Whitelist Server [CLOSED]Minecraft Maniac FTB Server[Friendly][Mindcrack][Dedicated24/7][Whitelist][NightlyBackups]

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Hey Arduent, maybe you should look for a new host company, Oplink.net they have cloud servers that run 24/7 offering more cpu, ram, ssd storage, unlimited bandwidth, cheaper, plus no downtime unlike creeperhost.
It's still not working? This is getting ridiculous... What kind of RAID are you guys running? Any RAID system is able to handle a disk failure without problems with the exception of a RAID0 which I wouldn't really call a R(edundant)AID setup anyways since it has none of the name-giving redundancy, it's more like "a disk connected to a RAID controller"... Oh and the whole "great compensation" isn't really a valid point anymore since the limit your terms set (half a month) is already reached after 30 hours of downtime, a point that has been passed long ago - so now I guess you don't have any incentive to work as fast as possible anymore?
Yeah Ard I'd find myself a new host. It's a bit ridiculous that this "top notch" host can't get their problem fixed after what 3 days almost?
Age: 14 (very mature)
Name (Optional): Private
In-Game Name: Kicker05
Location: Canada
Hobbies/Interests: Gaming mostly, pretty mutch never leave the house.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): I havent been banned in anny mincraft server yet, I have had 1 ban in a gmod server, allthough that bad was bougus and I quickly got unbanned.
What experience with FTB do you have?: I'm greate with redstone, wich has carried over to ftb quite well, because of my technological knolage I can build a varity of mechanics, I'm also very good with computer craft.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I'm looking for a lag free server, were I can build a jiant base in a mountan.
It's still not working? This is getting ridiculous... What kind of RAID are you guys running? Any RAID system is able to handle a disk failure without problems with the exception of a RAID0 which I wouldn't really call a R(edundant)AID setup anyways since it has none of the name-giving redundancy, it's more like "a disk connected to a RAID controller"... Oh and the whole "great compensation" isn't really a valid point anymore since the limit your terms set (half a month) is already reached after 30 hours of downtime, a point that has been passed long ago - so now I guess you don't have any incentive to work as fast as possible anymore?

I am extremely sorry for the issues that have been caused towards you and your community, I'm going to try everything in my powers to see if I can get this server online for the weekend. This is currently out of my hands and is up with the higher tech guys, but I'll see what I can do regardless.
I am extremely sorry for the issues that have been caused towards you and your community, I'm going to try everything in my powers to see if I can get this server online for the weekend. This is currently out of my hands and is up with the higher tech guys, but I'll see what I can do regardless.

Luke_H, does the general mdn node encompass mdn.30? If so what is the problem? The mdn node is down?
I am extremely sorry for the issues that have been caused towards you and your community, I'm going to try everything in my powers to see if I can get this server online for the weekend. This is currently out of my hands and is up with the higher tech guys, but I'll see what I can do regardless.

Well it's not really my community (yet) - I have been whitelisted but only had the chance to play for a few hours before the server went down. So I gues it was just unfortunate timing for me, but it's pretty frustrating since I was really looking forward to my first chance to play online and not only by myself in a singleplayer world. I do really appreciate that you post here even if you can't do much yourself. Now I just hope it'll work soon :)
Age: 16
IGN: tafixados
Location: Lithuania, Eastern Europe (GMT + 2)
Hobbies/Interests: Minecraft, sketching, having fun
Have you ever been banned from another server?: I haven't, I don't think. I don't really play on servers because either people grief me or the plugins make the game unbearable.
What experience with FTB do you have?: I've played it for a couple of months, I watch the members of the Mindcrack server play it all the time. I'm more of an explorer and a builder than a mechanic or a hunter, but I do have some knowledge of redstone, mj, EU, etc...
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Friendly community.
Back up on and running, if the owner would like to open a ticket to get some sort of compensation sorted.
I am sorry for the delay in this guys.
Age: 17
Name (Optional): Jonas
In-Game Name: Loveulongtime
Location: Belgium, Antwerp
Hobbies/Interests: Minecraft
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Never been banned!
What experience with FTB do you have?: I know the basics, happy to learn!
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: A nice community to play Feed-the-beast with. Most ideal would be like the mindcrack server (youtube: etho , guude, etc.)
Age: 14
Name (Optional): Simon
In-Game Name: simonhuts
Location: UK
Hobbies/Interests: Gaming
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Yes
What experience with FTB do you have?: Basic knowledge of feed the beast but still learning
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: To have fun and to play with a nice community
Age: 16

Name: IGN? 18scsc. IRL: Sean

Location: Austin, Tx

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, audio, minecraft (FTB, Super Hostile, Other CTMs), tf2, Crusader Kings 2.

Ban History: None that I can remember.

FTB Experience: Not much. I've messed around quite extensivly in Tekkit about half a year ago. Screwed around a bit in single player. Watched some videos. I really do want to play around with FTB though, it's just not that rewarding in SSP IMO.

I wanted to find a good, smallish, newish, server that didn't have too much lag. Preferably with a white-list and a good community.
Age: 14(quite mature)
Name: just call me Bugg
In game name: buggati9449
location: USA
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? Yes i have been banned once, when my friend went on my account and wrecked the crap out of someones house, it was called PVPBEASTS
What experience with FTB do you have?: I would say about a 9/10, i am good with all mods except redpower(kinda a big one lol) I have been playing since the first beta pack
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: A place where i can record, a nice community, and a place i can go to chill, a server exactly like Mindcrack

P.S:I play about 2-3 hours every day, on the weekends about 6-7
Hey guys,

I'm trying to connect right now but forgeloader says the mods aren't the right version. Also send this issue in a message to arduent but maybe you could help me too. I tried the mindcrack 8.0.1. and 8.1.0. version but both didn't work. Anything i forgot or didn't see?

edit: didn't see there were more versions :)

Name (Optional): Chris

In-Game Name: ihasfire

Location:Austria (Lived over 10 years in the states)

Hobbies/Interests:Riding my motorcycle, physics, guitar,fitness etc etc..

Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):I've never been ban before, I can follow all rules since most of them are just basic manners. I have also been a server admin on several before.

What experience with FTB do you have?:I've been playing since beta with mtsanchez and we have pretty much explored most of the mods and have had great ideas using them. I'm a big ComputerCraft/Industrialcraft geek and I consider myself most busy with those mods.

What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Great community, somewhat active players, community projects.