Whitelist Server CodeRed | DW20 | White Listed | mature | New Start!| 18 slots

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: Doomcat10
  2. Age: 19
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: I play on and off, averaged about an hour a day probably, if on a day I play usually about 3-5 hours a sitting.
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Of the playstyles I can think of I think I would fit mostly into the exploration and discovery type. Not to say I don't spend a lot of my time building, mining, or doing other things, but I have little experience with redstone, and can only build so much before I become bored.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? Not sure how to answer this question, but: I've played Industrial craft since WAY before it even became industral craft 2, Played Thaumcraft 2 (and 3) multiple times over on its own, and mucked about with most of the other "major" mods implemented in FtB before it came out. As for FtB itself, I've played with it for a few months now, and have some experience with single player (and LAN) worlds.
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? This is something that, I think, You should decide. I cannot tell you what you need nor want on your own server. If I'm accepted and asked if I could help build something, I will set aside some of my time to come and help build, if an individual wants me to help them with something, I'll do that too. I'd say, (myself of course, cannot speak for people who've met me) that I'm a friendly person, and I enjoy talking to people. Make of it what you will.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Yes, and yes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: Cyphas_Cain
  2. Age: 25
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: all the time
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: i would class myself as an dw20 style idustrialist
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? i have been playing FTB since it initial realease
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? Industrialistic designs and builds and a willingness to help others
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? i have a mic and teamspeak


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: bmiller14
  2. Age: 18
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Everyday if not every other day.
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Great builder, very friendly, giving. Good with power plants.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? Ive played tekkit for a year and a half, just got started with FTB so theres a few new things.
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? I am friendly and willing to go out of my way to help other players.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Yes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Ringerjames
2. 20
3. 4-5 days a week
4. I really enjoy that ftb allows in a sense to reach a creative mode capability with the amount of machines that can be used to automate just about anything. So I strive for this creative mode.
5. I know the basics for industrialcraft, bees, thaumcraft, and if i dont know it only a matter of time before I learn it.
6. I am team oriented so any big projects I would help out as much as I could with resources, ideas, and building time.
7. Yes I have a mic and teamspeak


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: tuga999
  2. Age:22
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: I usually play every night to chill down. Could be 2 hours or 8, really depends.
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I'd say I'm a community player, I like to build stuff with other people and help of they need something. Basically I really like the sharing principle :p
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I played FTB since official release. My favourite mod is forestry because of the bees (including extra bees).
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? As I said, I'm a community player so I can bring good vibes and everything that comes with it.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Yes and yes :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: KLPF123
  2. Age:16
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: at least 3 days a week to record for my youtube channel
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I am more of a miner and making things more efficient. I am not usually very good at the decorating, but I am a diligent worker.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? a year so far, really the only thing I dont like messing with is thaumcraft.
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? I love being with a small group and keep everyone in the positive spirit. I also really love giving what I can in supplies and time to others in the game!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: bagel930
  2. Age: 14
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Almost every day at about 2:15 or later
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I would say that I am a good, fun, friendly player that does not take the game too seriously.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I have quite a bit of FTB experience, mostly with ThaumCraft
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? A friendly, fun, creative player.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? I do not have teamspeak, but I do have a mic and skype.
Please take this into consideration! Thanks so much!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: DOM063 (zero63 not domo)
  2. Age: 13
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: At least an hour every day
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Good and experienced
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I played a lot before and I really enjoy it!
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? I can bring a lot of help and fun! :) I am willing to help around the server and the community!
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Yes, but I haven't used teamspeak for a while.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: oliverc21.
  2. Age: 15.
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: almost everyday for about 1 or 2 hours.
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I am a miner and i like to work with the community.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I have been playing with FTB for about a year now mainly with Buildcraft and other such mods.
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? A fun friendly atmosphere to the server.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Yes, However i don't use it very often.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: callum425
  2. Age: 18.
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Every day, 5-8 hours most likely.
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I usually play very technically, usually involving small, useful builds.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? Been playing since its inception, however have been playing since the dawn of IC2 and BC
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? Hopefully a friendly person, easy to talk to, eager to help out anywhere it's needed.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Yes and Yes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name:kevindery
  2. Age:23
  3. How often do you play Minecraft:every day
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are:builder, automater and helpfull
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? i know most of the mods.Just thaumcraft i don't understand for now .. :)
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed?some help and i'm a trustful
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak?yes both english is my second language


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My Application
  1. In game Name: CreepKill404
  2. Age:14
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Just about all the time when I'm not in school
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I am the type of player who likes to help others out and have fun.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I am sort of new to the whole FTB thing and i was hoping you guys would help me out.
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? I can bring that fun joy in online gaming to CodeRed.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? I have a mic,but i do not have teamspeak but i can install it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: Echoz89
  2. Age:24
  3. How often do you play Minecraft:Very regularly
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Techy/Explorer
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? Lot's, watched many many, youtube videos and played a large amount. Got good knowledge of pretty much all mods so willing to help people fix their builds/help out in any wat I can
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? Good but tidy and compact builds, Have some good experience in creating large mob farms (usually 6 different mods, made with soul shards tidily and touch screen monitors to control the on and off of mobs
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? No & not any more since my mic broke

David Hassall

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: B1G_D_
  2. Age: 17
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: at least three times a week
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: im a technical player ( try to utilize all the mods) but try to make things look pretty at the same time.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? i have been playing for well over a year.
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? im a team player so if someone needs to borrow something or use machines ive made or needs help i would be more than happy to oblige.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? i do have team speak and a mic.