Whitelist Server Chill the Beast: Direwolf20 1.7.10 Modpack Server, All Mods/Items

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IGN: Seventrark

: Losing track; how long has it been since the '70s? That old.

Minecraft experience: Since the end of 2011. Vanilla SSP ... then Vanilla SMP ... then Tekkit SMP, and into other modded. A while on a server with its own modpack eventually petered out when that was not working right, so prefer a server with a wide-release modpack now, like DW20. No coincidence I'm applying here! Done some DW20 1.7.10 SSP, but have not explored all of the pack yet.

Type of Minecraft player: I like a nice-looking, scenic home, with some decent technology in the basement running everything efficiently. I'm the sort of builder that often puts the pipes behind a tidy wall after getting the machine working right.

How long you plan on staying: Indefinitely.

Cool pics/optional extras: My profile picture shows an oversized snowman I made a long time ago in vanilla. I like a bit of something to show around my base.

Skype(Optional): Don't use it much; can provide privately if necessary.
Whitelisted. It's ok, us older people are usually coolest right.

IGN: Seventrark

: Losing track; how long has it been since the '70s? That old.

Minecraft experience: Since the end of 2011. Vanilla SSP ... then Vanilla SMP ... then Tekkit SMP, and into other modded. A while on a server with its own modpack eventually petered out when that was not working right, so prefer a server with a wide-release modpack now, like DW20. No coincidence I'm applying here! Done some DW20 1.7.10 SSP, but have not explored all of the pack yet.

Type of Minecraft player: I like a nice-looking, scenic home, with some decent technology in the basement running everything efficiently. I'm the sort of builder that often puts the pipes behind a tidy wall after getting the machine working right.

How long you plan on staying: Indefinitely.

Cool pics/optional extras: My profile picture shows an oversized snowman I made a long time ago in vanilla. I like a bit of something to show around my base.

Skype(Optional): Don't use it much; can provide privately if necessary.
IGN: Flassie
Age: 20
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Since 1.2.1
Type of Minecraft player you are: Various and depends on mood. Sometimes I want to build something nice, sometimes I want to make everything automated. And I like to help to other people if I can :3
How long you plan on staying: As long as possible
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): I don't want to put it in the public access. Can tell you in the PM
IGN: John_Quango
Age: 21
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: about 3 years now
Type of Minecraft player you are: Automate everything. But i also like to build nice looking buildings and work on big projects.
How long you plan on staying: As long as there are people to play with
Cool pics/optional extras: I played SSP for a long time and started playing on a server resently and thought it was really fun to play with other, share ideas and builds as well as help and get help. Sadly it closed down and that's why i'm here looking for a new group of players to share the fun and exiting experience of playing awesome modpacks.
Skype(Optional): I have Skype, teamspeak, ventrilo, raidcall... If you want the info or talk before whitelisting, just pm
Ign: midnightzo
Age: 18
How long you've played Minecraft/past experience:been playing since it first went beta and a year less than that for nodded.
Type of Minecraft player you are: I'm the kind of player who loves to multitask using over 9000 diff. Mods yet always gets in over their head XD.
How long do plan on staying: as long as I am welcome and can be part of a nice community.
Cool pics/optional extras: I love to write and draw, and I currently have a story being written so if you guys want to see read what I've got just pm me and I'll Link it.
Skype(optional): Skype hates me but I'll try and get it when I can ^-^[/QUOTE

So I don't mean to do this and be annoying... But I posted this and it seems like you guys skipped it or something, sorry its just I really want to join you guys!
IGN: elvvood
Age: 24
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I started playing vanilla right after the nether was added in alpha. Picked up ftb ultimate when it was the main pack, and have played a handful of other ftb packs since.
Type of Minecraft player you are: Builder/miner. I use magic/tech as needed. To me, the journey is the destination, so I don't like min/maxing my play to get the super ultimate omega gradius sword on the first night. I like making huge dwarven-style fortresses.
How long you plan on staying: If it's a good community, I plan to stay a while.
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): I'll give this out when I'm sure I'm going to stay.
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Since beta 1.2.5 i think
Type of Minecraft player you are: In modded minecraft i like making technical things but make them aesthetic. In normal minecraft i am a sort of guy that plays alot of hardcore
How long you plan on staying:As long as people are nice, FOREVER!
Cool pics/optional extras:

IGN: toby_1002
Age: 17 (nearly 18)
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Since the original tekkit
Type of Minecraft player you are: Technical and builder
How long you plan on staying: A long time if the community is good
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): t.e.nicholls
IGN: enteesto
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: 2 years
Type of Minecraft player you are: Technical
How long you plan on staying: As long as possible
Age: 15
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: since beta 1.5 (4 years)
Type of Minecraft player you are: i concentrate on doing techy things and some magic
How long you plan on staying: for at least month

Age:14 I understand that 14 is a bit young but I am very mature for my age but atleast I am not lying about my age like some other kids do. I am in Honors classes and school comes first.

