Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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What kind of bugs? Never encountered issues with them. But I usually don't use them that much as I prefer EnderIO conduits and its conduit facades.
IIRC Reika objected to FMP support saying "It's unstable".
Use your plutonium to slowly convert your depleted uranium into usable fission fuel.

4 Depleted Uranium + 1 Plutonium= 2 Breeder Pellets.

2 Breeder Pellets + Neutrons + Time = 2 Plutonium

Therefore, 4 Depleted Uranium + Neutrons + Time = 1 Plutonium.

IMHO, it's a better use for depleted uranium than railgun shells.
I'm curious bout this; what are you trying to accomplish?

If you are just trying to get rid of excessive depleted uranium, then just create a standard breeder reactor.

If you're just trying to use up plutonium, just throw it in a standard boiling water reactor.

Can you clarify?
multiparts are buuuuuuggy.
Reika has said no microparts, as they are buggy, IDK what the IC electric cable that you're talking about is, and see reason one for the RF cable.
IIRC Reika objected to FMP support saying "It's unstable".
What kind of bugs? Never encountered issues with them. But I usually don't use them that much as I prefer EnderIO conduits and its conduit facades.
I have refused multipart support for the RC/ReC/EC blocks for three reasons:
  • Despite allegations to the contrary, I see no way to implement support without creating a hard dependency on FMP and see no mods with FMP support that do not require it to load.
  • Multipart works by having "wrapper" Tile Entities in place of the "real" blocks. This would mean all my "getMachine(x,y,z)" code would fail and have to be rewritten. I also probably lose all control over the block class.
  • While it is possible to ((TileMultipart)getTileEntity()).getIncludedTile() or something to fix #2, that is far slower and will manifest itself as a severe performance impact.
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I'm curious bout this; what are you trying to accomplish?

If you are just trying to get rid of excessive depleted uranium, then just create a standard breeder reactor.

If you're just trying to use up plutonium, just throw it in a standard boiling water reactor.

Can you clarify?
Because of the rarity of U-235, I usually only get 1 enriched fuel pellet for every ~8 units of UF6 I centrifuge. This leaves me with 3 extra depleted uranium pellets per two pellets of plutonium I make. Over time, the depleted uranium piles up, and it's nearly useless at the moment, except for making railgun ammunition (which is cheaper as of v25) and for a hazmat suit. It would be nice if I could burn up the excess in a breeder.

Is this a problem for anyone else.
Because of the rarity of U-235, I usually only get 1 enriched fuel pellet for every ~8 units of UF6 I centrifuge. This leaves me with 3 extra depleted uranium pellets per two pellets of plutonium I make. Over time, the depleted uranium piles up, and it's nearly useless at the moment, except for making railgun ammunition (which is cheaper as of v25) and for a hazmat suit. It would be nice if I could burn up the excess in a breeder.
It seemed like you are already aware of this, but do you know you can turn your depleted uranium into plutonium via a proper breeder reactor?

The breeder reactor is, in fact, my favorite ReC reactor.

Edit: I keep re-reading your posts and it seems abundantly clear you're already doing this, and can just turn it into plutonium, hence I'm having a hard time grasping what it is you're trying to fix :)
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It seemed like you are already aware of this, but do you know you can turn your depleted uranium into plutonium via a proper breeder reactor?

The breeder reactor is, in fact, my favorite ReC reactor.

Edit: I keep re-reading your posts and it seems abundantly clear you're already doing this, and can just turn it into plutonium, hence I'm having a hard time grasping what it is you're trying to fix :)
Not really a fix, just a request to add a new recipe.


Where D is depleted uranium, P is a plutonium pellet, and B is two breeder pellets.

Sorry for the confusion.
So, you'd make your first breeder pellets in the usual way (4D+U I believe), get plutonium, and make more breeder pellets with those?

I actually...I have no idea if that makes sense or not :\ Seems interesting enough though.
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I'll admit that it makes little sense when you consider the abundance of pitchblende and the longevity of nuclear fuel, but for those of us obsessed with squeezing every last drop of power out of our resources, it's attractive.
I'll admit that it makes little sense when you consider the abundance of pitchblende and the longevity of nuclear fuel, but for those of us obsessed with squeezing every last drop of power out of our resources, it's attractive.
I agree that pitchblende is extremely prevalent. But I, too, am also pre-occupied with efficient use of resources.

