[CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

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What do you think of the Serf to Supreme Challenge?

  • City Construction Challenge was better!

    Votes: 9 7.0%
  • It's okay, but there's definitely room for improvement

    Votes: 35 27.1%
  • Give me my Electrics sooner!

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • I enjoy the slow introduction of mods.

    Votes: 43 33.3%
  • I wish Element Animation would hurry up with the next episode.

    Votes: 24 18.6%
  • I love it!

    Votes: 51 39.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I briefly loaded up Millenaire into my pack (for less than a day, sadly) -- It was looking promising except for a lag spike every time I opened my inventory screen.

More specifically, every time I opened my inventory and NEI was showing spawners (page 1 for me, usually). The error log would start spewing errors all over the place. The game wouldn't crash, it would just throw fits. I'd close the inventory screen or flip to a page without spawners displaying and everything would be fine.

I tracked it down to NEI not liking something about the way Millenaire rendered or registered their couple of mod-specific spawners. Without a reasonable compromise solution, Millenaire had to go. I've tried CraftBook as an NEI replacement and it just isn't something I care for.

The core can currently cull the following things from NEI:
  • ForgeMicroblocks
  • BuildCraft facaces
  • Applied Energistics 2 facaces
  • ExtraUtilities microblocks
  • ExtraUtilities drums
  • Biblocraft furniture.
  • Vanilla blocks like mob spawners, portal blocks, fire, etc.
In most cases it will leave 1 of each type of thing visible in NEI so you know it exists and how to craft it. So you can see the drum recipe, but not the filled drum for every single liquid in the dictionary.

Each of these culling modules can be shut down individually via config.

You can write your own custom NEI Filters using JavaScript. For a basic tutorial on doing this please see this post.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TomeWyrm seems to go a LOT farther afield when it comes to mods, so his pack probably looks pretty drastically different than mine.
That's an understatement :p

The only thing I don't do is zealously follow the What's New In Modded Minecraft thread (and all the various whosits and whirlymagjigs it spawned), but I have two different modlist/update trackers and I watch people that like playing with (and test) new mods, like Direwolf20 on Forgecraft and KirinDave for Resonant Rise.

I likes me novel ways to do things, and I'm not a fan of the common balance concerns. I don't play my game to grind a billionty years through false content, I simply don't have the time for that. I also see the problems with MC's engine and the ways that we players push its limits, so I tend to go for "OP" farming methods that work as "magic boxes" so that I don't have to deal with MC choking on a kajillion TE's, worse yet item entities, or the positively dreadful mobs. This means things like Bees, Steve's Factory Manager, Project E, and the like. Things that are simply the most powerful in their class, with other options in case you don't like them, or want to try something else (MFR, TC golems, Progressive Automation, RotaryCraft; Well there's no comparison to EE2/PE honestly, EE3 is nice, but Pahimar doesn't have the time to devote to making it the mod it honestly should be. I kinda want to build a Project E on top of the engine Pahimar made for ee3, but I have neither the time NOR the coding skill :p; SFM has some lesser competition in the realms of Thermal Dynamics, Refined Relocation, Buildcraft, Drones from Pneumaticraft, golems, and a few other options... and that's just for item transfer, there's liquids (most of the same mods), energy, and state detection, autocrafting and more!)

I haven't used RFTools, whereas I have used Mystcract, but to use RFTools I'm assuming I'd need certain tech mods to generate RF?
Nope, it'll generate its own... you'll probably want another mod to generate RF, but it CAN be done with pure RFTools

Magic I think I'll pick 2 and go from there, probably Thaumcraft and something else.
Botania. I will never stop recommending people this mod. I don't care if you don't like magic much, it's not like the rest of the magic mods... and it's the single most awesomest tech build companion out there. Vaz designed it like Elo designed RedPower: It's there to extend the capabilities of vanilla and modded play. It makes SO MANY neat builds possible and has a kajillionty unique toys. CAN NOT RECOMMEND HIGHLY ENOUGH!
I love the minimap's, can't remember which one, but I seem to abuse the waypoint teleportation system a little, so I want to get a mod that has teleportation, with a small cost involved, that's not too high tech so I can get it early on. Mainly for teleporting between Outliers and home.
*cough* RFTools *cough*

Almost every other TP system is free, except IC2 and EWWWWWWW @ IC2 anymore. IC2 Classic or the Uncomplicated addon for EXP make it look almost appealing again, but at this point despite it being my first mod ever? I think I'm done with it permanently. Thanks Greg for giving Player ideas. Ruining one of my oldest favorites for me *grumble*

Personally I use Warp Book... OH! You could use Xeno's Reliquary and/or Witchery, they both have cost-based teleports to locations. But both are magic, so... yeah. Xenos is more Alchemy/crafting/guns than normal magic tho.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I was going to recommend Warp Book as well with regards to teleporting around your map. It has a token cost to set up, and a hunger cost to use, but it is pretty effective without being obnoxious about it.

