[CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

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What do you think of the Serf to Supreme Challenge?

  • City Construction Challenge was better!

    Votes: 9 7.0%
  • It's okay, but there's definitely room for improvement

    Votes: 35 27.1%
  • Give me my Electrics sooner!

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • I enjoy the slow introduction of mods.

    Votes: 43 33.3%
  • I wish Element Animation would hurry up with the next episode.

    Votes: 24 18.6%
  • I love it!

    Votes: 51 39.5%

  • Total voters
Yeah, you guys have a point. I just don't have access to the internet like I did.

That said (yeah, I know it's like my most commonly used phrase lol), I am currently working on the Redstone Discovery stage, currently working on the Player Estates in Normal. I'm not going to entirely ignore the fluff--I'm going to be tossing in a few Fire Emblem-inspired classes to the military--but I'm working on fleshing it out. To the point of adding a Personal Guard to your Estate. ATM I'm thinking of adding Myrmidons (Because Mia, Zihark, etc RULE) or possibly another sword class because myrms don't translate to Minecraft well, one of the FE Axe classes, and possibly a Cavalier class into the mix.

Nothing too crazy yet.

One thing I do plan on doing someday is going through mod by mod and separating everything into tiers. but atm I just don't have internet time for that.

I'm getting the Servant stuff for your Estate(s) into the Redstone Discovery stage, but I'm having trouble finding a good name for servants to help with livestock. Atm the list I have is:

Trophy Room Curator(s)-tends to your Trophy Room
Butler--coordinates the entire Estate in your absence
Stable Boy/Girl-tends to horses/other rideables.

Also, I'm going to take the current Recruit/Regular/Veteran classes of soldier and turn those into experience levels, so each level of each soldier class gets better equipment as they get more experience.


Recruit Myrmidon gets wooden weapons, leather (or equivalent) breastplate
REgular Myrmidon gets stone weapons, leather (or equivalent) breastplate, leggings
Veteran Myrm gets iron weapons, full leather armor

I have NOT had time to implement this in the wiki yet--this is just future plans. I do plan on keeping a "classic Military" option in the Fortifications page, for those that only want recruits/regulars/veterans in their military.

For those who have not played Fire Emblem, Myrmidons rely on their speed/agility rather than pure defense to tank damage. So Leather armor would make sense. Of course, AI Myrms in Minecraft would keep getting slaughtered because they don't have the agility.......hmmm.....

Anyway, my time for editing is done for now. I haven't done *much* in the Redstone stage, but I have gotten a bit done. I will *hopefully* be getting a new laptop here soon, and at that point I'll have drastically more time for working on this.

And I'm coming to regret my decision to do a points-based thing too. So while I may not take it out right now, I probably won't add in points anywhere else for a while.

EDIT: Had some fun ideas, and made a page for Transportation.


Right now only the Redstone Discovery page links to it, but like I said I have limited internet time. I also did a fair bit of work on the Transportation section in the Normal section of the Redstone Discovery. And added a Shopping District to the Commercial Normal Redstone section.

Also, I really need to finish my work on the Hardcore Hamlet. Didn't realize I left it as undone as I did >.<
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One mans Myrmidons is another Commando. Hit and run tactics, baby. That's how I (steam)roll (your superior force)! That, and Magic, but I digress.

Also Myrmidons are an old term, nothing new, as one should expect from a videogame using earth words. In a nutshell, though, just think "Minion" when you hear Myrmidon, and you can't go wrong.(from an etymological standpoint, at least)

That being said, I like your ideas for Races. Nothing like a bunch of awesome lore-bits to make me giddy.(see my obbsesion with The Elder Scrolls series and the fact that you can READ BOOKS IN THE GAMES ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD YOU'RE IN page 42 for further details)

