Whitelist Server Chill the Beast: Direwolf20 1.7.10 Modpack Server, All Mods/Items

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Age: 17
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: 3 uears, 2 years modded
Type of Minecraft player you are: love tech, casual player
How long you plan on staying: as long as I enjoy playing on the server
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): can give it online

IGN: Donmyster
Age: 18
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Since 1.2.5 Challenge map... since then I've been playing modded straight !
Type of Minecraft player you are: I like to think that i know most if not all the mods but don't we all ? I am an artict modern styled build who may be a bit excessive !
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server is friendly and can handle all the fun we will be having...
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): Will PM if needed as i prefer not to share it in a public place.

IGN: Saphiredragon89
Age: 25
How long I've played: Since beta
Type of Minecraft player: Someone who finds somewhere far away to build until what I'm making is ready to show off.
How long I'll play: Until I burn myself out

IGN: Lordofthebricks
Age: 22
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Since august 2010, 2 of those years with ftb / atlauncher
Type of Minecraft player you are: builder / explorer
How long you plan on staying: Until i get bored because there is no one to play with.
Cool pics/optional extras: i usually take pictures but with so many modpacks they are scattered across many folders :S
Skype(Optional): i dont use it anymore

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:I have been playing minecraft since 2010, I started playing modded minecraft in 2012 :V.
Type of Minecraft player you are: I like to make big buildings, trying to combine diferentes mods making all look nice :p; i like to explore to :D
How long you plan on staying: As long as possible
Cool pics/optional extras:



Skype(Optional): gonz-06

IGN: Adz999
Age: 17

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Quite a few years. I use to host a direwolf20 1.7.10 server with regular players but i got board and want to play with a new environment.
Type of Minecraft player you are: i Am into the technical mods and am a very good builder ( i realised who vain that sounds hah but its true so i dont care )
How long you plan on staying: however long i can :)
Cool pics/optional extras: N/A
Skype(Optional): adam.creed987

IGN: haydosjr_0932
Age: 17
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Ive played since alpha and I played alot of modpacks around the time when the first Mindcrack modpack was around
Type of Minecraft player you are: I like to go really hard and try to automate everything but this time i want to get into magic mods more such as thaumcraft and blood magic
How long you plan on staying: Hopefully for a very long time, depends how well the server operates
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): matt.hayden32

IGN: iddias
Age: 34
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: been playing since beta i dont know what number
Type of Minecraft player you are:Serious, every day player
How long you plan on staying:As long as you'll have me

IGN: KeesheK
Age: 30
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: 2 years experience with Vanilla and FTB
Type of Minecraft player you are: Builder and novice, learning mods with a friend, Hollowfires
How long you plan on staying: Long as the server works? I guess?
You've all been added
IGN: Roufous_808
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: About 4 years/Mostly FTB.
Type of Minecraft player you are:I like to build small technical builds using different mods. So i guess i'm a technical player, but i would like to try the new magic mods.
How long you plan on staying: As long as there are people that i can play and have fun with.
Cool pics/optional extras: /
Skype(Optional): I prefer to pm it instead of posting publicly.
IGN: vetleice (no caps)
Age: 15
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I have been playing MC for 4 years and ftb ever since it came out
Type of Minecraft player you are: Social , I like playing with other people and making cool tech/magic builds.
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server is up probably.
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): VetleIce
IGN: cucust9876
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years and FTB after Tekkit became Tekkit Classic
Type of Minecraft player you are: Lone wolf, sometimes teaming with one or two people.
How long you plan on staying: Who knows, I'm just sure I won't leave you the first week
Cool pics/optional extras: nope.avi
Skype(Optional): -
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:3 years of vanillia and 2 years of modded
Type of Minecraft player you are: Builder/both building and tech
How long you plan on staying: As long as you will have me
Cool pics/optional extras: Wish i did

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: since2011, in 2012 I started playing modded minecraft.
Type of Minecraft player you are: The kind that sometimes dabbles in to too many mods at once.
How long you plan on staying: As long as I can/it's fun.
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): I used to have one, I may get it again latter.
IGN: Timbob102
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Been playing since Feb., 2013, modded since June, 2013
Type of Minecraft player you are: I play around with everything and eventually play philanthropist after I've done endgame stuff, and started bee breeding.
How long you plan on staying: As long as I possibly can.