I like Botania for pretty much the same reasons @TomeWyrm stated, but I don't have it this time because I've used it so much recently -- I need a break from it! ;)

I'm on the fence with EE3/ProjectE. I like the idea in principle, but I don't much like the Soaryn levels of stupidly cheatingworking the system to the point that I might as well just play in creative mode. I agree that Pahimar doesn't seem to really have the time to properly devote to finishing the mod, understandably so with his familial responsibilities.

I'm closely watching Hilburn and his Advanced Systems Manager as a replacement for Steve's Factory Manager. I can see myself switching over to that eventually.

A lot of what I removed was precisely to get rid of excessive Tile/Item Entities. As much as I like the "dungeon"-type mods, all those spawners get a bit crazy. And as I said earlier, I tend to know the best way for me to minimize risk, so really it isn't very challenging for me anymore. It's just a shortcut to loot. So I had to drop them. With Blood Moons/Zombie Awareness/Special AI I have to at least pay attention to my surroundings.

If Epic Siege Mod wasn't so ... environmentally destructive ... it would be cooler. But then it would also be much easier to counter what the mod does. I get it. :) But everything short of a player doesn't stand a chance of surviving until morning. I've watched countless villages get burned to their foundations in that mod. It is ruthless.

With respect to anything even remotely related to an R2R challenge, I would advise against Epic Siege Mod. For some pure destructive survival entertainment, go for it.

As PneumaticCraft weans itself away from seeds and goes more towards Oil as a base resource, I'm starting to like it more. I'm undecided if I like it's drones better than Buildcraft drones though. I like that I can interface with ComputerCraft to control the PneumaticCraft drones if I want. That is a bonus for this nerd.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I dislike Hunger Overhaul, which makes mods that add lots of other foods somewhat pointless for me. So I think I'll stick to Growthcraft for that part.

i almost forgot to mention this..

I turn OFF all the negative effects of Hunger Overhaul. I just leave in the ability for villages to plant modded crops, I slightly slow down cow milking to once every 5 minutes, adding HarvestCraft foods as chest loot, and the ability to right click crops to harvest without breaking the crops.

Between that, Pams, and Agricraft, I'm pretty set. I liked GrowthCraft, and I've been watching the new Community Edition, but I haven't re-added it yet since the downtime with fluid issues. It's been a while. I think last I checked, I was having a problem getting the soil for Rice farming to work. Couldn't craft it or something. It might have been conflicting with Hunger Overhaul.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
I've done some work on my pack and currently I have a few of the essentials from the mod list posted before, such as Chococraft, Custom NPC's, Growthcraft ect. and I have gotten TiCon with a bunch of add ons and TC4 with a bunch of add ons. I also have Aether, Botania and some others. I will be looking into some more tech mods tomorrow, along with RFTools and/or Mystcraft. I also added Reliquary, which I planned on giving a go anyway, but more so now.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You might want to look at Resonant Rise 3 on the ATLauncher, @wicked9090.

Normally I hate the "Just use Self Control" answer for Project E (EE3 requires SimpleCondensers to need that answer, the limits of the TransTable are harsh, and negate most of the reasons I include an Equivalency/Exchange mod) but if you think cobblegens/etc are OP? Don't use 'em. For instance I only feed my condensers from products I farm, mine, etc. I disable the relays (wish I could just disable the relay/collector bonus EMC multiplier, I'll need to look into that). Basically I use the collectors to bypass some of the annoying gates in MC (No, I really don't want to have to go to the nether just yet. Gimme a blaze rod! Why can't I find any creepers?! Yoink, now I haz gunpowder!), use condensers to produce overly difficult or taxing resources, and have fun with the power toys. But mainly it's the condensers and the fuel upgrading that I find the most useful.