How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Ive played Minecraft since the 1.2.5 Update for vanilla had just came out.

Type of Minecraft player you are: I am the type of minecrafter who enjoys a good time with anyone one, No matter the age I will always try and have a great time with people and help them. On modded I usally roam around a lot I am very picky about where I stay because I usally like to stay in one area forever and I do not like changing my spot so for the first like 3 hours Id honestly be exploring around a small area I dont go to far no more than 500-2000 Blocks but if I am on a server to keep the server on less stress but on modded its usally the first 1000 blocks I find an area. I like to mine, A lot. I like to explore new mods and I havnt played modded since 1.5 modpacks just came out and my last online experience stopped me. No where could I have found a good server and everyone was always trying to steal and or grief with mods. I hated it. I also enjoy exploration or magic mods like the Twilight Forest.

How long you plan on staying: Depends, If I get bored of Direwolf it could be a month If I really start to enjoy my self I could stay until the server shuts down. Maybe 2 hours a day? Depends how much also and I mostly wont play on weekends as I am at my Grandparents resident.

Cool pics/optional extras:

Skype(Optional): DarkBlade2117. Also if you could message me or add me to the group chat if youve added me so I know I might not check here to often to see if I have been added. Thanks A Lot!
IGN: Mash_Tactics


How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:
I've played Minecraft since very late alpha. I started off single player but eventually moved on to playing in the multiplayer scene after a few of my friends started playing sometime during the beta. I co-admin'd a pvp/factions-based vanilla Minecraft server with a friend of mine for two or three years before it was eventually closed down. Since then, I've been involved mostly with things like Tekkit and Feed The Beast to keep the Minecraft experience fresh. Now after discovering that my computer simply doesn't have the means to host a FTB server, I'm looking for a place for myself, and my friend Unusual_Methods.

Type of Minecraft player you are:
I'm definitely the kind of player who gets an idea for a project, completes in, and then is immediately unsatisfied and decides to double or triple the scale. I like big projects, whether it's large-scale building, or simply trying to generate as much power as I can with my current resources. I like trying out new setups and alternative means to reaching a goal. I compartmentalize form and function, and don't really focus on the aesthetics of my home/project until I'm satisfied that it's operating correctly/efficiently. I just don't like having to decorate twice in the case of needing to do a quick remodel.

How long you plan on staying: Honestly it's tough to say. Provided that I'm not dragged away by work, I will be playing here for the foreseeable future so long as no unforeseen issues pop up.

Cool pics/optional extras:
This is a picture of one of my old boiler rooms before I finished it. Steam boilers fed by biofuel and then converted into MJ through sterling engines was by FAR my favorite means of power production when I was last big into FTB. I don't know if it's still viable, but it was crazy fun.

I'll be happy to give this out in a PM, but I'm apprehensive about posting my skype on a public forum for obvious reasons.
IGN: DemonicShadow
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:6 yrs 4 yrs with modded Minecraft
Type of Minecraft player you are:Helper /epic builder
How long you plan on staying:as long as i can
Cool pics/optional extras:
Skype(Optional): DemonicShadow
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Since beta 1.6 and a lot of Tekkit and FTB.
Type of Minecraft player you are: I enjoy magic mods and agriculture.
How long you plan on staying: As long as I can connect and people are on to play
Cool pics/optional extras: N/A
Skype(Optional): josh_on_skype_98
IGN: tom3519
Age: 13
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I've played MC for just under 3 years, and modded minecraft for 1 year.
Type of Minecraft player you are: I usually stay away from pvp (horrible at it) and I usually play alone meaning I make my base, machines, etc. alone unless an irl friend is on the server.
How long you plan on staying: Until the server makes any drastic changes I dislike, shuts down, becomes to laggy, etc.
Cool pics/optional extras: I have none
Skype(Optional): eamon_oconnor3
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:How long ago was beta 1.4 released?
Type of Minecraft player you are: Im always looking for something new to do in minecraft.
How long you plan on staying:as long as i can.
IGN: Drewby2000


How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: I started in Alpha and playing modded since 1.2 Beta with simple mods.

Type of Minecraft player you are:
Technical, I love machines especially redundantly complex machines to do a simple job.

How long you plan on staying: I really don't know as long as I can.

Cool pics/optional extras: I have no pictures for this sadly. However, I am experienced with moding/admining/maintaining servers.

Skype(Optional):Will Share In-Game or thriugh PM If Needed.(I also prefer TeamSpeak but use both).
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This seems like my type of server. I'll gladly apply.

IGN: Dekutanoth
Age: 24
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: 3-4 servers, TTKami progression, T5 blood altar, every type of bee, full power armor, etc, etc
Type of Minecraft player you are: I make things work. What I lack in design, I make up for in engineering.
How long you plan on staying: As long as the server has funding. :)
Cool pics/optional extras: I don't really screenshot stuff :( I guess I should start.
Skype(Optional): Latias714