Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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Jul 29, 2019
Reika I remember a post from somewhere where someone was saying they were communicating with you about their experiments to successfully use ammonium with PBRs, do you know if that ever worked out? I imagine he was trying to get clever with the heat exchanger, in one way or another.

Also, does a turbine flywheel preclude gathering ammonium steam in a condenser?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So essentially whatever the highest possible attained speed is will be a machines max.

You see the thing about Reika's mods are that they require you to find a lot of things out yourself, only the necessary basics are explained. Reika himself is like that too, ask him what a good reactor design is and either he'll not answer or give a vague and often terse response like "One that can heat water to over 100 Degrees" or something along those lines. I think he finds it to be spoilerish to give directions if that's the right word.


Jul 29, 2019
Yep, I can dig that. Though I think many would appreciate better communication about when he's choosing to play those cards close to the vest. A simple "I'm keeping that behind the curtain" would suffice.

For example when I had a reactor design I was pleased with and considering sharing in a different thread with people I tried asking about a rumor I heard that he doesn't like people doing that, I intended to respect his wishes. An answer would have been polite/helpful.

Personally I don't see holding a grudge about that sort of behavior when you weigh that against the fact that he's making this mod for the people, sharing. I highly doubt that he's motivated by donations.

When I called attention to that aspect of his communication style it really was meant as friendly advice for someone I wish well, who does very well from the perspective of making a quality product, but does rather poorly from the perspective of amicable communication.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So essentially whatever the highest possible attained speed is will be a machines max.

You see the thing about Reika's mods are that they require you to find a lot of things out yourself, only the necessary basics are explained. Reika himself is like that too, ask him what a good reactor design is and either he'll not answer or give a vague and often terse response like "One that can heat water to over 100 Degrees" or something along those lines. I think he finds it to be spoilerish to give directions if that's the right word.

Minor point, I think Reika finds an issue when he starts giving direction. If I had to hazard a guess (I'll not presume to speak for Reika, merely what I'd be thinking in his position), I'd say that it has something with any design he puts for being viewed as the "official, author-endorsed" design, leading people to merely ape that specific design and not bother making something for themselves. If that's the reason, I quite understand. One of ReactorCraft's main draws is the huge payoffs you receive if you get creative.

That's why he doesn't mind when folks like Demosthenex post their designs, but is reticent to do so himself.
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Jul 29, 2019
I would assume Reika would implore people to discuss designs. Lets him adjust and balance the mod if an exploit is found.
It would be nice not to have to guess. Alas, if I were to ask here and now it would be the third time I've done so in this thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
... until it is shut down and the fusion chamber gets cleaned completely. ... that must be done only about once per year.

Is that where you make sure that everyone is out of the chamber, and have to shut it down slightly early when you get a call from inside the chamber as the UHC battle comes to an end? -)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The reactor is at unstable equilibrium. That means that as soon as it deviates from its state, it will likely run away entirely. I do not see a reasonable way that could be called safe. Under that logic, a 500-ton boulder balanced on a pole, as long as it was there for a month or two, would be deemed "safe" to stand under. Rock.jpg

You were saying?

You might as well say a truck is in an unstable equilibrium, if the road shifts 90 degrees it'll fall. Duh? If you change the parameters, the system changes. If you cut the water to a NORMAL boiler it can explode, what makes one running over 450 special?
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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Minor point, I think Reika finds an issue when he starts giving direction. If I had to hazard a guess (I'll not presume to speak for Reika, merely what I'd be thinking in his position), I'd say that it has something with any design he puts for being viewed as the "official, author-endorsed" design, leading people to merely ape that specific design and not bother making something for themselves. If that's the reason, I quite understand. One of ReactorCraft's main draws is the huge payoffs you receive if you get creative.

That's why he doesn't mind when folks like Demosthenex post their designs, but is reticent to do so himself.

Reika I remember a post from somewhere where someone was saying they were communicating with you about their experiments to successfully use ammonium with PBRs, do you know if that ever worked out? I imagine he was trying to get clever with the heat exchanger, in one way or another.

Also, does a turbine flywheel preclude gathering ammonium steam in a condenser?
I doubt it would...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
0 Rock.jpg

You were saying?

You might as well say a truck is in an unstable equilibrium, if the road shifts 90 degrees it'll fall. Duh? If you change the parameters, the system changes. If you cut the water to a NORMAL boiler it can explode, what makes one running over 450 special?
I think you've missed the point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No I quite get the point, I'm saying the point is absurd. It's quite obvious if you change the system the system changes. But if the system is at equilibrium, the system is BY DEFINITION balanced, and balanced things are stable. If you change the system so it's out of balance, then yes it becomes unstable/dangerous.

