[CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

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What do you think of the Serf to Supreme Challenge?

  • City Construction Challenge was better!

    Votes: 9 7.0%
  • It's okay, but there's definitely room for improvement

    Votes: 35 27.1%
  • Give me my Electrics sooner!

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • I enjoy the slow introduction of mods.

    Votes: 43 33.3%
  • I wish Element Animation would hurry up with the next episode.

    Votes: 24 18.6%
  • I love it!

    Votes: 51 39.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
Hey Peoples,

I have finally got the modpack working properly and am now about to start the challenge. Took me way too long, but oh well.

[snippity snip snip]
  • Custom NPC's - really wish it worked
If any of you have a mod that you think should be added/removed for whatever reason, feel free to let me know and why. I love having lots of options, especially seeing a lot of it will be restricted early on. Growthcraft is a mod I was introduced to by Mobius in one of his early R2R videos and I really love it, especially the fishtraps.

If I may, you might want to try tweaking the config file for CustomNPCs. It is in your config folder, called CustomNpcs.cfg

In it, look for the following:

#Start Id for enchants. IDs can only range from 0-256

Change it to:

#Start Id for enchants. IDs can only range from 0-256

Save the config file, and try loading again. That's pretty much the only thing I ever have to change for CustomNpcs to work.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Thanks Sensei, it worked! :) So easy to change too.
I imagine some of the other mods are very similar in the fixes, but I can't understand the crash reports or where to look in them to find that stuff out...
Now I can add a villager to each house/building I build instead of leaving them empty or spawning testificates in them.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
At first glance, and without knowing a whole lot about your setup, it appears that your game crashed due to a configuration issue with your mods. A possible issie (not explicitly shown in the log) is that you have a biome ID conflict due to having so many mods that introduce new biomes. Particularly with default configs, this can frequently become an issue. In this particular case, I noticed that it appears to have attempted to spawn a Twilight Forest Naga in yout overworld, freaked out about something, and went belly-up on you.

While kitchen sink packs can be fun at times, the more mods you add, the more difficult it is to get them all to play nicely together. Your plan of looking for a pack with significantly fewer mods and maybe add only those 'must-have' mods that you really want to play with is probably an easier goal to achieve.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Yeah that was my assumption, I just didn't know where the issue came from.. Yeah Twilight Forest did say something about that, but I was never able to figure out which other mod was using the same biome ID, I'll have a better look and see if I can find the issue and fix it. Oh, uhmm yeah I can imagine that it wouldn't like that. Hopefully that's all it is.

Yeah it sucks that I can't just add what I want and they're smart enough to sort it out for me.. xD But then again I'd probably end up adding that many cool mods my computer couldn't run it. If the biome ID's doesn't fix it, I may just force update FTB Infinity and add the mods I really want and keep the list below 200 mods. Currently at 230.

Thanks for the help Sensei. The crash logs look like an alien language to me
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I'm not personally into the Infinity modpack, so I don't know what comes "in the pack" and what you added. Biomes O Plenty is a real hog when it comes to sheer numbers of biomes it adds, and is usually a comflict between it and Twilight Forest that I'd look first.

Thaumcraft adds a couple of biomes as well, but I really haven't seen too many conflicts with that one. I don't know the situation with Erebus, whether it uses new biomes or it just recycles existing biomes in new dimensions.

Forge helped in fixing item/block id conflicts, but things like enchantment/potion/biome id conflicts still exist and need to be hashed out.

Another thing to be aware of is that Minecraft specifically reserves particular IDs for itself, so you can't just pick new id numbers willy-nilly and expect things to work. If you choose IDs reserved for Minecraft, you'll end up with wierd things like Twilight Forest biomes showing up in the overworld. :)

This page has proven very helpful to me when trying to unscramble badly assigned IDs.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
I had a look and I believe I may have changed some of the Twilight Forest biome ID's to Minecraft ID's, which is causing the problem. I will adjust them all tomorrow as it's late for me. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks for all the help though Sensei! :D
It's great not having to remove mods to make it work of I can. :)

If all goes well I will be able to start the challenge tomorrow, although with my current luck it will be longer.. :p

Edit: Sorry about the weird reply only post before, the forums didn't want to load properly on my phone's browser for some reason, so when I clicked reply I was hoping it would bring up the text box, but it didn't like that..
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
Just for kicks, I added twilight forest and biomes o plenty to my own pack individually to see what would happen.

