Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Hrm...whaddya think, as a place to start for my mod, of scalable conveyor belts? Their speed is dependent on the speed going to the conveyor motor, and they can transport items, mobs, and players. Kind of like a cool factory thing where, instead of watching items whiz about in various tubes, you can watch them zip around in conveyors.
PowerCraft revisited. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PowerCraft revisited. :D
Though, I do hear that there's development going on to bring it to 1.7. At least, that's what some of the last posts on its forum have indicated, and for all intents and purposes, they were somewhat recent.

However, mine could potentially be better...I just don't know what kind of cap to put on it. 16 m/s? 24? 8? That'd be the default, of course; you'd be able to configure it to your taste (or -1 for no upper limit), or what you think your machine and/or Minecraft can handle.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
/me hooks up a fusion reactor to one

Talk about some extra-zippy transport!

Also, I was thinking about something like this for the rules of conveyor belts:

  • Two endpoints are defined by conveyor motors, and conveyor belts can only travel in a straight line. However, you can have one conveyor lead to another to get around curves.
  • Power must be supplied to both conveyor motors for the belt train to function.
  • A given amount of torque can only move a belt train of a certain length, given by this formula: y = x / 8; y is the length of belt train, including the motors, that can be supported, and x is the amount of torque supplied.
  • Divide your speed by 512 (truncating the decimal) to get the speed (in m/s) the belt train goes.
  • If you don't meet the torque requirements, again on both motors, the belt train will only move at a fixed rate of 1 m/s.
  • Special smart conveyors can be crafted that can intelligently filter items in any direction on any plane, provided that you have another kind of special belt made for vertical transport, the sticky belt.
  • The sticky belt will firmly hold on to anything it catches, and anything other than players (real or fake, or Thaumcraft golems and the like) can't escape. Their sticky properties also allow them to transport items vertically, as opposed to the strictly horizontal normal belts.
  • If a belt leads to an inventory (like a chest), it'll attempt to insert the item into the first available, valid slot in the inventory, while interfacing find with sided inventories. This can, unfortunately, be a bit problematic with certain machines, but this can be solved with...
  • Smart insertion belts! With them, you can tell them which side to insert items into a machine, or even just a given slot number, similar to Factorization routers.
Basically, you can underpower your conveyors, and they'll still technically work, but they'll work for shit until you actually give them what they need. This is good for engines that may require a warm up time to get to their maximum operating torque rating. Also, they'll place similarly to the old PowerCraft conveyors, they won't be full blocks like the ones from Extra Utilities, but they won't be totally flat like MFR belts. You don't need to place belts on the bottom, but they do need to sit atop a solid block, opacity won't be taken into consideration. Its probably a bit hard to imagine, but I'll see if I can't make a little something sometime later to kind of explain things a bit better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, the "not technically failing, but still failing" thing would also likely be configurable, and speed may or may not be a floating-point variable...floating-point would allow more precision, and a smoother performance curve. I may not truncate the decimal at all, thinking on it. Also, the MFR conveyors are the most uselessly, painfully slow things I have EVER used. I really don't care about being marginally faster than they are. I have never had a situation where I've wanted to use them for anything. At least, this way, even when they're uselessly underpowered, my conveyors could still do something for someone. Its like meeting the absolute minimum requirements for a RoC grinder. It may be almost painfully slow, but its still useful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TFC is TerraFirmaCraft.

I know, but "The Full Conversion" fits just as well.

Reika said:
Now I want to try vein-generated ores. It completely eliminates the random of mining. :)
Hey, I made a mystcraft age last night with no natural ores (dirt world), and iron tendrils. Absolutely massive (think the cave system generator, plopping down iron instead of air). Minor instability, but well worth it for RoC.

Xcw is going to give the instability another tweak. I've discovered how to go from "A little too nasty" to "Very, very easy".

It also completely requires the ability to do prospecting. If you can't just dig and find what you're looking for, then you need tools to help you make informed decisions about where to dig.

Not true. No need for prospecting. You explore caves/ravines to find the veins. You know that if you go down deep, you are no longer in the iron zone. Etc.

You don't find these by digging randomly. You dig them out once you find them.

Or make it an independent mod
Custom Ore Generation, First Revival


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
Also, the MFR conveyors are the most uselessly, painfully slow things I have EVER used. I really don't care about being marginally faster than they are. I have never had a situation where I've wanted to use them for anything. At least, this way, even when they're uselessly underpowered, my conveyors could still do something for someone.
As long as you make the little bastards take less time to break. Every time I think I want to use MFR conveyor belts, eventually I realize how much I didn't actually want to use MFR conveyor belts, and it takes me 15 minutes to clean them all back up, just so I can inevitably make the same mistake again later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As long as you make the little bastards take less time to break. Every time I think I want to use MFR conveyor belts, eventually I realize how much I didn't actually want to use MFR conveyor belts, and it takes me 15 minutes to clean them all back up, just so I can inevitably make the same mistake again later.
Oh hell no, I'm not pulling that kinda crap. I think a good, happy medium would be for them to break at about a similar speed to BuildCraft pipes: quickly, but not so quickly that a mis-click or bit of lag can screw you over and accidentally break more than you'd wanted.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Not true. No need for prospecting. You explore caves/ravines to find the veins. You know that if you go down deep, you are no longer in the iron zone. Etc.

