Whitelist Server (closed for now) Bit by Bit | Mindcrack v8.3.2 | Whitelist [Mature | PvE]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello there, I like your server! Here's my application.
IGN: Shin_Cow
Age: 16
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: For my main game League of Legends; I play at least 2 hours a day. On weekends, I can play at least 4 hours.
How long have you played Minecraft?: 1.6.6, which is about May 31, 2011.
Any experience with FTB/tekkit/mods?: YES!! Started playing Minecraft during 1.6.6, and I play with mods in 1.7.3. I have played with tekkit for about 5 months and I have played FTB since it came out. I have beaten the FTB original challenge map and I was halfway in the FTB insanity challenge map before quitting due to the amount of time it takes to beat it. I have most experience with direwolf20 pack.
Ever been banned from a server?: Yes, when I first started, I didn't know what was "Griefing" so I was banned. Didn't know why until I read Minecraft etiquette.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I love Minecraft, and I'm a A-B student in a high school. I am currently a freshman. I play League of Legends, Team Fortress 2, and Minecraft. I like to play in small communities, as I feel shut out in a large community. I love PvP, but I can live without it. Sometimes, I like to screw around, but that doesn't mean griefing. I am a playful person, and I hope I can be in your community.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Penguirrel
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 27
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: 3-4 hours a day
How long have you played Minecraft?: MC v1.2.5 (not sure on date)
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Tekkit 1.2.5 for awhile, FTB Mindcrack 8.0+
Ever been banned from a server?: Never
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I like penguins and squirrels (a bit obvious) and am very laid back. I've never been on a public server of any sort; just played with a couple friends on a small private server hosted from my computer. I've gotten a lot of experience in IC2/Gregtech/Buildcraft/Thaumcraft/Extra Bees in my private world. Examples of major projects I've built in FTB and Tekkit: island house, functional hydroelectric dam with man-made lake, nature vs industry towers (one wood, one stone/iron), lamp flagpole, teleportation center, 8 bit church (Mario/Tetris stained glass), hanging gardens of Babylon.

Ben Sanders

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Gahockey3
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): I am 14
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: I can play 4 out of five days and usually every weekend.
How long have you played Minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft since Beta_ Pre-release_V1
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?:Yes I am a do reviews for mods on YouTube, and I have been playing FTB for a while now.
Ever been banned from a server?:No I have never been banned on any server.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I am a fun loving, responsible guy who is serious when it is time to work and fun when it is time to relax.
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: svubbermand
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 24
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: ~12+ hours
How long have you played Minecraft?:Since Alpha
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Played with friends on a private FTB server for longer periods of time, played on Buxville aswell.
Ever been banned from a server?: No
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I love doing things by myself, I love getting inspired by others and seeing what they have build. Help is welcome, but I don't like having stuff handed to me :) Minecraft is a way for me to catch a breake between school projects and work. I hope to get whitelisted and join you soon :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: epicnesss2
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 14 (just give me a shot)
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: ~8 hours
How long have you played Minecraft?: about a year and half
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Yes, i started playing tekkit last year but slowely moved to FTB
Ever been banned from a server?: Nope
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I like making things that are good looking, but functional. They may look like crap in the beggining but as time goes by they get upgraded to look better. I used to play tekkit with by friends until life happened and we just didnt have time to play anymore. But the time is back. I usually use all the mods. Hope you accept me


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: noctisguy
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 17
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: About 5 hours (unless school necessitates otherwise), though since my previous favourite server reset and went a new direction my time has dwindled significantly.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since version 1.0 (November 2011)
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: FTB - a tiny bit (used buildcraft during 1.2.5), but I am an avid reader and know how to use both forums and wikis to get information so I should gain some experience/knowledge quickly enough. Tekkit, none (but I can research). Mods - lots, maybe too much so (I'm now dependent on minimap mods to not get lost).
Ever been banned from a server?: No, I've always played fair and by the rules.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I like designing production techniques and getting into the intellectual side of minecraft (calculating the number of blocks needed for x, how to approximate spheres in voxels, finding the margin of error when approximating curves, etc.) I'm on an all ap-schedule and do tutoring so I don't have much time to play, but I do play when I can. I also like the social aspect of minecraft servers; I played singleplayer for a while and when I finally got onto multiplayer I realized that there's no going back.

Elliot Huebler

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: KickFrontFlip
Age: 19
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: 6 hours
How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 years
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: I have a strong understanding of FTB/Tekkit
Ever been banned from a server?: No and I don't plan on it.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I like exploring the underused mods and making 'over-elaborate' machines just because. FTB is a good way to pass time and I like the community feeling in a server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age : 11
how much do you spend playing weekly : about 4 hours on weekdays and about 6-8 on weekends
how long have you played minecraft : 4 years
any exp with ftb / tekkit : none with ftb but quite a bit with tekkit and voltz
ever been banned from a server nope and dont wish to be
a little something about yourself i am from the uk and love jaffa cakes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I apologize for the delay, i will be responding to your applications in the next day or two. Thank you for your patience!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: TLGGh0sT the O is a zero (common mistake)
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 18
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: I usually play 1-2 hours a day because of school and my girlfriend, however I play more on the weekends.
How long have you played Minecraft?: I've played Minecraft for about 2 years now so I know my way.
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Yes, I've played FTB ever since the Mindcrackers started to play it. I really enjoy it and am looking for a new server to play on.
Ever been banned from a server?: Yes, but it was because the admin and I were in a heated debate about politics and he got mad because I won. He then banned me.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I usually like to play with other people, however I am independent and can play by myself. I'm 18 years old, have a girlfriend, and plan on attending college. If you have any more questions please feel free to add me on skype (w.johnson123)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Once again, thank you for your interest (and for your patience). I have PM'ed those whose applications have been accepted


