I don't know about the volcanos. Could you toss me the Forge log, so we can see what's printed there?Hmmm now the parser says I have an extra } token which I don't I'll just pastebin what I got.
Here is the Pastebin
I got that part fixed now lol. I'm now trying to use Forge biome dictionary tags as well...trying to find something that works lol. I'll pastebin the config in a bit.I don't know about the volcanos. Could you toss me the Forge log, so we can see what's printed there?
Also, in the spikes section, under blocks, you might want to put a comma between iron and gold.
"diamond": {
"template": {"type": "underfluid", "generator": "cluster", "genFluid": "minecraft:lava"},
"block": "diamond_ore",
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clusterSize": 7,
"numClusters": 10,
"chunkChance": 1,
"minHeight": 0,
"maxHeight": 16,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"SilverStalags": {
"template": {"type": "cave", "generator": "stalagtite", "genBody": "air", "minHeight": 7, "heightVariance": 4, "genSize": 0, "heightMod": 5, "sizeVariance": 2, "smooth": "false", "fat": "false"},
"block": [
{"name": "ThermalFoundation:Ore", "metadata": 2, "weight":80},
{"name": "ThermalFoundation:Ore", "metadata": 3, "weight":20}
"material": [
"clusterSize": 1,
"numClusters": 10,
"minHeight": 0,
"chunkChance": 1,
"maxHeight": 40,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": ["all"],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
Hmm I think biome tweaker would actually be best for this. Let me dig in the code, it lets you change ALOT of things in biomes.ill no doubt be attempting this for a while anyway but if someone would gladly write up how i can (if possible) go about using this to replace the cobblestone with mossy cobblestone that would be great, as it's exactly what i'm after![]()
#remove all water (keeps lakes tho)
all.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:water", "minecraft:air")
Change to
#replace cobblestone with Mossy stone
all.registerGenBlockRep("minecraft:cobblestone", "minecraft:mossy_stone")
Can you toss me the Forge log?Hello all,
I have a problem with COFH worldgen. I can't get the underfluid template to work.
I'm trying to generate diamonds in the overworld under the lava in the lava caves. (below y=11, but if a random lake spawns at y=16, it should also work)
Here is the core I'm using, it is a part of the vanilla.json. Everything before and after this entry generates as expected.
Code:"diamond": { "template": {"type": "underfluid", "generator": "cluster", "genFluid": "minecraft:lava"}, "block": "diamond_ore", "material": "minecraft:stone", "clusterSize": 7, "numClusters": 10, "chunkChance": 1, "minHeight": 0, "maxHeight": 16, "retrogen": "true", "biomeRestriction": "none", "biomes": [], "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist", "dimensions": [ -1, 1 ] },
The problem with this code is that diamonds just don't spawn at all.
I'm also having trouble with stalagtites; The following bit of code is mostly copied from the example in this thread:
Code:"SilverStalags": { "template": {"type": "cave", "generator": "stalagtite", "genBody": "air", "minHeight": 7, "heightVariance": 4, "genSize": 0, "heightMod": 5, "sizeVariance": 2, "smooth": "false", "fat": "false"}, "block": [ {"name": "ThermalFoundation:Ore", "metadata": 2, "weight":80}, {"name": "ThermalFoundation:Ore", "metadata": 3, "weight":20} ], "material": [ "minecraft:stone", "minecraft:air" ], "clusterSize": 1, "numClusters": 10, "minHeight": 0, "chunkChance": 1, "maxHeight": 40, "retrogen": "true", "biomeRestriction": "none", "biomes": ["all"], "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist", "dimensions": [ -1, 1 ] },
I've changed the name, and I've changed the maxHeight.
The problem with it are twofold; One: It generates ore floating above surface water , and above land that is at the sea level. Two: it generates small 1 ore deposits instead of the promised stalagtites.
Can you toss me the Forge log?
"DiamondEggs": {
"template": {
"type": "fractal",
"generator": "geode"
"crust": [
"name": "minecraft:diamond_ore",
"metadata": 0,
"weight": 70
"name": "minecraft:monster_egg",
"metadata": 0,
"weight": 30
"hollow": "true",
"filler": "minecraft:lava",
"material": "stone",
"numClusters": 1, <---no idea if that's right
"minHeight": 9,
"veinHeight": 20, <--I know these apply to large veins and it says they're required. I'm thinking this is the vertical diameter (of the entire geode)?
"veinDiameter": 20, <--ditto for the horizontal diameter? This means we can have oblate geodes?? ..sort of like monster monster eggs? Very cool if so.
"horizontalDensity": 3, <--I'm wondering if this relates to the thickness of the crust? and, if so, can the side walls be thinner than the floor or vice versa?
"verticalDensity": 5,
"chunkChance": 100,
"retrogen": "false",
"biomeRestriction": "whitelist",
"biomes": [
"type": "dictionary",
"entry": "SNOWY"
"type": "dictionary",
"entry": "MOUNTAIN"
"copper": {
"enabled": "false",
"template": "uniform",
"block": "ThermalFoundation:Ore",
"clusterSize": 1,
"numClusters": 1,
"minHeight": 0,
"maxHeight": 1,
"retrogen": "false",
"biomeRestriction": "whitelist",
"biomes": [
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"TCCinnabar": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre",
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clustersize": 2,
"numClusters": 20,
"minHeight": 5,
"maxHeight": 60,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"TCAmber": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 7},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clustersize": 3,
"numClusters": 4,
"minHeight": 5,
"maxHeight": 60,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"TCAir": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 1},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clustersize": 3,
"numClusters": 4,
"minHeight": 5,
"maxHeight": 60,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"TCFire": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 2},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clustersize": 3,
"numClusters": 4,
"minHeight": 5,
"maxHeight": 20,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"TCWater": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 3},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clustersize": 3,
"numClusters": 4,
"minHeight": 20,
"maxHeight": 40,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"TCEarth": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 4},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clustersize": 3,
"numClusters": 4,
"minHeight": 40,
"maxHeight": 60,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"TCOrder": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 5},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clustersize": 3,
"numClusters": 4,
"minHeight": 5,
"maxHeight": 60,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"TCEntropy": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": {"name": "Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre", "metadata": 6},
"material": "minecraft:stone",
"clustersize": 3,
"numClusters": 4,
"minHeight": 5,
"maxHeight": 60,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"biomeRestriction": "whitelist",
"biomes": {"type": "name", "entry": [
"Dense Forest",
"Lush Swamp"
"biomeRestriction": "whitelist",
"biomes": [
{"type": "name", "entry": [
"Dense Forest",
"Lush Swamp"
"enabled": "true",