Computer Craft recipes, overpowered?

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i think that game balance is really not the spirit of the mod. If you look at the forum a lot of the code shared are not about turtle/resource gathering(even so there is a few tree farm and quarry). It is really a mod about the fun of coding and making turtle/computer smart with the limited data they can get.
Sure the basic quarry program is somewhat OP for what it does, but try programming your own ones using ender three layer by pass and whatnot and you'll fell it more rewarding to get resources from it than using an expensive quarry you just had to put down to get to work.
Look at direwolf video for fun and balanced use of computercraft and you will never want to nerf it again. Just refrain yourself from abusing it.
Overpowered when working.

Broken when you walk away from it without having put down a chunkloader, or when your server restarts.

Hilarious and goofy when your program doesn't quite work as intended and your beloved turtle does something unexpected.

I love turtles.
Hilarious and goofy when your program doesn't quite work as intended and your beloved turtle does something unexpected.

Melee turtle army! Start killing those Blazes in my blaze farm!

No! Don't start breaking my blaze farm!

Turtles ... why are you ominously advancing towards me and raising your swords while an army of blazes is attacking me? ... Hehe ... turtles ... very funny, you can stop now ...
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Basically in my mind...

If you wrote it yourself, it's fine. If you use a default or one from the Internet, it's not.

And apparently iPods autocorrect Internet to have a Capitol.
ComputerCraft is a mod there for people who want to build excessively complex systems. And it can and they are usually pretty cheap. I used to believe, like you, that they were overpowered for the cost. These days I am not so sure.

But do note that the very most powerful peripherals for turtles such as the Interactive Sorter, (which makes turtles incredibly powerful as sorting and routing machines), the Inventory Upgrade (which makes them EVEN MORE POWERFUL), the Nuclear Information Reader, the RTG upgrade, the teleporters and more are all actually quite expensive in the scheme of things. And if you actually consider it, turtles are only so-so as automatic miners out of the box. They are slower than buildcraft options, require more work to properly integrate with an ender chest, and require specific types of fuel which are generally not renewable (without said upgrades).

You could ask for things like chipsets to be required instead of redstone for basic computers and that might not be unreasonable. But at the same time, the point of the app is to enable programmers to engage in really complex automation tasks and in that case the extra time invested. Since most people who play the game are unable to do much other than ape other programs that never do quite exactly what they want, there is a sort of balance that can be claimed.

Anytime I think, "ComputerCraft is overpowered!" I remind myself how cheap CC's enderchests are given what they do.

I wish he would[DOUBLEPOST=1364397848][/DOUBLEPOST]
No worries, mate. You're going to find a lot of people that agree that it is not balanced, and others that will disagree and say that it is balanced. And, as a small spoiler, ComputerCraft's forums will not give you any useful information as the author has no interest at all in making the recipes more expensive. Your best bet would be to convince a programmer to assist you with making an addon for ComputerCraft that make the recipes more expensive. Perhaps Greg of GregTech would be receptive, eh? Heh heh heh.
I wish he could, and after rp2 block breakers, this is the next step.
When's the next Gregtech update?

I don't think they're overpowered, I think it's good to have something that fills up the early-midgame tier. Gets kind of annoying when every mod starts at around late gold tier and early diamond-tier. Then you just have to play vanilla until you get to the mods..

I do however think that they should use fuel not only when moving, but also like when melee turtles are attacking. Or even a bit of coal to do certain things like programming and getting things from pastebin. I think they should take a little more work, but not be endgame things. Really though, making things require Nether Stars when they don't involve mobs all (except for melee turtle, that should require one for 3 melee turtles or something) doesn't make things more balanced or difficult. It just makes it a huge pain for tech-oriented and Peaceful players. I mean, it's fine if the Charged Gravity Gun requires it, because it's really good. It's fine if a sword or really good armor requires it, because it directly relates to mob hunting. But for instance, a forestry tree farm, which just grows trees, isn't. It'd make sense to nerf it and make it require double the amount of ingots or raw materials, but not something in the combat endgame.
I agree, but I believe that mabye it would be possible to have more tiers of turtles which can have more functions, not as in programs, but as in external stuff.[DOUBLEPOST=1364398351][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm not sure what game Amy has, but I cannot hate it without more data.

Silliness aside, by your own claim, ComputerCraft lacks balance, and I do not hate it. You guarantee is, as such, void. Please do not attempt to guarantee things that you cannot possibly guarantee, as it is fairly illogical.

