Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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It is a necessary simplification, unless you want the game bogged down with solving partial differential equations. Minecraft is not MatLab.

So surely, simply add a base coefficient of efficacy loss due to air resistance, and just reduce the base power of the engines? I'm not saying incorporate the maths fully, I am simply saying don't just pretend it isn't there.
Honestly, the thing that bugs me about the hydrokinetics is that even though they're made from steel, they output twice the torque steel can handle. That doesn't seem quite realistic to me.

Since the problem is that people circumvent the tech tree using them, (same issue with Magnetostatics), why not simply make them upgradable like the Magnetostatics? The tier 1 magnetostatic is almost useless, tier 2 is more useful, and tier 3-5 is where the powers at. Hydrokinetic engines putting out that much power should require bedrock shafts and additional lubricant.
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Honestly, the thing that bugs me about the hydrokinetics is that even though they're made from steel, they output twice the torque steel can handle. That doesn't seem quite realistic to me.
This I understand, but simply making it require diamond shafts does not fix the techtree issue, and making it require bedrock makes it harder to get than the gas turbine.

Since the problem is that people circumvent the tech tree using them, (same issue with Magnetostatics), why not simply make them upgradable like the Magnetostatics? The tier 1 magnetostatic is almost useless, tier 2 is more useful, and tier 3-5 is where the powers at. Hydrokinetic engines putting out that much power should require bedrock shafts and additional lubricant.
The mainline engines are set in that they are all ingame counterparts of real-world motors and as such their torques and speeds are locked.
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This I understand, but simply making it require diamond shafts does not fix the techtree issue, and making it require bedrock makes it harder to get than the gas turbine.

The mainline engines are set in that they are all ingame counterparts of real-world motors and as such their torques and speeds are locked.

I'll stop harping on it after this post, I'm just anxious at the opportunity to update them with the next rev coming up.

I assert that the hydrokinetic engines are very overpowered and provide excessive energy for little to no investment. I really like the progression of steam and renewables to gas, to jetfuel, to nuclear. Hydro bypasses that completely. I respect you have based them on physics, but I think they bypass the tech tree you built. They exceed material strength and they assume large quantities of water. I'm for nerfing them to just above wind power but that's your call.

Just wanted to post my $0.02, and let it drop.
I know this has been said, but why not just lower the cap to 32? That would both be realistic enough, and it would also nerf the hydrokinetic engines enough to satisfy people. If there was an argument against this, I am sorry for intruding, but I did not want to get involved in a large argument. This is not to be taken as an insult or anything, it is just a suggestion. I personally use a bank of 50+ to power my base, an that was made in less than two hours after starting the game. I have just increased the amount as needed. I do however thing that they are a little too powerful. Just my opinion on this subject.
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I know this has been said, but why not just lower the cap to 32? That would both be realistic enough, and it would also nerf the hydrokinetic engines enough to satisfy people. If there was an argument against this, I am sorry for intruding, but I did not want to get involved in a large argument. This is not to be taken as an insult or anything, it is just a suggestion. I personally use a bank of 50+ to power my base, an that was made in less than two hours after starting the game. I have just increased the amount as needed. I do however thing that they are a little too powerful. Just my opinion on this subject.

You have fifty!? You should study ReactorCraft. ;]
I think it's been posted before but someone mentioned a RF eater. Can someone tag the guy who put that mod out for me I can't seem to find him
Honestly, the thing that bugs me about the hydrokinetics is that even though they're made from steel, they output twice the torque steel can handle. That doesn't seem quite realistic to me.

Since the problem is that people circumvent the tech tree using them, (same issue with Magnetostatics), why not simply make them upgradable like the Magnetostatics? The tier 1 magnetostatic is almost useless, tier 2 is more useful, and tier 3-5 is where the powers at. Hydrokinetic engines putting out that much power should require bedrock shafts and additional lubricant.

Am I understanding the idea that a steel-tier hydro, diamond-tier hydro, and bedrock-tier hydro would have different maximum torque/speed/power outputs?

I have not played with them yet, but that seems like a good compromise. After reading how powerful they seem to be in this thread, I'm looking at making them the "end goal" of my rotarycraft quest line for Jampacked. (Lets see: 10 days left, computer now back from repairs, two days out to take my mother to see her sister while she's still around to be seen, ... and I have to tweak COG how much still?)
Am I understanding the idea that a steel-tier hydro, diamond-tier hydro, and bedrock-tier hydro would have different maximum torque/speed/power outputs?