If a long-term track record has yet to allow the boiler to explode, and knowing the mods that MongrelVigor is using, the water system is less likely to fail than the reactor is to fuck up and send too many neutrons in one tick to a single boiler, which can explode "author safe" boilers too. That means that yes, a >450 boiler is SAFE if it's been going for even ingame months (at 10 hours per in game month of 30 days), unless something about the system changes. Obviously you could have insufficient water supply, but that's in NO WAY unique or the fault of the >450 temperature. In Mongrel's case (using Pressure Pipes), he WILL NOT run out of water. One source puts out more than enough for a Tokamak IIRC, let alone a lower tech reactor.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
No I quite get the point, I'm saying the point is absurd. It's quite obvious if you change the system the system changes. But if the system is at equilibrium, the system is BY DEFINITION balanced, and balanced things are stable. If you change the system so it's out of balance, then yes it becomes unstable/dangerous.

If a long-term track record has yet to allow the boiler to explode, and knowing the mods that MongrelVigor is using, the water system is less likely to fail than the reactor is to fuck up and send too many neutrons in one tick to a single boiler, which can explode "author safe" boilers too. That means that yes, a >450 boiler is SAFE if it's been going for even ingame months (at 10 hours per in game month of 30 days), unless something about the system changes. Obviously you could have insufficient water supply, but that's in NO WAY unique or the fault of the >450 temperature. In Mongrel's case (using Pressure Pipes), he WILL NOT run out of water. One source puts out more than enough for a Tokamak IIRC, let alone a lower tech reactor.
My point is that a reactor at this temperature, under the same influences, is far more likely to "run away" than a cooler-running one. Thus, for example, a lag spike, a neutron burst, a water hiccup, a RNG screwup, all are far more likely to end in failure.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It figures that the day after I set up my new instance and get the mods all just how I want them, that Reika would put out a major version update. Stalker.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It figures that the day after I set up my new instance and get the mods all just how I want them, that Reika would put out a major version update. Stalker.

Happened to me too with a two-day-old instance.

Then again, I can't complain too much. The instance also has Botania. Botania's update notifier and I are old friends, though Vazkii was nice enough to write a bunch of cutesy messages for it to use.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
So, I've noticed a few things about how the processes of RotaryCraft involve using multiple items that do nothing except for being processed further. IMO these things should have more use. I don't have very much right now, but I do have one idea: Bedrock Gems. Instead of using Steel in the Bedrock Ingots, you use Lonsdaleite and those will replace the Ingots. This may also add a bit of a backbone as you won't need diamond tools after you get a single bedrock one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I've noticed a few things about how the processes of RotaryCraft involve using multiple items that do nothing except for being processed further. IMO these things should have more use. I don't have very much right now, but I do have one idea: Bedrock Gems. Instead of using Steel in the Bedrock Ingots, you use Lonsdaleite and those will replace the Ingots. This may also add a bit of a backbone as you won't need diamond tools after you get a single bedrock one.
Not sure that would work though as iirc the londsaldite is a step towards getting diamonds and the bedrock ingots are actually bedrock alloy ingots which to get you alloy 4 dust with hsla to get the ingt getting bedrock dust is already a process beyond diamonds anyway as if I remember the recipe for the breaker it requires 3 obsidian and two "sintered?" tungsten which you need an extractor for processing iron for the tungsten flakes then doing something with them to sinter them. All adding londsaldite would do is a pointless steps to the process .

PS I hope i got the correct order and facts @Reika been a while since I followed the rotarycraft bedrock stuff


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
Not sure that would work though as iirc the londsaldite is a step towards getting diamonds
...And there's the problem. My idea wasn't very good, but the "steps" should have their own uses IMO.

And what I was trying to say was that there's no real reason to have diamonds if Bedrock tools are unbreakable. So, it's basically a bit of a backbone to the process where you use your first few pieces of Dust for the Compactor, and then make your unbreakable tools.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I don't see Reika changing that any time soon. Technically those parts are pregression checks for getting to the next level.
Getting dust means you have a functional bedrock breaker. Turning it in to bedrock alloy means you can get a blast furnace up to a certain temperature.

Plus what use do you think you would give those parts good enough to warrant wasting them.

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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
So, I've noticed a few things about how the processes of RotaryCraft involve using multiple items that do nothing except for being processed further. IMO these things should have more use. I don't have very much right now, but I do have one idea: Bedrock Gems. Instead of using Steel in the Bedrock Ingots, you use Lonsdaleite and those will replace the Ingots. This may also add a bit of a backbone as you won't need diamond tools after you get a single bedrock one.
I am not against adding more uses for material intermediaries, but replacing existing ones is usually not a good way to do it.

As for bedrock, making it a gem-dust composite makes little sense from a materials engineering standpoint.