Cool pics/optional extras: None
Skype(Optional): Timbob202
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Early Beta
Type of Minecraft player you are: In vanilla, I use redstone. On FTB, I enjoy industrial craft
How long you plan on staying: I will play for as long as the server is active
Cool pics/optional extras: I would love to contribute to the server in any way possible
Skype(Optional): willhami2

Add me on skype!
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:2 Years; most of it on FTB
Type of Minecraft player you are:Adventurous and Techy
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server stays on.
Cool pics/optional extras:
Minecraft username : AscendedBeyond
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:Few years, mostly ftb
Type of Minecraft player you are: Mostly Builder. But love to meddle with automated contraptions and some magic. Love to help others if i can.
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server stays on.
Cool pics/optional extras: /
Skype(Optional): /
pls add my friend too if possible :

Minecraft username : ArieKanarie12
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:Few months
Type of Minecraft player you are: Still learning the ropes. Friendly player.
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server stays on.
Cool pics/optional extras: /
Skype(Optional): /
IGN: vvtra

Age: 35

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I've been on and off since lunch. I was bored with vanilla and switched to FTB Ultimate for a long time. I've beat agrarian Sky
(I think) not much more i can add to it. Played on a prison server for a couple years. Reached top ranks fairly quickly. Switched to FTB Monster pack for a year while i was playing on prison server with my alternate account. Great server but due to unknown reasons the server shut down.

Type of Minecraft player you are: I'm a perfectionist when it comes to building. Partially OCD when dimensions aren't symmetrical. I'm more of an xtreme hill biome type of player. You'd fly by and would noticed there was a base there until someone accidentally mines under and falls in a mobs spawner room...

How long you plan on staying: I'm very loyal when i feel comfortable in a server. I've only played on 3 server since lunch. It's all about having fun and have great conversations.

Cool pics/optional extras: That's one thing i've regret, was not having any pictures of my builds.

Skype(Optional): I do have Skype but for security reasons I won't disclose it on a public forum.

I am looking for reliable people to help monitor the server and whitelist, or mods/admins to help keep an eye on things when I'm not around. I plan on asking to recruit outstanding members eventually, but for now I'm willing to elect those who have had experience being an admin/mod on prior servers. If you're interested in in becoming a bigger part of this server, please let me know. I only ask three things, you link me to prior servers you participated in, tell me your experience running Minecraft servers, and your age. I'm objective to putting anyone younger than 20 as an admin/mod, but if you're mature enough I don't think there's a problem


Furiouscraft was the very first server i've joined when i started playing Minecraft. I quickly became a Guide (which entails of accepting/promoting/whitelist new players who joined. After a short while i've earned the trust of being promoted to moderator (The only admin was the server owner.) Handled all the domestic feud between factions, grief control, spammers, advertisers, promoting and helping out with builds.

After making small contributions to the server i've decided to try out the FTB server it was hosting. I fell in love with it. I've also became a mod until the lack of players made the server shut down.

From there I returned to vanilla server and decided to try out the hardcore prison server. I've became a guard which kept the new player safe from ex-prisoner's harm. I've made numerous proposals to the server admin in order to keep the server smooth.

After the prison got revamped I helped testing Command Reference - Essentials on the new prison server. Became a Head-Guard in order to maintain the peace on the prison grounds.

Due to my work scheduled back then I was unable to play much anymore. Missing FTB playstyle i was unable to enjoy vanilla minecraft anymore. To this day i still hop on there and help out all i can.

