Welcome to Chillcraft, a whitelisted survival server. Here at Chillcraft we strive to create
a well crafted community, akin to that of the Mindcrack group. We will be running Direwolf20's
1.7.10, v1.0.3. Joining our server requires an application as follows.
How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:
Type of Minecraft player you are:
How long you plan on staying:
Cool pics/optional extras:
>:Rules to Follow:<
- Be mature in the chat
- Don't do things you think would be wrong
- No stealing
- No griefing
- Pranks allowed, use common sense
-Look around before quarrying/damaging an area
Server IP:
Server Info:
-Mineocity Hosting (New York), 8 GB Ram
-Everything is vanilla. There will be no admin-spawned items, hubs, etc.
- The server is on hard, so you will die of hunger.
- Unused Mystcraft worlds will be deleted.
-Report problems to me on this forum
-We have a group Skype chat
Current Members
{-} Additional Notes {-}
I am looking for reliable people to help monitor the server and whitelist, or mods/admins to help keep an eye on things when I'm not around. I plan on asking to recruit outstanding members eventually, but for now I'm willing to elect those who have had experience being an admin/mod on prior servers. If you're interested in in becoming a bigger part of this server, please let me know. I only ask three things, you link me to prior servers you participated in, tell me your experience running Minecraft servers, and your age. I'm objective to putting anyone younger than 20 as an admin/mod, but if you're mature enough I don't think there's a problem
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