COFH World Generation User's Manual

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Volcano Biome.. hrmm...
I don't know about the volcanos. Could you toss me the Forge log, so we can see what's printed there?

Also, in the spikes section, under blocks, you might want to put a comma between iron and gold.
I got that part fixed now lol. I'm now trying to use Forge biome dictionary tags as well...trying to find something that works lol. I'll pastebin the config in a bit.
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ill no doubt be attempting this for a while anyway but if someone would gladly write up how i can (if possible) go about using this to replace the cobblestone with mossy cobblestone that would be great, as it's exactly what i'm after;)
Hello all,

I have a problem with COFH worldgen. I can't get the underfluid template to work.
I'm trying to generate diamonds in the overworld under the lava in the lava caves. (below y=11, but if a random lake spawns at y=16, it should also work)

Here is the core I'm using, it is a part of the vanilla.json. Everything before and after this entry generates as expected.

    "diamond": {
        "template": {"type": "underfluid", "generator": "cluster", "genFluid": "minecraft:lava"},
        "block": "diamond_ore",
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clusterSize": 7,
        "numClusters": 10,
        "chunkChance": 1,
        "minHeight": 0,
        "maxHeight": 16,
        "retrogen": "true",
        "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [

The problem with this code is that diamonds just don't spawn at all.

I'm also having trouble with stalagtites; The following bit of code is mostly copied from the example in this thread:

    "SilverStalags": {
        "template": {"type": "cave", "generator": "stalagtite", "genBody": "air", "minHeight": 7, "heightVariance": 4, "genSize": 0, "heightMod": 5, "sizeVariance": 2, "smooth": "false", "fat": "false"},
        "block": [
            {"name": "ThermalFoundation:Ore", "metadata": 2, "weight":80},
            {"name": "ThermalFoundation:Ore", "metadata": 3, "weight":20}
        "material": [
        "clusterSize": 1,
        "numClusters": 10,
        "minHeight": 0,
        "chunkChance": 1,
        "maxHeight": 40,
        "retrogen": "true",
        "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": ["all"],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [

I've changed the name, and I've changed the maxHeight.
The problem with it are twofold; One: It generates ore floating above surface water , and above land that is at the sea level. Two: it generates small 1 ore deposits instead of the promised stalagtites.
ill no doubt be attempting this for a while anyway but if someone would gladly write up how i can (if possible) go about using this to replace the cobblestone with mossy cobblestone that would be great, as it's exactly what i'm after;)
Hmm I think biome tweaker would actually be best for this. Let me dig in the code, it lets you change ALOT of things in biomes.
If you look at the example scripts, and commands on this page for BiomeTweaker here.

#remove all water (keeps lakes tho)
all.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:water", "minecraft:air")

Change to
#replace cobblestone with Mossy stone
all.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:cobblestone", "minecraft:mossy_stone")

Of course that's just an example as I am not sure minecraft:mossy_stone is the correct block name for mossy cobble since I don't have MC open.. but you can see the power of the mod reading the commands available
Hello all,

I have a problem with COFH worldgen. I can't get the underfluid template to work.
I'm trying to generate diamonds in the overworld under the lava in the lava caves. (below y=11, but if a random lake spawns at y=16, it should also work)

Here is the core I'm using, it is a part of the vanilla.json. Everything before and after this entry generates as expected.

    "diamond": {
        "template": {"type": "underfluid", "generator": "cluster", "genFluid": "minecraft:lava"},
        "block": "diamond_ore",
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clusterSize": 7,
        "numClusters": 10,
        "chunkChance": 1,
        "minHeight": 0,
        "maxHeight": 16,
        "retrogen": "true",
        "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [

The problem with this code is that diamonds just don't spawn at all.

I'm also having trouble with stalagtites; The following bit of code is mostly copied from the example in this thread:

    "SilverStalags": {
        "template": {"type": "cave", "generator": "stalagtite", "genBody": "air", "minHeight": 7, "heightVariance": 4, "genSize": 0, "heightMod": 5, "sizeVariance": 2, "smooth": "false", "fat": "false"},
        "block": [
            {"name": "ThermalFoundation:Ore", "metadata": 2, "weight":80},
            {"name": "ThermalFoundation:Ore", "metadata": 3, "weight":20}
        "material": [
        "clusterSize": 1,
        "numClusters": 10,
        "minHeight": 0,
        "chunkChance": 1,
        "maxHeight": 40,
        "retrogen": "true",
        "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": ["all"],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [

I've changed the name, and I've changed the maxHeight.
The problem with it are twofold; One: It generates ore floating above surface water , and above land that is at the sea level. Two: it generates small 1 ore deposits instead of the promised stalagtites.
Can you toss me the Forge log?
Can you toss me the Forge log?