That may seem to somewhat contradict my previous statement about "maybe not the best time to do a fluff based rewrite", but you did have some races already made(and stat'd out no less), which I totally didn't only just read minutes before making this post. And even if I did only see the post with the bits on "Mad-Lib Race-Starting Biome/Village Biome-History-Thingy" before making my response where I basically said "Now may not be the best time to add a new layer of fluff to a challenge that still needs crunch to get me and perhaps other people to do this challenge in a way that makes us want to share it with EVERYONE", I would still suggest getting more crunch into this challenge because as it stands, it's like cereal which has been in milk for about half an hour before I remember that I was eating it. That is to say, still has some crunch(depending on the cereal), but it's very much fluff now. And soggy Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the very definition of a crappy breakfast for me, notably because it lacks CRUNCH, which the name implies it should have, and indeed, needs for me to enjoy it.

brb Cinnamon Toast Crunch time
I agree. I just don't have as much internet time as I want. My laptop was diagnosed today as having a completely fucked up hard drive. so.....it's being sent into HP. If they don't want to fix it, I'm going to have to learn to use Ubuntu, and run Linux off a flash drive. That would be interesting.

Question for the community--something I'm considering is having a requirement for a TC3 Node at/on top of every ThaumTower, slowly getting bigger as stages progress. I'm leaning fairly strongly towards this, and wondered what you folks thought. I'd like to do something similar with AM2, but I have no experience (and no computer to get experience) with that particular mod.

EDIT: I got something of writer's block for Redstone, so moved onto Gold City. Decided to do something slightly different.

I had Nobility, and I had Crime before, but now I'm incorporating them as two sides of the same coin.

The Famous Nobles--Barons, Counts, Marquis, Dukes, etc--the Lords and Ladies of the realm

and the Infamous Nobles--the Smugglers, Thieves, etc--the Crime Lords and Ladies of the realm.

Both are dependent on Apartments and/or Slums.

For every # of Apartments (multiply number of houses you are converting x2, small) you have, you get another Noble, who are the Land Lords.

Right now it starts at every 5 Apartments you get a Baron, and for every 5 additional Houses converted it goes up a level. HOWEVER, if you replaced 20 Houses with Apartments, you would not get all 4. You could choose to have 1 Duke OR 4 Barons OR 1 Marquis and 1 Baron OR 2 Counts, etc. It will run similarly for the Crime Lords.

For every # of Slums (multiply number of houses you are converting x3, TINY)you have, you get another Crime Lord, who run things around the law.

Crime works roughly the same way. EXCEPT that you have the choice of adding in Crime Lords OR adding/strengthening packs of Bandits. If the group of Bandits becomes big enough, they eventually build a Bandit Fort and finally a Bandit Stronghold.

for every 2 Houses converted to Slums you get new/more Bandits (4 Bandits per time selected)
Bandits build a Bandit Camp at 12 Bandits
Bandits build a Bandit Fort at 24 Bandits
Bandits build a Bandit Stronghold at 50 Bandits.
Once Bandits reach 150 Members, a Bandit Outlier springs up around their Stronghold (Think Tortuga from POTC).

Bandits along the same road are not necessarily part of the same group--you could have multiple groups of bandits along the same road. One having a Bandit Outlier, another at a Bandit Camp strength, and 3-4 more not even at Bandit Camps.

Also, for a bit of fun, I'm adding a Coastal Bandit type--the Pirate (and Smuggler). Pirates/Smugglers follow the same Camp-Outlier progession.



For every 5 Houses converted to Slums you get a new Boss
For every 10 Houses converted to Slums you get a new Mr. Big
For every 25 Houses converted to Slums you get a new Godfather.

Again, you can mix and match. So if you have, say, 50 Houses converted to Slums, you could conceivably get 100 Bandits, or 2 Godfathers, or.....etc.

EDIT2: My bad, 200 Bandits /EDIT2

Thought it would be an interesting take on things.