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: JohannBorges
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 20
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: Depends on how much time i have to play and if i want to.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since Beta 1.7.3
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Yes. Ive been playing on another server and some single player
Ever been banned from a server?: Nope
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I have a really bad time talking about myself, so i will talk about how i use to play. I really like exploring and building stuff, but the thing i most like to do on Minecraft is helping other people. Im lazzy as hell, so, dont expect me to be mining a lot. But i also hate quarries, so, i wont destroy your world. My favorite mod is Thaumcraft, nearly followed by Industrialcraft. So, thats it, hope you like what i said. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 13
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: Depends on how much time i have how much homework i have and whats going on in everyday life.
How long have you played Minecraft?: I've been playing minecraft since august.
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: I played tekkit for a few months and i was a tekknichian on the server i played on(basicly i helped people with machined based problems) and I've been playing FTB for a month or 2 now.
Ever been banned from a server?: No.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I try to help people when ever i can. I hate mining so ill most likely use other methods (quarry's, mining turtles, Miners, etc...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
“In Game Name: Kitchen_Fire
Age: 29
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: 10-30 hours of active play.
How long have you played Minecraft?: ~year
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Nope- Total noob
Ever been banned from a server?: nope
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I enjoy large and complicated builds, work with a lot of redstone in vannilla, and really want to expand my minecraft experience. I am currently working on a PhD so I do get busy someweeks but seem to find time to play. I enjoy playing mostly solo but want to join a small community of minecrafters to get more out of the gaming experience (I enjoying watching the mindcrack community videos). I'm not always chatty but I am very mature and would treat everyone with respect.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: UODucky
Age: 35
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: 10-20 hrs.
How long have you played Minecraft?: I have been playing minecraft for about one and a half to two years. Possibly longer; I think I started with 1.8 beta.
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: I have been playing FTB since beta and switched to the Mindcrack pack soon after that pack was released.
Ever been banned from a server?: No, I have not played on a server outside my home before.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I like to build automation, use routers, breed bees, build forestry farms, and putter about a little. I like trying to mix mods. I am more of a technical-type builder, not a creative builder. I am also a law student, and minecraft (FTB in particular) is one of my relaxation hobbies. I also coach baseball and other sports on occasion. I am not really outgoing, but I am sociable. I also have a moderate personality, neither very high nor too low.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: w0rd26
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 28
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: Depends on the week but I'd say anywhere from 10 to 20 hours.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since October 2010
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Yes, I've only really played modded MC. I can't really play vanilla, it bores me.
Ever been banned from a server?: No I haven't.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I like to build by myself, I'm kind of a loner for that, doing my own stuff. I do like to help others and contribute to group projects. I like to show off my work, if it works.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: H3pha
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 18
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: Between 20 to 40 hours weekly when I start going to school again in the fall. Till then probably around 60 hours weekly.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since early Alpha. However long ago that was.
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Yes. Both FTB and Tekkit on and off.
Ever been banned from a server?: I was banned from a server over 6 months after I had already quit it. No valid reason given.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: Mostly keep to myself. Takes a while for me to get used to a community and start socializing. Me and my girlfriend SamEatsBrains build cute pink stuff together.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: SamEatsBrains
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 20
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: Idk. Don't really count. Way too much. 8-10 hours a day. Sometimes more or less.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Just under one year now.
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: None. But I can read, and I do not ask stupid questions. Or any questions for that matter.
Ever been banned from a server?: Same as H3pha. Banned months after quitting (rather peacefully, mind you)...with no reason given.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I won't lie. I like pink/cute things. But honestly, my goal is usually to make builds that are the most beautiful/effective at a scale reasonable to the height of the player. I'm decent at interior junk. I always try to leave the landscape I work on/around looking untouched or improved.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: PotatoSamurai
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 25
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: Outside of eating and sleeping...
How long have you played Minecraft?: Uncountable years.
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: Tekkit for >1 year, FTB ~3 months
Ever been banned from a server?: Negative
A little something about your play-style or yourself:
I'm an engineer type. I like building factories that actually look like factories, with iron-block panels, brick office buildings, etc. I also like integrating Industrialcraft etc. into buildings, like making massive dams for Water Mills (even though the Mills are hardly an effective power source). Oh, and I dislike destroying much of the natural terrain. Better to build within it.​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Plasticdart
Age(exceptions are made based on maturity): 16
How much time do you spend playing weekly?: I generally play a couple hours a day, so 10+ hours a week.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since early alpha.
Any experience with FTB/Tekkit/mods?: I've played Tekkit pretty much since it came out to the public, just recently started FTB.
Ever been banned from a server?: Yes, there was a Coup d'état by some of the newer members to remove me as a mod so they could take my place. The owner was consumed by their wicked little nest of lies and promptly removed me from the server.
A little something about your play-style or yourself: I like to build big. I never start by building a small, temporary house; I always start with more of a castle-esque type thing