By default, Twilight Forest allocated Biome IDs 41-59 for its use. Which is fine.

I then disabled Twilight Forest and installed Biomes O Plenty to see what it would take.

It took 41-124, which as you can see will cause conflicts if they don't know about each other ahead of time.

I then deleted the config files of both mods and re-enabled both mods at the same time and attempted a restart.

This time, Twilight Forest chose the following Biome IDs:

125, 128, 135-139, 141-148, 150, 152-154. This looks odd, but is actually good, because if you refer to the page I linked in my prior post, it avoids Minecraft reserved Biome IDs.

Problems may arise when someone is using old configs. You might try just deleting your Twilight Forest config and letting it regenerate. See what it picks.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Okay, the configs for Twilight Forest initially for me were 200-219 from memory. Atum conflicted with it's ID at 200, which I changed to 222, but then I changed Twilights because it was saying there was a conflict somewhere else. I will give deleting the configure files a go first and see what happens and if there are still problems I'll modify the ID's to avaliable ones that aren't Minecraft's personal ones or any other mods.

Thanks heaps for spending the time to help!
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I know it kind of derailed the thread a bit, but maybe the above exchange will help someone else trying the R2R challenge and encounters a similar issue with their modpack of choice.

Too bad we can't crosspost here like we can on Reddit. ;)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Something really useful if you're developing from an Official Pack like Infinity, Direwolf20, Leviathan, Monster, Resonant Rise, etc. Use NEI's ID dump feature.

It's in Options (lower left of your screen in the inventory while NEI is open), Tools, Dumps (not 100% on the last one, but it should be very similar).

Then export that list and add mods SLOWLY. If a conflict arises (you can usually search for "ID" in the forge log file. MultiMC allows this directly in the log, but if you use a decent text editor like notepad++ you can open the log after the fact) then you know where EVERY mod had their biomes assigned, and can see gaps. This is one reason I use the "ALL" not "free" or "used" settings for dumps.

Do note that 129 is sunflower plains and 1 is plains in the Minecraft biome list that Sensei linked? Take careful note of that, because instead of using a "sub" tag or something logical, Mojang gave a biome array of 256 and made the top 128 into "technical" or "sub" biomes that WILL NOT GENERATE NORMALLY, as far as I am aware they only generate as a chance of replacing the biome 128 below them. Which means you should try REALLY REALLY hard to make sure you only have 128 biomes unless you know what you're doing and know if the mod that adds the biomes in question is smart enough to tell Mojang/Forge to sit down and shut up when it tries to use biomes in stupid places.

As neat as BoP is (no seriously, I love BoP!)? If you're running into biome issues, my suggestion would be to drop it, or disable most of the biomes. It's already difficult to find biomes for many mods, that many additional biomes clogs storage space when using RFTools or Mystcraft, and finding biome specific content that is often used as semi-gates is already ATROCIOUS with the 1.7 temperature map biome distribution base minecraft is using.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait. Those are all mods you just ADDED to the pack?! What kind of monster are you using?! O _ O
My current pack is using 306 mod FILES in the directory, not reported by forge. I haven't booted it up with all of them yet, as I build packs kinda slowly to prevent a lot of confused scrambling later in the process. I take a core set of mods that I think are essential to the pack; usually a bunch of worldgen mods so my test world doesn't have to deal with new chunk gen for world stuff, along with NEI and a few other Will Not Play Without This mods, that's currently 63 but I'm a teeny bit into the process right now. Then I check for conflicts, fix crashes, and comb the log for warnings and conflicts, then I add mods in sensible chunks. Like I'll add TC+Thaumic Tinkerer, then all the other tiny TC addons, then I'll add big addons like Witching Gadgets. Each time I fix conflicts and crashes, then comb the logs for "soft failures" that don't crash/freeze the game but I still want to fix. It takes forever, but I've yet to be surprised by anything except recipe conflicts in a fully constructed pack. It also gives me a better understanding of what I'm putting in the pack as I have a good basic concept, and then add a mod and read its whole config file (except for ones that autogenerate huge lists of every ____ in the game, like Botania's mob shedding section... I skip over that one)
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
As neat as BoP is (no seriously, I love BoP!)? If you're running into biome issues, my suggestion would be to drop it, or disable most of the biomes. It's already difficult to find biomes for many mods, that many additional biomes clogs storage space when using RFTools or Mystcraft, and finding biome specific content that is often used as semi-gates is already ATROCIOUS with the 1.7 temperature map biome distribution base minecraft is using.

