Keep in mind that the ocean of jet fuel would be so expensive, instability wise, as to be a death world.
Dirty lubricant? Now, that's an idea. What would be the appropriate machine to filter/purify the dirty lubricant?
Even with the fluids blacklisted from Mystcraft, what about RfTools? Those dimensions all have a power cost, rather than a magic instability factor. If, for example, the only source of power in a pack is RotoryCraft, then the power cost to maintain an RfDim with lubricant lakes could compare to the power cost to run a grinder; or, the power cost to maintain an RfDim with lubricant oceans might compare to the power cost to run a large farm and multiple grinders. And, if it's "dirty", and has to be filtered, there's still a logistics factor of the piping and filtering.
Using the "factor of 4" engine chaining rule, it's possible to set the power levels so that, for example, you can't do an ocean of jet fuel without first having a jet engine. So, while you could get lakes of jet fuel for less, you could not get the oceans without having some jet production (two jet engines together).
In other words, the costs can be set so that you need some first, and then get lots. Kinda like the magneto tiering.