You don't find these by digging randomly. You dig them out once you find them.
You're mostly right, from my perspective, although you left a tiny bit out which I imagine you already know.

I play a GT 1.7 pack these days using similar generation and while I probably find 40% of the veins via caves/ravines as you mentioned. I find 40% via mountainsides, for high-elevation ores. This one feels particularly cool and realistic.

The remainder, good old fashioned mining. Although I call it exploratory mining now, since I don't do the standard 2-block-thick-wall branch-mining anymore. Veins can be huge, so a grid will generally be at least 30-40 blocks on a side.

Found a redstone/cinnabar/ruby vein last night just in time.

fwiw I think Reika would rock a custom ore generation mod, but its been done, so I can't imagine he'd have much interest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is, it's still "Every chunk looks basically the same". Every chunk has so many plops of a given ore. Those are not veins.

Veins ... imagine an iron vein that is 1-2 blocks wide, 60 blocks long, running into a D=7 ball with two more veins running off of it. And that's an average size one. 100-120 blocks in length from end to end. Not common, but if you explore caves or ravines, you'll see a block or two of exposed iron, and then you just follow it.

Vanilla style plops (needs a better name) are basically "Dig anywhere, it's there". Even reducing things to one larger plop per chunk still means "Just dig around".

Clusters. That's what TE calls them, and it works.

I'm a member of that community and have had several conversations with FC. He's not a bad guy, and him (and his community) are especially not as bad as you claim.
No (intentional) claims here, just things I've heard. I have precisely 0 experience with FC. Just heard a lot of warnings and drama history. Mostly as a fair warning so anyone that goes there is guarded and polite.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Erm, @Reika, I'm having an issue here. I've got a crash report from IntelliJ when I try to launch from the IDE, and its pointing me to something in RotaryCraft regarding armour. I've got both DragonAPI and RotaryCraft linked up properly, and I can include things from them just fine, though IntelliJ seems a tad anal about using full qualification for imports, and they're in the output's mods folder as my mod won't work without them...which I believe is how its supposed to be since its an addon and thus depends on both of them. Got any hints as to what might be going wrong here? The only thing my mod has in it, currently, its really really basic item (no interactions with anything, just kinda there) called a Spanner, soooooo...I'm sorta leaning away from it being a problem there. Only thing in my mod currently that I think may be an issue is my ItemRegistrar class, but all that does is act as a place to encapsulate all my item loading so the loading methods in my main mod class look pretty.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No...I copied the blast glass code... :oops:

I only noticed because we removed compressed cobble and everyone's anxious to find blast resistant blocks. I was trying Railcraft Strengthened Glass (not creeper or TNT proof), and spotted the tank. Turned out it was though I didn't expect it to be as none of the other tanks are. Most of us just progress to obsidian.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Erm, @Reika, I'm having an issue here. I've got a crash report from IntelliJ when I try to launch from the IDE, and its pointing me to something in RotaryCraft regarding armour. I've got both DragonAPI and RotaryCraft linked up properly, and I can include things from them just fine, though IntelliJ seems a tad anal about using full qualification for imports, and they're in the output's mods folder as my mod won't work without them...which I believe is how its supposed to be since its an addon and thus depends on both of them. Got any hints as to what might be going wrong here? The only thing my mod has in it, currently, its really really basic item (no interactions with anything, just kinda there) called a Spanner, soooooo...I'm sorta leaning away from it being a problem there. Only thing in my mod currently that I think may be an issue is my ItemRegistrar class, but all that does is act as a place to encapsulate all my item loading so the loading methods in my main mod class look pretty.
It looks like you have a Forge version issue, because the missing method is in the parent Item class.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It looks like you have a Forge version issue, because the missing method is in the parent Item class.
Aah, so I just need a quick Forge update, eh? Good to know!

Oh, and have a visual representation of how conveyor trains will function:


Wait a tick...I'm using version of Forge, the latest one available. What version would I need to work with v1c of DragonAPI and RotaryCraft?


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Aah, so I just need a quick Forge update, eh? Good to know!

Oh, and have a visual representation of how conveyor trains will function:


Wait a tick...I'm using version of Forge, the latest one available. What version would I need to work with v1c of DragonAPI and RotaryCraft?
That is the version I use. What did you do?
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