Sure, it's amusing to be able to make a bot army after my first journey to redstone level (or simply find some in a chest), but it gets boring after a while having your turtles play your game for you. A couple of rednet commands, and you can have your turtle brigade mine out everything in the area, then build everything for you, all without leaving the comfort and safety of your crybox equipped with a computer console.
Eh, I just remove it when I play. Sure, it's amusing to be able to make a bot army after my first journey to redstone level (or simply find some in a chest), but it gets boring after a while having your turtles play your game for you. A couple of rednet commands, and you can have your turtle brigade mine out everything in the area, then build everything for you, all without leaving the comfort and safety of your crybox equipped with a computer console.

The above post is one of those "on paper" complaints. There is a whole series of youtube videos where someone tries to do this and it basically is no better than normal methods. It was called the ComputerCraft Challenge.

But also, it's a cool story if you don't like writing a lot of code. But why is that people who want to write a ton of code for computercraft are being told that their recipe are OP when they're working just as hard as everyone else on a different kind of game? If that's the game they wanna play then it seems pretty reasonable.