If you don't want any additional Nobles, famous or infamous, just build houses. Or you could have a completely corrupt society. Or a nation whose nearly entire population is kept in perpetual serfdom by the Nobles. Or a nation where neither of the two hold sway.

They both hold armies--The Nobles, via mercenaries they keep on retainer as personal guards, etc. The Crime Lords via their army of thieves and assassins. I plan on making soldier classes for both the Nobles (Lords--you would be a Great Lord in most cases), and the Crime Lords (probably named Crime Lords for simplicities sake). Both would be armed and armored well. Though the Crime Lords would have to hide their arms/armor most of the time.

I wouldn't immediately put in Mercs/Thieves/Smugglers/Assassins for the Crime Lords/Noble Lords, but their forces would grow in proportion to their strength/number too, just like the Bandits.


Going to add Smugglers along with Bandits/Pirates.

This Crime addition is FUN. :D

Smugglers, Pirates, and Bandits all build Camps, Forts, Strongholds, [Criminal name here] Outliers, though Smugglers/Pirates call theirs Fortresses.

Pirates and (coastal) Smugglers get ships.

Pirate ships start small and fast and eventually get big and bad. Smuggler ships start small and fast and get bigger but still fast.

*in theory* of course, since the fastest they can go is inchworm drive lol.

Pirate ship list:

Sloop, Frigate, Galleon, Ship of the Line

Smuggler ship list:

Sloop, Frigate, Cutter, Clipper, unless you can think of better names.

And yes, Pirate/Smuggler Captains/Commodores/Admirals and the corresponding Bandits will get a military class. Just like the Noble/Crime Lords elsewhere.

Welp, that's all for tonight. Yeah, it may be fluff, but I think it's FUN fluff that I was going to do later anyway. And, with this fluff in place, I won't have to spend so much time on it in the upcoming Stages. If you want to see what I have so far in FULL, it's on the Gold City page for now, but will be moving to its own page very soon.

Somewhere I have something about cities in revolt/civil war--that section will be stricken. Cities with more crime, etc, will just become lawless, and your military will pull out and leave it to the criminals.

Crunchy enough for ya, YX33A?

Next time I'm going to get into the ACTUAL crunchy stuff, but I was inspired and had to get it out.

I can't wait until this is done along with most of the fluff......

I'll probably add race-specific rules for race-specific pirates, bandits, smugglers, etc.

Some races would be better at certain types of crime, etc.

but yes, I know, I'll have to wait :(

Though I think I'll have 4 kinds of Goblin, as opposed to most races having 3.

True Goblins, Orcs/Ora'chen as a sub-race, Kobolds as a subrace, and Used Kar Kobolds as a sub-sub-race, just because I like the image that puts in your head and I'm fairly sure they'd be bad-ass smugglers and thieves, like maybe double the amount of bandits/smugglers/pirates if their race is Used Kar Kobold, but the quality of weapons goes down one tier.

Because I love the sound of Used Kar Kobolds, okay? :p Maybe steal the G'home Gnomes from Terry Brooks' Landover series while I'm at it too :D

Maybe the tree-loving hippies (Elves) can't every be pirates, but in and among their almost fetishistic love for trees they become so much fiercer?

or Zombie Pigmen criminals are rare and have a cap on their number in the Overworld (and cannot be pirates because they're so used to fire), but in return get Enchanted Gold Armor and Enchanted Diamond Swords?

There's......just so many possibilities. woo!

And yes, I know, the merc numbers for Nobles is probably OP and will probably be hit by the nerf bat later. BUT the numbers wouldn't make for as big a place as you would probably think, since they would mostly be sleeping/living in barracks, just like your own, professional army. Except they work for the Nobles.

So......thoughts on any/all of this? Nobles/Crime was a big part of what I wanted out of the last half of the challenge, and now I have a really good baseline.

I also plan on going through everything and changing the "Noble Lords" to "Land Lords" to keep it more in line with what I'm doing with the Crime Lords.