No kidding. Recently I've either been completely leaving BoP out or I'll turn it on but turn off pretty much every biome it adds. (leaving me just options to tweak village densities and water/land percentages mostly). The extra biomes can be neat for some pack themes, but for long-term play, I can just as easily live without them.

...and I can REALLY live without Poison Ivy, Thorns, and Quicksand.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I briefly loaded up Millenaire into my pack (for less than a day, sadly) -- It was looking promising except for a lag spike every time I opened my inventory screen.

More specifically, every time I opened my inventory and NEI was showing spawners (page 1 for me, usually). The error log would start spewing errors all over the place. The game wouldn't crash, it would just throw fits. I'd close the inventory screen or flip to a page without spawners displaying and everything would be fine.

I tracked it down to NEI not liking something about the way Millenaire rendered or registered their couple of mod-specific spawners. Without a reasonable compromise solution, Millenaire had to go. I've tried CraftBook as an NEI replacement and it just isn't something I care for.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
As neat as BoP is (no seriously, I love BoP!)? If you're running into biome issues, my suggestion would be to drop it, or disable most of the biomes. It's already difficult to find biomes for many mods, that many additional biomes clogs storage space when using RFTools or Mystcraft, and finding biome specific content that is often used as semi-gates is already ATROCIOUS with the 1.7 temperature map biome distribution base minecraft is using.
Yeah BoP is installed, but I was using default world gen, so I don't believe the conflict to be with BoP. I have a love/hate relationship with it, especially on Villages. I tried to disable it, but apparently that broke Magical Crops, so I'm trying with it back in again after deleting the ID config file, which will hopefully cause no conflicts/probems.

I will have to check out that NEI Dump feature as if that will help with conflicts I may be able to get some of the other mods working if it's just ID conflicts. If it's other reasons then I have no hope.

Wow that would take a very long time TomeWyrm, but I suppose that's how you make a stable and well working pack. It's a good idea though. I sort of just added a mod, tried to launch the pack with it and if Minecraft crashed itwouldn't work, if it did then success!

I found that some stuff just doesn't like Millenaire, as you said. In my case, if I was around a village for long, or tried to open a locked chest my game would crash, so it looks like a no go for now.

Edit: I think I'll have to recreate the world I was on to make sure things work as I tried to load it and crashed instantly, which I was expecting to happen. Hopefully it's just that save.

Edit Again..: Any suggestions on which FTB pack I should use as the base and just add the essentials to?
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
What small handful of mods would you really like to play with? That may point you in one direction or another. Currently, I'm working with a pack that includes Buildcraft (minus the Quarry), Reika's mods (sans Chromaticraft), Applied Energistics, Progressive Automation, Railcraft, Steve's Carts and Tinker's Construct for Tech. None of the other common tech mods are present just to force me to do new things. So NO Ender IO, NO RFTools, NO Thermal Expansion, NO MineFactory Reloaded, NO Mekanism, NO Draconic Evolution, etc.

I've opted for Mystcraft instead of RFTools this time, as I have enough tech going on right now. I'll just deal with that mystcraft profiling peeve of mine and try not to fiddle with the modlist too much.

I'm using Dimensional Anchors instead of Chicken Chunks because I *think* the Dimensional Anchors behave a little better.

I do have Thaumcraft (and various addons) installed because I think it's more generally robust than the others and I really don't want a magical kitchen-sink.

I was tempted to add Archimede's Ships after seeing @The Mobius Archives playing with them, but decided against it. It still seems like an easy shortcut to flight mode and I'm avoiding that.