I've been experimenting a bit, and I've since updated buildcraft and mystcraft to newer versions.
I tried recreating the situation but for some reason things now behave differently. But still not as they should.
Diamond ore now does generate, but not below lava and above y=16.
The problem with the stalagtite generator is still the same.

As far as I can tell, I've used the same config and json files as when I made my previous post. The only difference is the newer versions of buildcraft and mystcraft (from 7.0.17 to 7.0.19 and from 0.12.2 to 0.12.3 respectively)

Anyway. You asked for "the" forge log, but I see at least 3 log files. I'll upload all of them in this .zip.


greetings, beautiful people (yes, you :))
I've seen so many helpful examples here in this thread but I've not yet come across one for a geode. I'm really great at Json, coding and comprehension errors so I'm wondering if someone might be so kind as to help?
I'm particularly unsure of how to write the block entries for the crust, especially since I want a mix of 2 different blocks in the crust. I'm not sure if I have to have "block": [ in there somewhere. I've also added notes here for other things I'm unsure about but those notes aren't in the actual json files (of course).
  "DiamondEggs": {
    "template": {
      "type": "fractal",
      "generator": "geode"
    "crust": [
        "name": "minecraft:diamond_ore",
        "metadata": 0,
        "weight": 70
        "name": "minecraft:monster_egg",
        "metadata": 0,
        "weight": 30
    "hollow": "true",
    "filler": "minecraft:lava",
    "material": "stone",
    "numClusters": 1,  <---no idea if that's right
    "minHeight": 9,
    "veinHeight": 20,  <--I know these apply to large veins and it says they're required. I'm thinking this is the vertical diameter (of the entire geode)?
    "veinDiameter": 20,  <--ditto for the horizontal diameter? This means we can have oblate geodes?? ..sort of like monster monster eggs? Very cool if so.
    "horizontalDensity": 3,  <--I'm wondering if this relates to the thickness of the crust? and, if so, can the side walls be thinner than the floor or vice versa?
    "verticalDensity": 5,
    "chunkChance": 100,
    "retrogen": "false",
    "biomeRestriction": "whitelist",
    "biomes": [
        "type": "dictionary",
        "entry": "SNOWY"
        "type": "dictionary",
        "entry": "MOUNTAIN"

Please don't tell me it's not fair or reasonable to have big, lava-filled diamond geodes with a some monster_eggs mixed into the crust at a weight of 70/30. You *can mine it. You'd just have to deal with the silverfish first -or- you *can quarry it. You'd just have to deal with the lava first.

All constructive criticism or noob-mockery is welcome, though. I just really want to figure out these geodes. Many thanks

[edit] Gosh, I was noob. I honestly thought the geode template needed the fractal generator when I wrote this. :oops:
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hi, i read the entire thread here and even tried all possible options, as described from CoFH and here .. but i can't solve my problem, which is quite curious. Spent hours already.

I want some ores not to spawn like copper. But whatever i change in the ThermalFoundation-Ores.json, ores are still spawned as default. So it seems that the json is ignored at all.

Yes, i have a lot of mods, a custom modpack, i even have LiteLoader (because of an unofficial version of mAtmos), and tried without it, but no change. A reinstall of TE no success.
my setup:

"copper": {
  "enabled": "false",
  "template": "uniform",
  "block": "ThermalFoundation:Ore",
  "clusterSize": 1,
  "numClusters": 1,
  "minHeight": 0,
  "maxHeight": 1,
  "retrogen": "false",
  "biomeRestriction": "whitelist",
  "biomes": [
  "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
  "dimensions": [

biome 77 is just a single biome whitlisted. But i don't need that biome, but "none" didn't work and viceversa. Overworld is blacklisted ..
Did i miss something? I can't imagine what it could be. The JSON is simply ignored, but because all TE-ores spawn as default, there MUST be the information about it anywhere else ?!

ps: yes i checked the log-file quite a lot, but there seem to be no messages according to it.

thnx for any help!
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In the core/common.cfg make sure B:ReplaceVanillaGeneration=true

While it states it replaces vanilla generation, it actually switches over to globally using the JSONs. Then you can modify and add your own JSONs.
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You say that you have a lot of mods; make sure you go through the config files for each and every mod to make sure their ore generation is turned off.
I am trying to get Thaumcraft Ores to spawn and cannot for anything figure out why they are not. Here is the JSON I am using. I cannot see anything wrong with it as I am using the same format for several other mods and it is working fine.

