CheeseMonkey's MindCrack Server [1.4.6 MindCrack][White List]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Ingame Name: ItzMyPleasure
Age: 14
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me)
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a nice server to get started on and just hang out with the people on it. Once I get my stuff sorted out I'll be sure to help the other players out.
Ingame Name: fanaart
Age: 15 ( I will turn 16 soon)
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me) fanaart
Why you want to join: I want to try feed the beast and i am looking for a good whitelist serve with matuer players and a great community!
Ingame Name: Nassaeu
Age: 23
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me) fanaart
Why you want to join: Looking for an active server that i can add to the creativeness that is Feed the Beast!
Ingame Name:Jegkorszak
Skype: iceage32
Why you want to join:Looking aroud for a Mindcrack like server.I don't have anyone to play with and ssp is boring after some time :) I have a lot of experience with mods(I configured servers for feed the beast and another modpack that I dont want to mention.Also please add me on skype :) Hope I see you guys soon :P
Ingame Name: inteLzzz
Age: 14
Skype: agitis6
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a small friendly Mindcrack pack server. I dont know if i need to explain more i just want to be in a friendly bunch and enjoy the game.
Ingame Name: NinjaUbreon
Age: 14
Skype: srry dont got skype
Why you want to join: for a fun and good place to play this version of ftb
Ingame Name: hkdrum
Age: 15
Skype: Don't have Skype sorry.
Why you want to join: I found this mod pack and I have never been a really big fan of single player so I came to the forums and picked a server to try and get on to.
Ingame Name:TrollingCow
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me)I dunt has one D:
Why you want to join: I like to play in small family-like communities and i like to cooperate and use teamwork with eachother
Ingame Name: Henryv38
Age: 13
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me) I'd rather not share mines
Why you want to join: I want to join because many other mindcrack servers are deserted or just griefed. I hope i get to join this one
Whitelist application
Ingame Name: noxious89
Age: 34
Skype: Don't have skype anymore. Just TS
Why you want to join: I'm looking to join a server that has friendly people, where I can trust people not to destroy my things. Everyone calls me Mom, as I am a gamer mom, because that's how I roll. ;) I would just like to be part of a friendly community, that respects the staff, follows rules, and has fun. Pvp aint for me. ;) The server I play on now, is very laggy, and not very fun because people destroy my things, and staff dosent do anything about it, but ignore those who need help. Please whitelist me? you wont regret having me around.[DOUBLEPOST=1356999171][/DOUBLEPOST]Whitelist application
Ingame Name: noxious89
Age: 34
Skype: Don't have skype anymore. Just TS
Why you want to join: I'm looking to join a server that has friendly people, where I can trust people not to destroy my things. Everyone calls me Mom, as I am a gamer mom, because that's how I roll. ;) I would just like to be part of a friendly community, that respects the staff, follows rules, and has fun. Pvp aint for me. ;) The server I play on now, is very laggy, and not very fun because people destroy my things, and staff dosent do anything about it, but ignore those who need help. Please whitelist me? you wont regret having me around.
IGN: matt9715
Why i want to join: Because i really like FTB and i dont like playing alone so i thought it would be cool to join a server :)
Thanks for applying guys. The following have been added.
  • Cryophilic
  • 19david2
  • ttrocks21
  • GenericX2
  • tehflippzy21
If you aren't on the list that just means there isn't room for more people on the server for the time being. If space opens up the next lot of people that applied will be added.

how many more are you going to add?
To those that are already whitelist on the server. I am aware that the server is currently unavailable and have submitted a support ticket to get the server in a working state again. I am away for a few days so if the server stays down then I apologize in advance.
Ingame Name: DaCurryMonster
Age: 18
Skype: dacurrypot
Why you want to join: I want to find a great community to play with, and just an interesting and fun place to play
Ingame Name: Eugenez90
Age: 14
Skype: Eugenez90
Why you want to join: Finding a whitelisted server with a friendly community
Ingame Name:Yol0Gamer
Skype:Will tell you if i get whitelisted
Why you want to join: Im looking for a nice comunity server, where everyone gets along
Ingame Name:BDUDE98
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me)
Why you want to join: for the exact reason u started the server to have fun in a community
( i know your not accepting applications but this for when/if u do start accepting )
So guys, the server has a new map now :) , working at 100% speed so im glad to be part of this community
Ingame Name:csideaustin831
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me):austin.lima1
Why you want to join:I want to record me playing on feed the beast but i want a small laid back chill nice friendly community to showcase