Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where did I ever stated that was what I feel? I never said there's something I feel, only that something is better or worse clearly or not.

Taking sentences out of context is not a good way to build argument, mind you.
And you would be placing resistors and motors everywhere. Not much difference in all honesty.
If you can't see difference between x2 ore procession and x3-5 then I'm sorry.

Now finely a worthy answer. Yes, I can agree, this is the only thing which is undeniably better in ElC. There's one problem though, power teleportation (tesseracts) usually wins over insanely long ugly cables (of any mod). In case I'll ever find myself in situation I have to transport energy over huge distance I'll go for magnetostatics. That said my disappointment is because I expected far more use from ElC.
Well, to be fair RoC/ReC/ElC is focused more on realism, and IIRC Reika has stated before that teleportation technologies would be pushing beyond the boundaries of realism and fiction (not to mention the energy draw issues to open a stable link.) While teleportation does indeed win for convenience / ease of use, it doesn't necessarily win for realism (or aesthetics - sometimes, having cables everywhere just *looks* cooler. That, however, is an opinion some hold - not necessarily relevant in this case.) Other mods' power teleportation is also primarily RF-based, and Reika wants to keep power internal for self-balancing reasons, understandably so.

That being said, I REALLY wish LogisticsPipes or ElC would implement an LP power supplier upgrade/power provider so ElC energy could be transferred over LP just like RF/MJ (presumably without crossing over into those power types). ElC Battery minecarts might be cool, too, if they don't exist already. :)


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I'm guessing that its ItemArmor.getArmorMaterial(), going by what I found when I searched "func_78044_b" here. Its the only method inside ItemArmor that returns ArmorMaterial, which is what I think is the return type that particular line is implying.

Its odd, but going thru gradle's caches, I found, buried rather deep,, its inside Minecraft's source folder, and not Forge's source folders, and I think that's what Forge is screaming at me about when I try to load inside the IDE. Quite queer, since Forge itself put it the hell in there. Look in (for build 1208 of Forge): C:\Users\[Your Username]\.gradle\caches\minecraft\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.7.10-\unpacked\src\main\java\net\minecraft\src
No, it is in ArmorMaterial, takes an int, and returns an int.


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
@namae it's clear you are presenting your opinion as a fact rather than what it truly is. As this conversation is doing absolutely nothing other than derailing this thread, I have no reason to continue to respond when you are hell bent on pushing your opinions around as if they are the one and only way to view a mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At least if it was constructed by an even remotely sane engineer .

Sane engineer?

First: Sane: We're talking about someone exposed to the walking undead, firey bats of hell, giant purple people eater doorways, Things That Man Was Not Supposed To Know on the other side of those doorways, that pop out into our world ...

There's a mod that gives you a sanity bar, and apparently it just goes down, down, down, unless you're in sunlight, with trees, flowers, and chirping birds ... (basket weavers, etc).

Second: Engineer? Since when is there any evidence that either Alex or Steve are trained engineers at all, instead of just stumbling around as a semi-compitent demi-god?

Third: "Sane Engineer"? You've seen how people BUILD things in minecraft, right? Read up on this style of building: Girl Genius.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sane engineer?

First: Sane: We're talking about someone exposed to the walking undead, firey bats of hell, giant purple people eater doorways, Things That Man Was Not Supposed To Know on the other side of those doorways, that pop out into our world ...

There's a mod that gives you a sanity bar, and apparently it just goes down, down, down, unless you're in sunlight, with trees, flowers, and chirping birds ... (basket weavers, etc).

Second: Engineer? Since when is there any evidence that either Alex or Steve are trained engineers at all, instead of just stumbling around as a semi-compitent demi-god?

Third: "Sane Engineer"? You've seen how people BUILD things in minecraft, right? Read up on this style of building: Girl Genius.
Okay, first and third points are totally valid, because "Steve", our MC character, clearly does not live in a world conducive to a healthy state of mind; assuming he showed up there exactly when the map was made and has never been anywhere like it. Assuming the Endermen aren't constantly nearby, he may be just used to the level of weirdness present in his world. After all, the mind is surprisingly able to adapt if it has never known a different way, or is willing to know a different way, even if things are as insane as they seem. Kids raising during hellish wars aren't phased as much by hellish wars and the danger they pose. Thus, kids raised in other dimensions with unknowable evils, living weapons, the living dead, and those utterly retarded and yet occasionally useful species of 2 meter tall bipedal lemings we call "Testifcates"... will call that place normal.

Second point you make falls flat because to be an engineer, you merely start your day looking for problems that need solving, and try to solve them. Every other explanation is just paperwork.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Please educate yourself.

And this is opinion, because I've yet to hear what exactly it offers and how that contradict my points.
I can say it offers one thing that no other mod out there does. It is the only mod in MC currently with unlimited RF cable. Even if you used no other part of it, that makes it useful.
It is much simpler to run multiple machines, that have varying power requirements, off of a single power source with wires and resistors than with shafts and gearboxes. The output of the top battery can not be matched by even the best coil either. The only way to get that kind of power is directly from a reactor setup.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Potential infinite fuel exploit in v25z, unsure if still present in v1c:

1.) insert 1 ethanol crystal into gasoline engine
2.) use bucket to retrieve 1000 mB liquid ethanol from engine
3.) input bucketful of ethanol into liquid crystallizer
4.) receive 10 ethanol crystals
5.) GOTO 1.)