    "TCCinnabar": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre",
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clustersize": 2,
        "numClusters": 20,
        "minHeight": 5,
        "maxHeight": 60,
        "retrogen": "true",
        "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
    "TCAmber": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 7},
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clustersize": 3,
        "numClusters": 4,
        "minHeight": 5,
        "maxHeight": 60,
        "retrogen": "true",
         "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
    "TCAir": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 1},
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clustersize": 3,
        "numClusters": 4,
        "minHeight": 5,
        "maxHeight": 60,
        "retrogen": "true",
         "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
    "TCFire": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 2},
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clustersize": 3,
        "numClusters": 4,
        "minHeight": 5,
        "maxHeight": 20,
        "retrogen": "true",
         "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
    "TCWater": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 3},
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clustersize": 3,
        "numClusters": 4,
        "minHeight": 20,
        "maxHeight": 40,
        "retrogen": "true",
         "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
    "TCEarth": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 4},
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clustersize": 3,
        "numClusters": 4,
        "minHeight": 40,
        "maxHeight": 60,
        "retrogen": "true",
       "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
    "TCOrder": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 5},
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clustersize": 3,
        "numClusters": 4,
        "minHeight": 5,
        "maxHeight": 60,
        "retrogen": "true",
         "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
    "TCEntropy": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 6},
        "material": "minecraft:stone",
        "clustersize": 3,
        "numClusters": 4,
        "minHeight": 5,
        "maxHeight": 60,
        "retrogen": "true",
         "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [

Any help would be appreciated.
I believe that this is a minimum clustersize value, and that 3 is too small. That's actually a minecraft issue, not CoFH. I think they added a different generator for small clusters.
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I didn't think of that, thanks I will try that

UPDATE: Looks like the problem was I was trying to create too small clusters. Thanks for the help!
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you won't believe it ..

TL;DR: CopperHigh (plus wrong json-entries)

I spent hours on this. I tested in a world with unique seed, in 3 deep canyons in 3 different BoP-biomes. 2 whitelisted (or blacklisted), 1 not. I tried with all options, like "enabled" and dimensions.
First i took a look at JSON again. Here's a very good and simple tutorial:
Most important: [] is Array, {} object .. in my head it was just the other way round ;)

thanx @Golrith, but B:ReplaceVanillaGeneration is definitely only for the vanilla-option, for the ThermalFoundation-Ores.json we can left it "false". (so i found out)

I tested on Java, because i thought: "hey, i use 1.8, maybe i need 1.7 for 1.7.10" ;) Well, this was not the answer, but now i think i leave my 1.7.10 modpack with Java 1.7, because this should be "better" somehow, i was told in forums ..

So, this here does NOT work, but i don't understand why, because biomes can be String (here propably not the best option) OR object.
"biomeRestriction": "whitelist",
"biomes": {"type": "name", "entry": [
    "Dense Forest",
    "Lush Swamp"
instead it MUST be wrapped in an array. This works:
"biomeRestriction": "whitelist",
"biomes": [
    {"type": "name", "entry": [
        "Dense Forest",
        "Lush Swamp"
plus i do like:
"enabled": "true",

ok, but the big thing was something else, and i know now, what the "GHOST-datas" finally were :)
In the json we find a definition called "copperHigh" at the bottom. Yes, here we are .. so, "copper" or "copperHigh" or "tin" are just placeholders for an ore, and are not the unlocalized or localized names, of what i was thinking!

So "copperHigh" showed up my "ghost" copper .. and i didn't carefully read the json to the end ..

At last i want to mention the cofh-commands, they are really great, a big help. Thanks to the TE-mods!
In my case that was:
/cofh countblocks chrissionair 15 15 15 ThermalFoundation:Ore#0
ThermalFoundation:Ore#0 is for copper, of course, ThermalFoundation:Ore#1 Tin and so on ..
15 is the range i used for x,y,z

@unknown zombie: thanks god that i didn't had to go through to all the single mods again .. uhh , but sure you are right, this would be normal procedure.

And now i can go on with MY procedure :)
I had problems with "metadata" tag in json file to allow custom mod ore generation, finally figured it out by sample in another modpack. Your tutorial suggests following syntax:

"aluminum": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": "GalacticraftCore:tile.gcBlockCore",
"metadata": 7,
"material": "minecraft:stone",

correct syntax needs to combine name/metadata under one tag "block"

"aluminum": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": {"name": "GalacticraftCore:tile.gcBlockCore", "metadata": 7},
"material": "minecraft:stone",

Can you update your manual so other people can use it?

anyone used this with gregTech ores ?
I like to change gregTech oregen to be more like the vanilla one

Thanks !