I have Special Mobs, Special AI and Zombie Awareness included to make my life interesting. Random Things is also present because the Blood Moons make things interesting without going Epic Siege Mod all over the place.

I've used TooMuchLoot to remove a lot of the Mod items from showing up as chest loot, and I'm using VoxelMap in hopes that it won't be as resource intensive as some of the other minimap mods. If I have to, I'll ditch the minimap entirely.

Twilight Forest is in, Forestry/Binnie/Gendustry/Natura/BoP is not. I don't feel the need to have bees in every single pack when I rarely, if ever, use them in any meaningful way. Usually by the time I've advanced enough to make the bees interesting, I've already got the infrastructure in place to make them irrelevant.

I considered ATG, ExtraBiomes, RWG, Highlands. Ultimately just decided to go with default worldgen. I also did a LOT of testing with CustomOreGeneration, but couldn't get it to do exactly what I wanted with respect to areas significantly higher than sea level, so I took it back out.

I've dropped my "almost always added" mods from the pack: Roguelike Dungeons, Recurrent Complex, Better Dungeons and Ruins.

Usually I find myself taking advantage of knowing exactly how these structures are formed and how to best loot the dickens out of them with minimal risk to myself. Lots of reward, minimal risk. Fun for the short term, leads to boredom very quickly.

Chisel (the one with tterrag1098, not Chisel 2) and Carpenter's Blocks are present, Ztones was pulled because of the Totem Tool. Yeah, I could probably have just MineTweaked or TooMuchLooted it out, but ... nah.

For farming, I have Agricraft, Pams Harvestcraft & Hunger Overhaul going on. With a side order of Mr. Crayfish for some neat IKEA-like stuff.

Project Red, Expanded Redstone, Steve's Factory Manager and Red Logic are in because, well, I'm a nerd.

Custom NPCs are in because they just work the way I want them to. No fuss, no muss.

There's a bit more, but they're mostly for convenience or optimization (a la FastCraft, for example) - stuff that isn't strictly necessary for everyone.

I don't think any FTB pack really covers what I listed, and it would require more tweaking than anything to get one to a state I liked, so making a pack for myself was my best option. TomeWyrm seems to go a LOT farther afield when it comes to mods, so his pack probably looks pretty drastically different than mine.

I also tend to work on my own mods and insert them into my pack with varying levels of success. Mostly good, sometimes world-destroying.

So, what mods tickle YOUR fancy?


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hmmm there's actually some good ideas in there. I think I may follow your route to a degree Sensei. I like the idea of using different tech mods, I've actually never used Draconic Evolution and barely any Mekanism.

I haven't used RFTools, whereas I have used Mystcract, but to use RFTools I'm assuming I'd need certain tech mods to generate RF?

Magic I think I'll pick 2 and go from there, probably Thaumcraft and something else.

I love stuff like Special Mobs ect. that make mobs harder, which would make the R2R Challenge very interesting early on, so luckily I don't have a life limit!

I love the minimap's, can't remember which one, but I seem to abuse the waypoint teleportation system a little, so I want to get a mod that has teleportation, with a small cost involved, that's not too high tech so I can get it early on. Mainly for teleporting between Outliers and home.

Natura is one I like having for the berries, but other than that I don't think I've used the others much at all either. And for now I don't want BoP, the various biomes can get annoying.

I love adding dungeon mods. Yeah if played with enough that's always a possibility. For me though I avoid digging through walls ect. so that I don't just get it easy, I make myself work for the loot to a degree.

In regards to stuff like Chisel and Carpenter's Blocks, there's not much I use, but I like having them there for the few things I want them for.

I dislike Hunger Overhaul, which makes mods that add lots of other foods somewhat pointless for me. So I think I'll stick to Growthcraft for that part.

Custom NPC's is great, especially to populate houses.

I may have to have a good look through all the FTB packs to see if there are any that come close to what I might want and if not I'll just choose one to disable all the default mods and modify myself. It's just that bit easier to add mods and change them around I think.

Overall though I love having a gazillion options and then deciding on which ones to use, with self enforced ruling to choose different ones each time.

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