CheeseMonkey's MindCrack Server [1.4.6 MindCrack][White List]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Ingame Name: Kaynunn
Age: 14
Skype: y0Kaynunn
Why you want to join: I've been looking for a small , nice and neat server for a while. I really like the looks of this from what I can see. :D
Ingame Name: Stirke7
Age: 17
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me)
Why you want to join: need a permanent server to play on
Ingame Name:fanaart
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me) fanaart
Why you want to join: because this is my dream server, A server with a nice community to play with together with mature players thats why i am desperate to join this server
Thanks for applying guys. The following have been added.
  • Cryophilic
  • 19david2
  • ttrocks21
  • GenericX2
  • tehflippzy21
If you aren't on the list that just means there isn't room for more people on the server for the time being. If space opens up the next lot of people that applied will be added.
Ingame Name: Zedious
Age: 19
Skype: N/A
Why you want to join: I've been looking for a fun and supportive server that is nice and welcoming. Also I'm a fan of the Mindcrack community and I believe I will bring a positive and exciting energy to your Mindcrack FTB server.
  • Like
Reactions: Miners_wtf
Ingame Name:Miners_wtf(i know its a shitty name but i had no other choice lol)
Skype: Jason,.johnstone5
Why you want to join:I would like to join because i watch mindcrack alot and iv been looking for a server like this for ages but now their is an ftb version thats even better,i also want to join because i like small servers and like to have a little laugh, but not in a really immature way and i like little communities and stuff and i would like if their is a spawn village and you can build at spawn :)
IGN: bhead321
Age: 17
Skype: Dont' have one, no mic.
Why you want to join: Well, first of all, this is an MindCrack FTB server, which I like. Small community, I like. Community hub? Just like Mindcrack :D. I've also been looking for a server to join, and I stumbled upon this one. I hope you'll consider my app and goodbye.
in game name: elkillo
age 23
skype: available if requested
Why i want to join: im looking for a server with to play on since my last one shut down and it seems from what my friend has said this server has a good community and is a good server so i hope you let me join. i also have vary good knowledge of most if not all mods in mindcrack.
Ingame Name: Graeme97
Skype: graeme.berry5 (i do not have a mic right now, but i will soon)
Why you want to join:I really want a nice friendly community, and i have been looking for one for a long time... hope this is my lucky day! But i know and am willing to help anyone with the mods.
Ingame Name: BinsoXO
Age: 15
Skype: Binso.Binso
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a server that have friendly community that doesn't grief or steal other people things. Also, looking for a cool server to play on.
  • Like
Reactions: Miners_wtf
Ingame Name: dritalin
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me)
Why you want to join: same reason as anyone, to have fun and share/show and tale :)
Ingame: arecam
skype: when i get on the server
why i want to join this server? i want to join this server because my friend had a server but the server only had one ram so he had to put it down. So i want a whitelist server so i can have fun with other people
Ingame: Rimtare
Age: 20
skype: Yes, will give if accepted to server/it is warranted as being appropriate
why i want to join this server? Always like joining servers to start anew and build a different place. I know the mods well and enjoy helping other people with their questions.
Hi, I'm CheeseMonkey and I'm the owner of a new server that has just recently been created.
This is a whitelisted server and there is an application form that can be filled out.
The aim of this server is to create a small community that are willing to play together and help each other out. The server will be starting new and there is the possibility of having a community hub at spawn for sharing resources and machines.
PVP has been turned off.
You are welcome to build anywhere that is 100 blocks away from the spawn area.
The server is running at the current version that the client is.

The spawn point:

  • No griefing of any kind.
  • Do not steal from other people.
  • Be considerate of other people's builds.
  • Do not flame other people.
Whitelist application

Ingame Name:
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me)
Why you want to join:
Hi, I'm CheeseMonkey and I'm the owner of a new server that has just recently been created.
This is a whitelisted server and there is an application form that can be filled out.
The aim of this server is to create a small community that are willing to play together and help each other out. The server will be starting new and there is the possibility of having a community hub at spawn for sharing resources and machines.
PVP has been turned off.
You are welcome to build anywhere that is 100 blocks away from the spawn area.
The server is running at the current version that the client is.

The spawn point:

  • No griefing of any kind.
  • Do not steal from other people.
  • Be considerate of other people's builds.
  • Do not flame other people.
Whitelist application

Ingame Name:
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me)
Why you want to join:
hey what is ur skype name
Ingame Name: xEpic_Killerx
Why i want to join:well i have been looking for a server to record on and i really want to have and play so if u can let me play plz tell me thanks. I would really appreciate it so thanks and send me a msg about it on skype or twitter @ProBoSSGaming[DOUBLEPOST=1356923425][/DOUBLEPOST]Ingame Name: xEpic_Killerx
Age: 13
Skype: probossgaming
Why i want to join: Well i have been looking for a server to record on and i really want to have and play so if u can let me play plz tell me thanks. I would really appreciate it so thanks and send me a msg about it on Skype or twitter @ProBoSSGaming
Ingame Name: Wowdude24
Age: 13
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me) taimur2245 (don't use it too much though, just if i wanna chat with my friends)
Why you want to join: I would love to be on a mindcrack server like this, I really want to get play in peace, have a good laugh and help others, I may not record on the server too much since my computer is slow. Also my mic. makes my voice sound higher, so I don't skype that much.


Ingame Name: dazzaballlsk
Skype: dazzaballlsk111
Why you want to join:I Am Looking For A server with a small community that are willing to help one another. I Want to play seriously but also have a good time and this seems like the right server
Ingame Name:Ashandle
Skype: ensar00
Why you want to join:Because i love playing minecraft with modpacks with friendly ppl/no grief server.
Whitelist application
Ingame Name:The_king_99
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me)
Why you want to join:i would like to play on a cool server which is community based i wouldn't mind helping on your hub
Ingame Name:supersonicfun1
Age:13 (almost yet very close)
Skype: (if you want to be able to contact me) supersonicfun123
Why you want to join:because i want to join a server that has no griefing and im guessing there will be nice pepole