As a more general note, ALL games have some level of balance issues, especially when you start adding modifications to the game's rules. As I've already given you the data on the correct way to attempt to address that, I'll give you the other part of the data: You can remove ComputerCraft if you find it unbalanced, which will limit the damage it does to you. Good luck!
Sorry for my spelling im on my phone
I merely said it isnt balanced enough
not it has no balance whatsoever, as it obviously is slightly balanced
Sorry for my spelling im on my phone
I merely said it isnt balanced enough
not it has no balance whatsoever, as it obviously is slightly balanced

No, you did not. You said this, exactly:

That would just be ridiculous, however your sarcasm about balance is misplaced as I can guarantee you would hate Amy game which lacked all balance
With the key words being "lacked all balance". I'm not really sure why you're attempting to backtrack on this as it appeared to have been your key point in this discussion, but I still suggest that you talk to either the ComputerCraft or GregTech teams to look into making the changes you want. Good luck!
Turtles at this price point could be balanced more on fuel.

Maybe all their actions take some fuel, so you would have to add some fuel re-supply to melee turtles. Inventory in/out should could take some fuel etc.

That alone won't do much cause you can store what 2 billion fuel in them? Should cap the fuel at some reasonable, but low amount. Make fuel re-supply an integral part turtle programs.
Turtles at this price point could be balanced more on fuel.

Maybe all their actions take some fuel, so you would have to add some fuel re-supply to melee turtles. Inventory in/out should could take some fuel etc.

That alone won't do much cause you can store what 2 billion fuel in them? Should cap the fuel at some reasonable, but low amount. Make fuel re-supply an integral part turtle programs.
I actually wouldn't mind that at all since I already have fuel turned off completely.
It'd be kinda cool to have to incorporate charging stations into turtle-based mob grinders. I bet that would lead to some interesting designs and really boost the popularity of the more advanced ones.
Turtles at this price point could be balanced more on fuel.

Maybe all their actions take some fuel, so you would have to add some fuel re-supply to melee turtles. Inventory in/out should could take some fuel etc.

That alone won't do much cause you can store what 2 billion fuel in them? Should cap the fuel at some reasonable, but low amount. Make fuel re-supply an integral part turtle programs.

First off, and simply put, the ComputerCraft people have no desire to balance their mod against other mods, so you're stuck dealing with very basic possible changes such as making them more expensive and whatnot.

That aside, a system similar to Steve's Cart would likely be ideal for turtles/computers and whatnot to work as a balancing agent, but, of course, this won't be happening as the mod team has no desire to do this.

The upside, of course, would be that it'd be a good lead-in into getting much more interesting turtles as we'd no longer be limited to the two-sided method. But, again: this won't be happening. Better to start peppering Greg to try and get him to make turtles require computer cores or whatnot, if that is what you want.
Hah maybe it'd be more fun to suggest to the CC people to add in some code to disable their mod completely if GT is detected. That would be truly funny.
Hah maybe it'd be more fun to suggest to the CC people to add in some code to disable their mod completely if GT is detected. That would be truly funny.

That would be a useless suggestion, and one that, if you wanted to have taken seriously, should be taken to GregTech instead.
That would be a useless suggestion, and one that, if you wanted to have taken seriously, should be taken to GregTech instead.
It's not to nerf the turtles; it's to make it so Greg can't screw with their mod.
Do people actually experience comptuercraft being overpowered in real play? Even pretty serious powergamers tend to use something else if they can. This seems like one of those on-paper complaints or complaints written because a non-programmer feels left out (or a programmer is irritated that someone else just pastebin'd in a system).

ComputerCraft hardmode: disable all external network bridging so pastebin no longer works.
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It's not to nerf the turtles; it's to make it so Greg can't screw with their mod.

I do not think they care at all about what GregTech does. If someone dislikes what GregTech does to another mod, they can modify the config files as GregTech always has config options for changes to other mods. It's a waste of their time.

Do people actually experience comptuercraft being overpowered in real play? Even pretty serious powergamers tend to use something else if they can. This seems like one of those on-paper complaints or complaints written because a non-programmer feels left out (or a programmer is irritated that someone else just pastebin'd in a system).

I agree, it is an on-paper complaint because the vast majority of people cannot utilize turtles properly. As it is an issue of a lack of skill, there isn't any way to balance this that takes advantage of the ComputerCraft design concept (skill-based) in regards to a resource-based system.

It's also almost always a non-issue entirely as the only time turtles are directly more useful than anything else provided would be during the early-mid game when you don't have enough resources for a good automatic mining solution. After that, and that comes quickly enough even with GregTech, turtles are not a better choice for most people.

ComputerCraft hardmode: disable all external network bridging so pastebin no longer works.

That was how the MindCrack pack was set up by default (HTTP off). You can still manually copy programs down (and then find the typographical errors, fun times!), and use floppy disks to move programs around in the game world. I'd say it's a loss of an extremely useful feature for the safe guarding of a few people's egos, ergo a horrible trade off.
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