Can be automated with an autonomous activator.

The crystallizer needs to be actively powered, but since it only needs 2 kW, you could do it with two DC engines, a shaft junction and a gearbox.

Suggested fix: cut the ethanol consumption of gasoline and performance engines by 90%. Since they already consume liquid in steps of 10mB, doing so doesn't present any display or floating point issues (they will consume liquid in steps of 1mB instead). Also make crystals only convert into 100mB inside an engine. And perhaps it may make sense to also divide the internal tank capacities of the engines by 10.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Potential infinite fuel exploit in v25z, unsure if still present in v1c:

1.) insert 1 ethanol crystal into gasoline engine
2.) use bucket to retrieve 1000 mB liquid ethanol from engine
3.) input bucketful of ethanol into liquid crystallizer
4.) receive 10 ethanol crystals
5.) GOTO 1.)

Can be automated with an autonomous activator.

The crystallizer needs to be actively powered, but since it only needs 2 kW, you could do it with two DC engines, a shaft junction and a gearbox.

Suggested fix: cut the ethanol consumption of gasoline and performance engines by 90%. Since they already consume liquid in steps of 10mB, doing so doesn't present any display or floating point issues (they will consume liquid in steps of 1mB instead). Also make crystals only convert into 100mB inside an engine. And perhaps it may make sense to also divide the internal tank capacities of the engines by 10.
The engine fuel consumption is unrelated to this. There is simply a disagreement between the engine and the crystallizer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, first and third points are totally valid, because "Steve", our MC character, clearly does not live in a world conducive to a healthy state of mind; assuming he showed up there exactly when the map was made and has never been anywhere like it. Assuming the Endermen aren't constantly nearby, he may be just used to the level of weirdness present in his world. After all, the mind is surprisingly able to adapt if it has never known a different way, or is willing to know a different way, even if things are as insane as they seem. Kids raising during hellish wars aren't phased as much by hellish wars and the danger they pose. Thus, kids raised in other dimensions with unknowable evils, living weapons, the living dead, and those utterly retarded and yet occasionally useful species of 2 meter tall bipedal lemings we call "Testifcates"... will call that place normal.

Second point you make falls flat because to be an engineer, you merely start your day looking for problems that need solving, and try to solve them. Every other explanation is just paperwork.
I work in industrial safety..... I've known some INSANE engineers. For instance one blew the top of a pressure cooker through the roof of his shop. he was running life expextancy tests on switches by exposing them to a saline solution while under pressure. Decided that his current system wasn't attaining sufficient pressure ranges. Rather than purchasing a propper pressure vessel he simply sealed the release valves on the cooker.... needless to say the safety margins where tighter than he thought and the company was lucky no one was in the room when the equipment failed....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, it is in ArmorMaterial, takes an int, and returns an int.
In that case, there's two possibilities: the getDurability() method, and the getDamageReductionAmount() method. Lessee...

Aha! Okay, I think I've managed to pinpoint it: its the methods you're calling in, where you initialize your "dmgs" array. Dunno what that means, but that's what I've managed to find thru digging around in Forge's deobfuscated Minecraft jar, and in RotaryCraft. I think it might be something getting corrupted during the setupDecompWorkspace procedure from Forge Gradle, what do you think?


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
In that case, there's two possibilities: the getDurability() method, and the getDamageReductionAmount() method. Lessee...

Aha! Okay, I think I've managed to pinpoint it: its the methods you're calling in, where you initialize your "dmgs" array. Dunno what that means, but that's what I've managed to find thru digging around in Forge's deobfuscated Minecraft jar, and in RotaryCraft. I think it might be something getting corrupted during the setupDecompWorkspace procedure from Forge Gradle, what do you think?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Reika, did you hear about the possible deal between Microsoft & Mojang? You seem to be the smartest on the forums (not a compliment I just throw around :)) and I kinda want to hear your thoughts on it here .
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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Reika, did you hear about the possible deal between Microsoft & Mojang? You seem to be the smartest on the forums (not a compliment I just throw around :)) and I kinda want to hear your thoughts on it here .
...That has the real risk of killing modded minecraft forever, if MS decides to internalize modding and legally forbid third-party interaction.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Reika, did you hear about the possible deal between Microsoft & Mojang? You seem to be the smartest on the forums (not a compliment I just throw around :)) and I kinda want to hear your thoughts on it here .
It sounds... wrong. Just because it's on WSJ doesn't mean they have a valid source. And it looks like the rest are just re-writing and publishing info that came from WSJ. If it does happen, and MS decides to be dicks about it, we'll have to find another game to take over grow into. Either way it's not really worth getting to worked up over as we have no power to change what happens. At the very least we should save our pitchforks and torches (and somebody better have some tar and feathers) for when some official confirms what is, for now, really only rumor.

*hops in crane to try re-railing thread*

I wonder how hard it'd be to make a powered armor/tools, tiered between HSLA Steel and Bedrock, charged by Electricraft. I also think it'd make more sense to have an Electricraft charging station for RC's "powered" equipment.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I wonder how hard it'd be to make a powered armor/tools, tiered between HSLA Steel and Bedrock, charged by Electricraft. I also think it'd make more sense to have an Electricraft charging station for RC's "powered" equipment.
It does not really fit RC thematically, and I do not wish for EC to grow beyond transmission.