I'm actually more curious what the realism implications are; I gather that breeders are supposed to get more "usable" fuel than you put in, but whether the "fuel in" can be of the same general type as the "fuel out", I have no idea. Reika's more familiar with the actual real functions of these systems; he'll likely be able to provide insight.
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Research finds no examples of breeder reactors using plutonium.
I can't find much either. The only contradictory info I get is from Wikipedia actually. The below has no citation to support it.

Fast breeder reactor
As of 2006, all large-scale fast breeder reactor (FBR) power stations have been liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR) cooled by liquid sodium.
FBRs usually use a mixed oxide fuel core of up to 20% plutonium dioxide (PuO2) and at least 80% uranium dioxide (UO2). Another fuel option is metal alloys, typically a blend of uranium, plutonium, and zirconium... Enriched uranium can also be used on its own.

I checked three pages highlighting basic breeder reactor principles, none of which mentioned this.

Above quote comes from

Large assumption: Reika's breeder reactor (a sodium moderated one) fits into the category mentioned above.

Edit: ton2790, you always have the option of using Minetweaker to add the recipe. You may waive your right to support by doing this (but I can't see how it will cause any issues whatsoever and may make your game more fun for you :) )
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Well, if nobody's doing it in real life, there's probably a reason, although it's probably somethong to do with the relative abundance of enriched uranium from the cold war. I just don't see any physical issue. However, this isn't really a critical flaw in gameplay (unlike the reactor chunkloading issues), so I'm content to minetweaker it in. Thanks for the help, Pyure.
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All this talk got me curious so I did some research in the subject since in theory a plutonium catalyst breeder reaction set up is plausible. From my understanding there was actually research into this and a FBR was developed in France using Plutonium to breed Plutonium at a 1:12 output ratio. The reason it was shut down and protested against was because people and politicians (yes I separated them from people :p ) were afraid that this would encourage a mass production of Plutonium, both reactor and weapons grade, to solve the energy crisis, hence taking years of "scaling down" nuclear programs and throwing the progress out the window.

However I could be reading it wrong, I am a psychologist Jim, not a physicist! Google the Phenix reactor and plutonium catalyst reactors if you would like, however I believe the information I found does explain the "You can but we don't" phenomena.

Now Thorium breeders... *drools at what Reika is planning*

Edit: I also wanted to note from my research. that the abundance of enriched Uranium isn't reactor grade, which is the reason why the Phenix reactor experiment was introduced. It's really not all about the amount of energy, it's all about the amount of really lethal waste.

Side note: Now I must hide in my closet since I'm sure the U.S. government has red flagged me because I googled "weapons grade uranium".
Wait...if neutrons know their source now (14 MeV fusion neutrons vs 0.025 thermal neutrons vs 2 MeV direct fission neutrons), could the fusion neutrons be used for burning transuranic wastes, or causing direct fission of U-238/Th-232?

Well, if we had transuranics other than plutonium.
All this talk got me curious so I did some research in the subject since in theory a plutonium catalyst breeder reaction set up is plausible. From my understanding there was actually research into this and a FBR was developed in France using Plutonium to breed Plutonium at a 1:12 output ratio. The reason it was shut down and protested against was because people and politicians (yes I separated them from people :p ) were afraid that this would encourage a mass production of Plutonium, both reactor and weapons grade, to solve the energy crisis, hence taking years of "scaling down" nuclear programs and throwing the progress out the window.

However I could be reading it wrong, I am a psychologist Jim, not a physicist! Google the Phenix reactor and plutonium catalyst reactors if you would like, however I believe the information I found does explain the "You can but we don't" phenomena.

Now Thorium breeders... *drools at what Reika is planning*

Edit: I also wanted to note from my research. that the abundance of enriched Uranium isn't reactor grade, which is the reason why the Phenix reactor experiment was introduced. It's really not all about the amount of energy, it's all about the amount of really lethal waste.

Side note: Now I must hide in my closet since I'm sure the U.S. government has red flagged me because I googled "weapons grade uranium".
Wait, you don't use tor for any conspicuous searches?