Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

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I have built the Lumen tree now, and it was happily charging for over a day. it has grown quite big now. For example, there are 10 Million Portokali inside now. Two Questiuons now:
How do i get the Lumens out of it? The Relay Source for my Crystal Furnace does not draw from the Tree and is constantly starved of Portokali.
Also - as i recall, the Recharge Rate of the Pylons goes down when drained. The lumen tree seems to drain them all constantly. Isn't that extremely counter-productive for the Pylon networks recharge? it would be nice if the Tree only draws Excess Energy, or when the Pylon is over 90% full.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you want, you could build an opaque shield around the battery block and let everything recharge. The lumen tree does kinda eat lotsa power before you get around to making and using power crystals.


Yes, i think i should do that... if only there was a way to read out Pylon charge.
As for the power Crystals, i kind of gave up on them. After several hours of caving, i could not find enough rockflowers for a second set. The worst thing is, even with max fortune, the rockflowers sometimes don't even drop a single Purification powder. Also, the Boring machine definitely does not give rockflower. What a waste of time...
Again, i don't get it why there is no fabricator recipe for the powder, or the raw crystals. No matter the cost, there SHOULD be one way to get it reliably. I even tried several different attempts of frame quarrying, but they cannot harvest them of course. I even tried, with fear of corrupting the world, of somehow glitching the fakeplayer of a Dynamism tablet to the required Progression, but that did not work reliable. The only thing left of which i can think is maybe use a turtle to Scavenge the ground and marking every Rockflower into a file while making linking books into an enderchest, so that i can go and harvest them by hand. But i would really hate doing that, and i think i will rather just cheat the powder in.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seeing as my bees have yet to produce a crystal shard, what's the best way to generate crystals, short of manually mining for hours?

I have a dedicated chunk loaded server, so time isn't much of an issue, doing it manually is just tediius though.

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Seeing as my bees have yet to produce a crystal shard, what's the best way to generate crystals, short of manually mining for hours?

I have a dedicated chunk loaded server, so time isn't much of an issue, doing it manually is just tediius though.

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There's four methods I use.

1: Other mods that increase the availability of Chests will end up being a decent source of them. I use the BattleTowers mod (Creates huge structures in the landscape, full of chests), and the Loot Bags mod (Makes enemies drop drop bags of treasure, which can contain shards and Knowledge Fragments. Also contains a recycling machine that turns items obtained from treasure chests into more loot bags. Combine this with a sugarcane farm to make paper, and you can get a decent source of them going.)
2: A machine you get later can actually create shards. Specifically, the
Fabricator. It can essentially print items if supplied the correct energy.
3: Did you know that you can actually
go above the upper Bedrock layer of the Nether?
. Try looking around there. You might find some good sources of shards.
4: MUCH later in the mod, you can get an utterly gigantic structure that will solve your shard problem once and for all.
The Lumen Tree. It's basically a colossal battery for the energy you use in this mod. It grows crystalline leaves, like it's namesake. If you don't mind trading in some of your energy, you can break these leaves, which drops a colossal amount of shards of the appropriate colour - Usually about 120.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think I'm quite far enough for 4, 3 is how I've been getting most of my shards so far. 2 might be what I go with, I think I have it unlocked, I just need to actually make it. I think I need to upgrade my casting complex first though.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it a dozen? I thought I was getting like 8 or so from the grinder. In any case, that brings up a good point. Assuming I wanted to tweak the output for the grinder, how would I do that?

20 or so repeaters later, and I'm finally grounded. No more fear of getting shot out of the sky for accidentally getting too close to a pylon.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright, how the hell do I make a remotely efficient automated farm with crystal seeds?
I suppose I want to use enrichment vines with fertility blooms, to speed up the growth?
And Scissorweed to harvest?
Or am I better off just using RoC Fans to harvest?
Followed by an item vacuum to collect drops.

Now for a couple of questions;
I heard you can stack up to 6 enrichment vines... That does not sound at all, like it would fit nicely into the farm? Am I missing something here?
What's the actual range of fertility blooms, so I know how many I'll need? Did some testing in creative for both cases, though either I'm just setting up something wrong in the first case (like I said, looks somewhat out of place having a tower of enrichment vines in the middle of the farm) or it has a next to not noticeable effect on the growth. At least any results were similar enough that it could've been just rng luck as well.
As for Scissorweeds, the book says it checks adjacent flowers, so it knows what to break... Does this mean it only breaks plants adjacent to it, or does it only break the type of plants adjacent to it? From my understanding of what the books says it's the latter... but wouldn't it just break all plants after a while? Also, same as with the fertility bloom, whats it's range in that case, and is it increased by enrichment vines?
Also, are Scissorweeds supposed to just butcher my whole farm after a while? I can see why they break the whole plant if it's about worldgen-flowers, but the book reads like it's also used to farm crystal seed plants... So breaking those seems somewhat counterinuitive, as they don't spread and don't replant themselfes? In the first place, fan's only harvest the actual products, so I'd be surprised why Scissorweeds would work differently.