Players would be either Lords or Great Lords. or the/a Great Land Lord or a/the Great Crime Lord. But the Crime Lords are intended to be in charge of the various Bandits/Pirates/Smugglers/possibly Thieves and Assassins sometime soon.

Each leader of a Smuggler/Pirate ship would probably be a Boss, leaders of a Stronghold a Mr. Big, and leaders of Outliers Godfathers.
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Looks pretty good. Good numbers. TC3, though... did it have nodes? I kind of forget. Been a while.

Wait, yes, it did. Usually from Silverwood trees being grown, or world generation. I would suggest against adding a requirement to put a node on top of the tower that must get bigger every level, as it's kind of hard to do so for a couple reasons.
  1. Nodes either have to be created via Silverwood Saplings, which can either be slow as hell, or quick and somewhat useless via the Hoe of Growth, or imported via a endgame technique that literally drags nodes towards it. Which is cool and all, but very impractical, also causes a ton of flux and eats Vis for breakfast, elevens, lunch, afternoon snack, tea time, dinner, second tea time, late night snack, and early morning munchies. Also needs a Wither star to move a single node the max distance you can, which is like 10 blocks.
  2. If one wants to upgrade the tower, like any good mage(read: weirdos in towers), you build it upwards, and maybe outwards in places. This makes it hard to have a node in the right place at all times unless you constantly make new nodes, or constantly move nodes, neither one of these is easy nor cost effective.
  3. This assumes something very strange about TC3 nodes that should be mentioned: Bigger nodes are assumed to be better. This is actually false. Bigger nodes store more Vis, yes, but smaller nodes request Vis from Bigger Nodes, which means after a while, you will have a giant node that never charges without help. This sucks balls, by the way. A more efficient node is smaller, actually. This allows it to take more Vis from nodes, because it is less likely to have Vis requested from it.
I take a weird approach to towers; downwards. This is really Dwarven, but I like big towers as well as big things that go down into the earth. I don't always dig holes in the ground, but when I do, I find cooler stuff then if I went upwards.

However, for TC4.. It's pretty easy to get "new" nodes. They added a rather cool way to move nodes. Put them in a Jar.
Seriously, one of the later research payoffs is jarred nodes. You form a jar out of glass and wood slabs, shrink it with your magic wand, and pocket it. Which is very handy, as this means you can have all kinds of nodes in a wand recharging room(which is a thing you should make, BTW, when you can). But as for making actually new nodes... Uh, not sure if that's possible.
I used to assume that a Silverwood Sapling would make them, but I did tests ages ago, and that didn't work. If I tested it again, maybe. Maybe it needed to be in a Magic Forest? I don't know.

For AM2, eh, it's not super useful to have a ton of Nexi all over the place. There are only three kinds, two of which are "infinite energy", none of which are OP either. One is basically a solar powered Nexus, generating a tiny amount of Essence through the day usually. The Light Nexus, namely, which is slower then molasses on Pluto usually, but can be upgraded to run faster during the day, and the best upgrade makes it run pretty fast... at night only.

Then there is what basically is a mob grinder that refuses to give you items but still kills things for you and generates some power. The Dark Nexus, which also sometimes does weird things.

The Neutral Nexus is lame, though. It needs something called "Liquid Essence" to charge it, and while it's a lot less rare now, and the Neutral Nexus gets a lot more power from it now, it's still unrenewable, and still very useful for other things.

Neutral Essence isn't special, and tends to do nothing special when using machines powered by it. Light Essence makes stuff run slow as Molasses on Pluto, as expected, but tends to have useful side effects now and then, such as not consuming items when making things, or doubling things for free. Dark Essence tends to make things run as though they have been overclocked too much. Almost everything you run on it goes super fast, can break randomly(well, tends to generate Deficit faster), and one thing even has a 5% chance to eat what you are cooking rather then output it. Seriously, smelting via Dark Essence tends to consume 5% of your stuff and give you nothing for it.

