IGN: 100PokePlayers
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Iv'e been playing since 1.8 beta of vanilla Minecraft, so about 4 or 3 years and I have played a lot of FTB, its all I play now
Type of Minecraft player you are: I don't really like wasting resources early game but later on I'm okay with it and with mods I'm really into the tech part of them like TE, IC2, Ender IO, etc and I also love magic mods such as Thaumcraft, Botania, and Witchery (Poppet pranks here I come!)
How long you plan on staying: I don't know, if the server and people on it are nice and fair then I don't see a reason to leave.
Cool pics/optional extras: Favorite mod would probably be Thaumcraft ;3
Skype(Optional): aw100pokeplayers or if that doesn't work try analogshift1
Age: 16
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience: Iv'e been playing since 1.8 beta of vanilla Minecraft, so about 4 or 3 years and I have played a lot of FTB, its all I play now

Type of Minecraft player you are: I don't really like wasting resources early game but later on I'm okay with it and with mods I'm really into the tech part of them like TE, IC2, Ender IO, etc and I also love magic mods such as Thaumcraft, Botania, and Witchery (Poppet pranks here I come!)
How long you plan on staying: I don't know, if the server and people on it are nice and fair then I don't see a reason to leave.
Cool pics/optional extras: Favorite mod would probably be Thaumcraft ;3
Skype(Optional): aw100pokeplayers or if that doesn't work try analogshift1