As a last thing, what's the deal with impure and enriched seeds? Used a couple of all 3 types in creative and didn't really get the feeling there was any difference to them, aside from the plants from enriched seeds having a glowing effect. Though admittedly, I didn't wait for too long, so I didn't get an amount of results (seeds/shards) to be actually sure of it.
Aside from that, I didn't find a way to actually create enriched seeds. Tried different combinations of liquid chroma, berries, seeds and shards, but to no avail, as that sounded like the natural way to "enrich" something at that crafting tier you get them (unless the enriched seeds are a far later tier? didn't see anything in the creative book telling me that, though I may have missed something).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As for the enrichment vine stacking, couldn't you just place the bulk of them underground like folks used to do with old Xychorium soil?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Replying to Rossmallo, about exiting:
Nope. At the bottom is a layer of Shielding rock, or whatever it's called. Digging down into it reveals a layer of Lifewater, and below that, another layer of Shielding rock, only this layer is unbreakable. Digging around it only leads to bedrock.

You've got the right idea -- digging down. But you've got the wrong location, apparently.

Hmm. Are there any places in the dimension that seem different than other places, where you might try digging down?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As for the enrichment vine stacking, couldn't you just place the bulk of them underground like folks used to do with old Xychorium soil?
Well, I guess. Can't say I'm happy with it, as it certainly feels quite... "disappointing" as a solution. I mean, this is Chromaticraft we're talking about, which has aesthetics as a major selling point?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Perhaps, but I'm the kind of guy that when aesthetics and practicality collide, I choose practicality every time. So, do take anything I say with regard to aesthetics with a grain of salt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For crystal-farming with the crystal-seeds:
Reika mentioned once that the plants are mainly for decoration/aesthetics and are not really meant for actually farming crystals (that why the chance to get one is so extremely low and I guess we can be happy that they actually do have a chance for crystals ^^).
So I'm not really sure if there is a way to automate farming them or if they're kinda protected against it.

About scissorweed:
I played around with a bit and it didn't do anything, so from the text in the book about it (Flowers in all 16 colors, "using a drum" and such) I'm wondering if that flower only works with Botania's flowers. (I didn't put Botania in my pack so I cannot test it, but the text really sounds like it's only for Botania)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About aesthetics vs practicality, I'm pretty much the same. It's just ChrC itself being focused around aesthetics quite a bit, so I was surprised it would need something like that.

As for the scissorweed, the entry in the book feels like it's talking about the actual Crystal Seed Flowers, as they come in 16 colors. I suppose the entry about drums would be just another way to harvest them.
About them being mainly for decoration, well the entry on the seeds explicitely (I totally misspelled that) states that they are used to supplement your crystal shards. And it's definitely possible to automate farming them (RoC Fans to the job just fine, just wanted to find an in-mod solution)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah, learned something new again, thanks! Never even thought about trying to use rotarycraft fans on them to see if they can be automated ^^"
I know the book says it, but the chance for crystals is really slim. In an other modpack with Chromaticraft I once had a chunk full of crystal seeds (so 16 per color) and I got maybe one or two crystal-shards out of maybe 10 times I harvested it (all together, not this many shards per color).
I guess when you automate it you can just let it run without worrying about it and it adds up.

About the scissorweed:
I tried it in my growing field of crystal seed and it just brock all the crystal plants without caring if they're mature in growth or not (even tried giving it a redstone signal, thinking that might be it).
So seeing it actually just breaks flowers and the "16 colors + drum" makes me believe it's really only for Botania. Especially since it doesn't seem to touch vanilla-flowers at all.

One thing which might work: Redstone signal seems to stop the scissorweed. So setting up something like "Let them grow in piece for 5 minutes then activate scissorweed for another 5 minutes so it gets all the plants" - it seems not really fast in breaking the plants - might work.
But then there is the point about collecting and replanting the seeds. So not sure if the whole automation can be made in chromaticraft itself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're welcome. Glad to be able to help as well, instead of being the only one asking questions.

As for the Scissorweed, oh yea. I actually totally forgot about the basic Botania Flowers. Always thought you don't want to break any of the generating/producing flowers, so completely dismissed that idea. But yea, for the mystical ones that would obviously work.

About automating Crystal Seeds... Maybe the elemental Farmer would work? Though the one time I was ready to craft it, the world kinda went byebye. So I never got to try it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another weird question, and it's pretty much a "Yes" or "No" answer I hope for (trying to avoid spoilering me too much, heh):

For base-planning and especially the planning of the main-repeater-line to connect everything you need:
- Are there more than 4 structures (including a possible connection of relays, still don't understand this system very well) which need a clear powerline for Lumen?

(trying to make the whole thing nice, but worried that in the end I have repeaters scattered everywhere to get the power to the places which need them x.x)