But only Light and Dark Nexi can generate an infinite amount of energy.

So I fail to see any Nexi based tower upgrades. But adding Gateways could be done. Gateways are basically AM2s Portal system. They are pretty cool. Add a Keystone to the "keystone receptacle" and only a Gateway opened with a Keystone using the same code can access that gateway. So it's pretty much like Better Storage's Locks and Keys, except cooler. Also works on the Gateway, and in future updates, doors and trapdoors.(current there is only a TON of things you can use Keystones with, but Gateways are one of the better ones)

Oh, and mind the Moo Moo Farm if you use Gateways a lot. Hellcows are not friendly, and will likely kill you and everyone you love if given a chance.
Thanks YX33A. Last time I played AM2, or AM1 whichever it was the nexus was something like EE2 which [EE2] IMHO was horribly OP for anything but EE2 play. That's where the balance breaking note in the Redstone Discovery Stage (now gone) was from. From 6+ months ago. I did a really quick check of the AM2 wiki and I can't find any reference to it now. which makes me happy.

I know back in the day I totally abused Collectors and the Transmutation Tablet, converting the highest fuel back to Charcoal, sticking them in collectors ad nauseum, until I converted to Red Matter-> Cobble for EMC IIRC.

Fun mod, but totally OP for anything but EE2 IMO. I am very glad to see that AM2 removed that stuff. Granted, I never played it so I don't know what it was ACTUALLY like, but it was on my list of mods I wanted to learn.

haven't had time to play TC4/AM2 lately, even though I badly want to catch up with them--don't really have a computer capable of running *any* Minecraft atm, since I'm stuck using school computers. Thanks for all the TC4/AM2 mod info.
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If you want a TC4 'requirement' for a mage tower, I'd suggest a Wand Recharging Room. It's lowest level would be a Wand Recharge Pedastal with a single node. Upgrade that to include a Compound Recharge Focus and at least three nodes. Up from that would be two Pedastals, two Compound Recharge Focus upgrades, and 10 nodes of at least Normal quality (nodes can degrade when moved) which cover all six of the TC4 aspects. It is an entirely optional construct, not really needed for TC4 progression or crafting, and requires a fair bit of resource investment, exploration, and luck.

Very interested in this challenge. Going to further investigate the details, and possibly start a custom modpack playthrough in the very near future, if I feel it's ready enough.
If you want a TC4 'requirement' for a mage tower, I'd suggest a Wand Recharging Room. It's lowest level would be a Wand Recharge Pedastal with a single node. Upgrade that to include a Compound Recharge Focus and at least three nodes. Up from that would be two Pedastals, two Compound Recharge Focus upgrades, and 10 nodes of at least Normal quality (nodes can degrade when moved) which cover all six of the TC4 aspects. It is an entirely optional construct, not really needed for TC4 progression or crafting, and requires a fair bit of resource investment, exploration, and luck.

Very interested in this challenge. Going to further investigate the details, and possibly start a custom modpack playthrough in the very near future, if I feel it's ready enough.

Thanks for the tip. I *SHOULD* be getting my laptop back soon, with a functioning hard drive so I can experiment with recent mods, but until then I'm dependent on you guys.

If you have pictures, I'd love to see them, or if you do a LP, I'd love to see that too. Or just hear the details. AFAIK Mobius is the only one *actively* pursuing the Challenge, at least as far as updates go.

Also, for an example of what a Pirate/Thief/Assassin/Bandit/etc Outlier might look like (see one of my previous posts above), I was basing that on either Tortuga from PoTC or Masyaf from the first Assassin's Creed game (the town that surrounded the Assassin fortress)
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Thanks for the tip. I *SHOULD* be getting my laptop back soon, with a functioning hard drive so I can experiment with recent mods, but until then I'm dependent on you guys.