Theses are my experience as a player growing up to be a moderator on three different Minecraft play styles. If you have any question feel free to PM me. Looking forward joining your community.

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IGN: vasponger
Age: 30?
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: long time, just beat agrarian skies
Type of Minecraft player you are: tech/automation
How long you plan on staying: as long as the servers good and populated.
Cool pics/optional extras:
IGN: Roufous_808
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: About 4 years/Mostly FTB.
Type of Minecraft player you are:I like to build small technical builds using different mods. So i guess i'm a technical player, but i would like to try the new magic mods.
How long you plan on staying: As long as there are people that i can play and have fun with.
Cool pics/optional extras: /
Skype(Optional): I prefer to pm it instead of posting publicly.

IGN: vetleice (no caps)
Age: 15
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I have been playing MC for 4 years and ftb ever since it came out
Type of Minecraft player you are: Social , I like playing with other people and making cool tech/magic builds.
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server is up probably.
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): VetleIce

IGN: cucust9876
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years and FTB after Tekkit became Tekkit Classic
Type of Minecraft player you are: Lone wolf, sometimes teaming with one or two people.
How long you plan on staying: Who knows, I'm just sure I won't leave you the first week
Cool pics/optional extras: nope.avi
Skype(Optional): -

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:3 years of vanillia and 2 years of modded
Type of Minecraft player you are: Builder/both building and tech
How long you plan on staying: As long as you will have me
Cool pics/optional extras: Wish i did

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: since2011, in 2012 I started playing modded minecraft.
Type of Minecraft player you are: The kind that sometimes dabbles in to too many mods at once.
How long you plan on staying: As long as I can/it's fun.
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): I used to have one, I may get it again latter.

IGN: Timbob102
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Been playing since Feb., 2013, modded since June, 2013
Type of Minecraft player you are: I play around with everything and eventually play philanthropist after I've done endgame stuff, and started bee breeding.
How long you plan on staying: As long as I possibly can.
Cool pics/optional extras: None
Skype(Optional): Timbob202

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Early Beta
Type of Minecraft player you are: In vanilla, I use redstone. On FTB, I enjoy industrial craft
How long you plan on staying: I will play for as long as the server is active
Cool pics/optional extras: I would love to contribute to the server in any way possible
Skype(Optional): willhami2

Add me on skype!

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:2 Years; most of it on FTB
Type of Minecraft player you are:Adventurous and Techy
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server stays on.
Cool pics/optional extras:

Minecraft username : AscendedBeyond
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:Few years, mostly ftb
Type of Minecraft player you are: Mostly Builder. But love to meddle with automated contraptions and some magic. Love to help others if i can.
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server stays on.
Cool pics/optional extras: /
Skype(Optional): /

pls add my friend too if possible :

Minecraft username : ArieKanarie12
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:Few months
Type of Minecraft player you are: Still learning the ropes. Friendly player.
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server stays on.
Cool pics/optional extras: /
Skype(Optional): /

IGN: theonestreamer44
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I have been playing minecraft since Beta and have played modded every once in a while
Type of Minecraft player you are:I am more of a technical person if I had to pick
How long you plan on staying:I plan on playing on the server until it shuts down
Cool pics/optional extras: I also do youtube and was wandering if I could record on here!
Skype(Optional): theonestreamer

Thanks for reading!

IGN: vvtra

Age: 35

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I've been on and off since lunch. I was bored with vanilla and switched to FTB Ultimate for a long time. I've beat agrarian Sky
(I think) not much more i can add to it. Played on a prison server for a couple years. Reached top ranks fairly quickly. Switched to FTB Monster pack for a year while i was playing on prison server with my alternate account. Great server but due to unknown reasons the server shut down.

Type of Minecraft player you are: I'm a perfectionist when it comes to building. Partially OCD when dimensions aren't symmetrical. I'm more of an xtreme hill biome type of player. You'd fly by and would noticed there was a base there until someone accidentally mines under and falls in a mobs spawner room...