I also don't allow myself to teach my TT any crafted items... because that gets a bit absurd. I kinda exploded from "here's an iron pick" to "full gem armor" in less than 6 hours using only a tree farm (from progressive automation) as my starting source of EMC, working my way to the AoE Grab style dark matter pick, and having fun with EnderIO multiplication, flight, and NetherOres... It was... kinda nuts. I'll do that to skip processing steps (alloys, fused quartz, etc) in my table, but crafted items via EMC are only kosher in a condenser for me. Which in my mind is for MASS producing resources so I don't use it much for the TT style "drop in diamonds, pull out fully realized machine" semi-creative that most people complain about.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I hope I didn't give the wrong impression. I don't DISLIKE ProjectE/EE3. I don't dislike Cobble Generators.

I dislike Soaryn levels of abuse of those things. When you escalate something neat and useful into absurdity.

The guy is smart and creative. But what he applies that creativity to doing drives me mad.

I used to run a public server a long while back. I ended up shuttering it after the kid of a friend of mine on the server learned one of Soaryn's stupid dupe tricks and went completely nuts on the server.

Rather than deal with the drama of dealing with kicking out a friend's kid, I shuttered the server and went private.

And no, the kid never learned. He still goes on public servers and does the same stuff wherever he can get away with it.

Edit: To avoid further misunderstandings, the "kid" I refer to is in his early-mid 20's


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, people with no self-control drive me insane. I avoid obvious exploits because it drains all the fun out. Loopholes are a different story. Figuring out that I can generate billions of EMC with the creative use of cobblestone generators and autocrafting is fun. Straight-out duplicating items is not. The worst part is Soaryn streams, so he can't censor the dupe bugs even if he wanted to. Publishing bugs like that is a great way to ruin gameplay for other people.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, people with no self-control drive me insane. I avoid obvious exploits because it drains all the fun out. Loopholes are a different story. Figuring out that I can generate billions of EMC with the creative use of cobblestone generators and autocrafting is fun. Straight-out duplicating items is not. The worst part is Soaryn streams, so he can't censor the dupe bugs even if he wanted to. Publishing bugs like that is a great way to ruin gameplay for other people.
Yes. This post.
If you can come up with an exploit yourself, then congratulations on having followed one of the most time honored traditions of modded MC. :p


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
*just glancing over this conversation because holy lord that is a lot of reading and I'm not in the mood for that cus Dragon Con just ended*

I'll read all this later.
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The Mobius Archives

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
I was tempted to add Archimede's Ships after seeing @The Mobius Archives playing with them, but decided against it. It still seems like an easy shortcut to flight mode and I'm avoiding that.

Definitely an early shortcut to flight mode. I did add it because it was cool but in retrospect I want to have rails connecting all our far outliers. If you use it for sea-faring until you feel flight would work it can be quite fantastic despite bottoming out on shallow river beds.

Airships are cool but the mod makes them cumbersome so there is a technical limitation. I've had entire shorelines and trees attached at random to the ship, so it's definitely not for the faint of heart.

I'm thinking of expanding my home upwards with air-balloons as extra rooms. You'll see the start of that with the next episode.

The Mobius Archives

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
Botania. I will never stop recommending people this mod. I don't care if you don't like magic much, it's not like the rest of the magic mods... and it's the single most awesomest tech build companion out there. Vaz designed it like Elo designed RedPower: It's there to extend the capabilities of vanilla and modded play. It makes SO MANY neat builds possible and has a kajillionty unique toys. CAN NOT RECOMMEND HIGHLY ENOUGH!

I'll bump the Botania fan base. In Agrarian Skies 2 I've found it so very useful and it's one of those mods that "makes sense" in a self contained way.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's nearly enough by itself to play a fun game for me. Yes the guy with 300+ mods can ALMOST be satisfied with 1. It's THAT awesome

The Mobius Archives

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
Yeah, people with no self-control drive me insane. I avoid obvious exploits because it drains all the fun out. Loopholes are a different story. Figuring out that I can generate billions of EMC with the creative use of cobblestone generators and autocrafting is fun. Straight-out duplicating items is not. The worst part is Soaryn streams, so he can't censor the dupe bugs even if he wanted to. Publishing bugs like that is a great way to ruin gameplay for other people.

Self-control, that's one of the things I like about the Refugee To Regent challenge. To see if I have enough self-control to avoid jumping into end-game mods or doing something just because it's the easy way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was looking at the old wiki awhile ago. I bookmarked it and decieded to go actauly get good at minecraft before I tried. came back and now I dsicover the wiki is a bit of an incomplete mess. "I`ll be back" when the wiki gets a little more complete. my dirt hovel will be waiting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Check the "Classic Wiki" page.

Also I'd suggest DW20 or RR3-Mainline as packs for R2R. The challenge really flourishes with a large kitchen sink pack like those.
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