If you have pictures, I'd love to see them, or if you do a LP, I'd love to see that too. Or just hear the details. AFAIK Mobius is the only one *actively* pursuing the Challenge, at least as far as updates go.

Also, for an example of what a Pirate/Thief/Assassin/Bandit/etc Outlier might look like (see one of my previous posts above), I was basing that on either Tortuga from PoTC or Masyaf from the first Assassin's Creed game (the town that surrounded the Assassin fortress)
You do know that there is an italics button, right? "I SHOULD be getting my laptop back," could have been what you wanted, and "actively." You can use the button in the editor.
So, I've been spreading my somewhat useful knowledge of Gateways from AM2 in other threads, and a cool idea was shot out: A Nexus. This is of course not that hard to do, get a Gateway, and lots of other ones, each with their own unique keystone setup, and you have a awesome gateway system. The catch is that you have to know them all by hand, or have tons of keystones with tons of codes, and finding the right one for the right place may be hard to do.

Enter the TE3 Autonomous Activator. With this puppy, you can AUTOMATE a AM2 Gateway Nexus room. Sure, not super easy, no, and if it supports MFR stuff, then you can make it even more complex, but sweet jegus, this sounds awesome.

Naturally, this is the kind of magical transport one should expect of a people steeped in magic(Witches, Necrotic Elves, Pigmen, and anyone else who has a leg up in terms of magic) rather then Minecarts(and it's just as well; Necrotic Elves would likely cause them to break by walking into the same room as them!).

This may seem odd, but I'm planning on starting the challenge soon. Like, today soon. As I have been for months now. Funny, all these seeds I have used... Nothing great. Nothing even noteworthy!

I've considered using a Biome mod to help, but somehow that seems like it wouldn't help in the long run... Might not be a bad idea, but still, more biomes does not mean better worlds!
BoP biomes are often pretty cool, though. If I find a Deadlands again, I'll start there. Might add Morph as well. The abilities are often pretty OP, but still useful at times.
Want a "fun" way to config some biome mods? Use ATG and BoP. In the ATG config, disable every Forest or Woodland biome except Ominous Woods, Witchwood Forest, Magical Forest, Mystic Forest, etc etc.

Starting the challenge tonight. Will post progress pictures.
Want a "fun" way to config some biome mods? Use ATG and BoP. In the ATG config, disable every Forest or Woodland biome except Ominous Woods, Witchwood Forest, Magical Forest, Mystic Forest, etc etc.
ATG is great for a more sane biome placement http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1932156-16x-atg-alternate-terrain-generation/. I've only used it in test worlds but what I've seen I've liked.

For myself my Thaumcraft and Ars Magica towers are going to use the materials from the mods for enhancement. The Thaumcraft tower uses silverwood and greatwood trunks, planks, stairs etc and amber for good measure. The Ars tower can use Vinteum blocks and essence pools for decoration plus a couple other blocks for decoration/gardens.
So, getting started, I'm encountering some confusion. The section on the scoring system both says it is not required, but also that you should aim for 50% of the points on a 'normal' difficulty. In general, the requirements and advancements seem somewhat confusing, when compared to the city building challenge or the castle building challenge.

Ahh, nevermind. I see my confusion. The Dirt Hovel non-stage has no advancement rules at all, yet still calls you a slacker for skipping it, then goes straight into bonus points. Flipping forward to Wooden Settlement shows me the more easily quantifiable quotas.
So, getting started, I'm encountering some confusion. The section on the scoring system both says it is not required, but also that you should aim for 50% of the points on a 'normal' difficulty. In general, the requirements and advancements seem somewhat confusing, when compared to the city building challenge or the castle building challenge.

Ahh, nevermind. I see my confusion. The Dirt Hovel non-stage has no advancement rules at all, yet still calls you a slacker for skipping it, then goes straight into bonus points. Flipping forward to Wooden Settlement shows me the more easily quantifiable quotas.

Doop. That's the Fast Track Advancement requirements. Changing that right now to be more easily separated.