How long you plan on staying: I'm very loyal when i feel comfortable in a server. I've only played on 3 server since lunch. It's all about having fun and have great conversations.

Cool pics/optional extras: That's one thing i've regret, was not having any pictures of my builds.

Skype(Optional): I do have Skype but for security reasons I won't disclose it on a public forum.

I am looking for reliable people to help monitor the server and whitelist, or mods/admins to help keep an eye on things when I'm not around. I plan on asking to recruit outstanding members eventually, but for now I'm willing to elect those who have had experience being an admin/mod on prior servers. If you're interested in in becoming a bigger part of this server, please let me know. I only ask three things, you link me to prior servers you participated in, tell me your experience running Minecraft servers, and your age. I'm objective to putting anyone younger than 20 as an admin/mod, but if you're mature enough I don't think there's a problem


Furiouscraft was the very first server i've joined when i started playing Minecraft. I quickly became a Guide (which entails of accepting/promoting/whitelist new players who joined. After a short while i've earned the trust of being promoted to moderator (The only admin was the server owner.) Handled all the domestic feud between factions, grief control, spammers, advertisers, promoting and helping out with builds.

After making small contributions to the server i've decided to try out the FTB server it was hosting. I fell in love with it. I've also became a mod until the lack of players made the server shut down.

From there I returned to vanilla server and decided to try out the hardcore prison server. I've became a guard which kept the new player safe from ex-prisoner's harm. I've made numerous proposals to the server admin in order to keep the server smooth.

After the prison got revamped I helped testing Command Reference - Essentials on the new prison server. Became a Head-Guard in order to maintain the peace on the prison grounds.

Due to my work scheduled back then I was unable to play much anymore. Missing FTB playstyle i was unable to enjoy vanilla minecraft anymore. To this day i still hop on there and help out all i can.

Theses are my experience as a player growing up to be a moderator on three different Minecraft play styles. If you have any question feel free to PM me. Looking forward joining your community.

IGN: vasponger
Age: 30?
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: long time, just beat agrarian skies
Type of Minecraft player you are: tech/automation
How long you plan on staying: as long as the servers good and populated.
Cool pics/optional extras:
All have been added
IGN: Kezaraux
Age: 17
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I've been playing Minecraft itself since Beta 1.2, though I got into FTB (more specifically DW20) around v1.5. I've got some good experience with a bit of everything under my belt.
Type of Minecraft player you are: I'm the kind of guy who always manages to make 1 random friend (though usually more) on the servers I play, for example, Hollowfires who is playing on this server at the moment. I usually set up a base, and once I'm situated I like to make little things (sometimes big) for the community to use and all that.
How long you plan on staying: As long as there are things to do, people to talk with, and enjoyable moments to be had.
Cool pics/optional extras: Sorry, all I can seem to offer is this one sentence here.
Skype(Optional): Gaming.Kezaraux

Hope to hear back from you soon. :)
IGN: jDek_
Age: 21
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Several months.
Type of Minecraft player you are: I'm keen on automation process.
How long you plan on staying: I really can't say right now, it depends.
Skype(Optional): PM me.
IGN: Darkus666
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I've been a minecraft player since it's infant stage in 2009.
Type of Minecraft player you are: Magic-focused, new to modded scene.
How long you plan on staying: As long as I can ^^
Cool pics/optional extras:
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Question: Is there a stance on streaming? If one would like to record their play (and interact with others if they wish) for Twitch and/or Youtube, is there a policy one way or the other?
Age: 14
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: since early beta
Type of Minecraft player you are: I enjoy mining and building
How long you plan on staying: As long as possible
Cool pics/optional extras:
IGN: Minuette_
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I've played MC ever since the beta release, about the time the nether was released
Type of Minecraft player you are: Someone that likes to build and help others out with the stuff I know how to do lol
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server is up :)
Cool pics/optional extras: Um, http://i.imgur.com/r31FuU0.png (Pic of Shaymin lol)
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