Welcome to
Timbervale, my Forestry town, where all my bees and trees go to live. Any new Saplings will be sent there, and all Bee products (Sengir or Pam's) originate there. I have built probably 300 Bee Houses easily, and ~240+ of them are occupied.
Of the base bees in my game (Forestry/More Bees), I am only missing Tropical Bees. I still have not found a Jungle.. grrrrrrr.......
Easily half of those bees are housed in the main Pristine Run:
Pristine Rock, Meadow, Forest, and Valiant Bees can all be found here.
In the background, you can see three Pam's Apiaries against the hill next to the hill, if you squint and look really closely. Only three because I don't have much Leather right now. grrr, argh.
This picture is one entire run's haul, if all Bee Houses run to completion. This means all products are removed, Pristine Princess returned to Pristine Queen, and all extra Drones yoinked into a communal Apiary Chest for use in Breeding.
The Pristine Modest Run. It's just over half full at the moment.
The Ignoble Modest Run. Damn thing is full, and I have about 10 more Ignoble Modests waiting for a home.
.....not counting the dozens of Modest Hives I see, taunting me, in the Deserts!
I have next to no Marshy Queens. Maybe 10 at MOST, Ignobles included. So they're all together in one run.
The Ignoble Wintry Run is about three quarters full. Being a dumb dumb, I didn't realize I had to bring flowers in for them.
My Pristine Wintry Run. Mostly Full.
The Experimentary, where Ignoble Meadow, Forest, Rock, and Valiant Queens come to breed.
Haven't really started breeding yet. Working on getting everything set up. Gonna get as close to a Pristine Common as I can get. Then I'll start up a Pristine Common Run, and convert almost all of the Forest/Meadow Ignobles.
Gonna work my ass off so I can get Merry and Tipsy Bees when Christmas/New Year's rolls around.
don't have that many Rock Queens total (maybe 10? probably more than half Ignoble), so I'm going to be VERY careful breeding these. Probably try to breed only one at a time.
My Rubber Field. Everything is still on a by-hand (except when removing Bee Houses/etc that can only be removed with Axes--thus the Axe in the picture) basis, so no automation. Fortunately I have, I think 31 Rubber Trees planted, with another 37 Saplings in reserve.
This is going to come in VERY handy later.
One of my Pam's Orchards. I'm trying, here, to do a grid of Pam's fruit trees, with a row belonging to each fruit. Some only have 1 Sapling, some have like 12 planted around Timbervale. Eventually I'll get ~10 each planted, with plenty of spare Saplings stored away.
Elsewhere, I have a bunch of Forestry/BoP/Pam's trees planted all over the place.
Eventually, I'm going to be doing a Birch farm--around a 15x15 space filled with Birch Saplings. Oak Saplings can potentially grow huge and awkward, Spruce Trees regularly grow huge, etc etc etc.
plus IIRC 4x4 Spruce can grow damn tall (not Natura Redwood tall, but IIRC ~1.5 the height of the average 4x4 Jungle). I'd have to load up my pure vanilla world to know for sure.
Birch trees tend to grow to a uniform height, and not too high at that. So I only have to punch/cut my way up one or three z-levels, and I have a generally straight shot all the way across once they've grown up.