The Normal advancement track has a bunch of points, etc, and the Hardcore has even more.

For Fast Track, the Challenge begins in Wood Settlement. For Normal and Hardcore it starts in the Dirt Hovels.

Finished the Crime Lord/Land Lord Estates section in Gold City, and I have realized lately that I've left the Hamlet section unfinished in at LEAST the Agriculture section, and a few sections of Transportation.

So. I'm going to finish the Hamlet, then work on Gold City/Redstone--since I haven't touched most of Redstone in probably 6 months, considering it still has some RP2/AM1/TC3 stuff referenced in there.

since JUNE.

so.....yeah. long time.
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Just officially got fed up with no tools. 26 point finish of the Dirt Hovel stage:

Hovel Exterior

Hovel Interior

Sugar Coastline


Collection Chest
Final Tally:
Points 26
Keep at least 4 Rotting Flesh from Zombies you've killed as Trophies +1
Collect enough Bees for 3 complete Queens +2 (Replaces +1)
Plant at least 3 trees in a dedicated Tree Cutting area. +1
All 3+ trees are different species +1
Plant an IC2 Rubber Tree Sapling +1
Plant a Greatwood Tree +2
Plant a Silverwood Tree +3
Internal Dimensions are at 6x6 +1
Sealed with a Wooden Door +1
Door Opens with Pressure Plate(s)/Button(s) +1
Double Chest +1
1 Stack of Logs, +1
2x 2 or more different kinds of logs +1
3 Stacks of Planks +1
2x 2 different kinds of planks +1
2x 2 or more different kinds of Saplings +1
1 Stack of Wheat Seeds +1
32 Potatoes +1
32 Carrots +1

A few thoughts looking forward:
Anywhere that a double chest for a single item type is called for, I will be substituting a barrel.
Lacking Tinker's Construct, I'm torn between living on Carrots and cooking food in a Furnace (and thereby breaking into some Stone tier stuff) Thoughts?
There's a lack of information on exactly what is meant by a magic user for a magical orchard. I'd appreciate a clarification on what is meant by this, as I plan to make a lot of fields of Magical Crops plants, which are available in the Wood stage. I intend to make Greatwood my primary wood in the civilization in general very magical-focused.
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Lacking Tinker's Construct, I'm torn between living on Carrots and cooking food in a Furnace (and thereby breaking into some Stone tier stuff) Thoughts?

Which mod pack are you using (if any)? It looks like you have wheat seeds so you can survive on carrots until you are able to make bread (3 wheat = bread in crafting table). At this point it does look like you'll have uncooked food to live off of until the stone hamlet stage.
Right, I forgot about bread in the crafting table, I've been smelting wheat flour for bread for so long. Magic Crops adds some berry crops that will work.

I'm not on an FTB modpack. Working with my own mix. I found Tinker's Construct basically negated every tool that any other mod added as well as the entire concept of Enchanting from the game, so it is no longer to my liking. I have Natura, purely for the trees and Nether monsters, berry bushes are disabled. I'll post up a mod list and some of the config edits I've made away from default later on. I'm also not allowing myself to use wood for fuel unless I'm using it to cook food or make charcoal (which can only be used for torches or cooking).
Magic Orchards are intended to be trees that will be used for magic. Greatwoods, Silverwoods, Force Trees, Witchwood, etc. The magic user for magic orchard is, say, a Thaumaturge (TC4), a Blood Magician (Blood Magic mod), Wizard from AM2, etc.

If you're not intending to use the logs for magic but for construction instead, go ahead and use it in a normal Orchard.
Just checked the dirt hovel page today for updates, looks good so far. Might consider playing as an Elf... and cutting down only 1 Natura Redwood Tree for my dirt hovel stage. May be set for life at that point.
Except that Natura wood is incompatible with just about everything.
Even Tinker's Construct, which makes no fucking sense since the author is the same.