I have not played with them yet, but that seems like a good compromise. After reading how powerful they seem to be in this thread, I'm looking at making them the "end goal" of my rotarycraft quest line for Jampacked. (Lets see: 10 days left, computer now back from repairs, two days out to take my mother to see her sister while she's still around to be seen, ... and I have to tweak COG how much still?)

Don't make that your endgoal... At least make it a gas turbine...
Putting this here rather than the tokamak thread to avoid going off-topic.
High pressure turbines tend to consume more steam than they actually need to function and prevent steam lines from getting very full (try filling some steam lines up to 100,000 m^3 and watch how quickly a HPT will drain them)
I actually fixed that in V25.
This reminded me, sprinklers, both ground and ceiling-mounted, have a really annoying tendency to consume any amount of water fed into them. This means that it isn't possible to maintain a reliable sprinkler system drawing from a single liquid pipe supplied by a single pump, because, regardless of how much water I put into them - I think I tried powering a pump with 128 MW at varying amounts of torque - the first sprinker on the pipe always ends up starving all of the others. I know damn well that sprinklers supplied by the same pipe in series work in real life, so what I ask is that sprinklers have a water consumption limit added to facilitate this. I find it really silly that I need to build a discrete engine, pump and liquid pipeline for each individual sprinkler.
Putting this here rather than the tokamak thread to avoid going off-topic.

This reminded me, sprinklers, both ground and ceiling-mounted, have a really annoying tendency to consume any amount of water fed into them. This means that it isn't possible to maintain a reliable sprinkler system drawing from a single liquid pipe supplied by a single pump, because, regardless of how much water I put into them - I think I tried powering a pump with 128 MW at varying amounts of torque - the first sprinker on the pipe always ends up starving all of the others. I know damn well that sprinklers supplied by the same pipe in series work in real life, so what I ask is that sprinklers have a water consumption limit added to facilitate this. I find it really silly that I need to build a discrete engine, pump and liquid pipeline for each individual sprinkler.
I have never seen this issue, nor do I see how it would be possible. They have 5 and 180mB tanks that rapidly fill.
I have never seen this issue, nor do I see how it would be possible. They have 5 and 180mB tanks that rapidly fill.
Might just be a bug report, then.

Here's an image of a simple 3-sprinkler canola farm hydration setup:
Ignore the pumps on the left and right, those aren't connected to anything in this screenshot. The central pump is getting 33 MW at 32k Nm, sufficient to operate once per tick at, what, 64x water multiplication? A whole hell of a lot of water, in any case. There's a sprinkler under each arcane lamp. The water supply is completely consumed by the first sprinkler, and the water-filled pipes to the left and right of it are stagnant with only about 0.01 m^3 of water in each of them.

Note that most of the dirt under the left and right sprinklers is only hydrated because I only very recently disconnected the other two pumps prior to taking this screenshot, it quickly reverted to dry farmland afterwards.
Reviewing the code provides no hints:

   public final void updateEntity(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta) {
     this.getLiq(world, x, y, z, meta);

     if (this.canPerformEffects()) {
       this.performEffects(world, x, y, z);
       if (soundTimer.checkCap()) {
         SoundRegistry.SPRINKLER.playSoundAtBlock(world, x, y, z, 1, 1);
       liquid -= this.getWaterConsumption();

  private void getLiq(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata) {
     int oldLevel = 0;
     ForgeDirection dir = this.getPipeDirection();
     int dx = x+dir.offsetX;
     int dy = y+dir.offsetY;
     int dz = z+dir.offsetZ;
     if (MachineRegistry.getMachine(world, dx, dy, dz) == MachineRegistry.PIPE) {
       TileEntityPipe tile = (TileEntityPipe)world.getBlockTileEntity(dx, dy, dz);
       if (tile != null && tile.contains(FluidRegistry.WATER) && tile.getFluidLevel() > 0) {
         if (liquid < this.getCapacity()) {
           oldLevel = tile.getFluidLevel();
           int toremove = tile.getFluidLevel()/4+1;
           liquid = ReikaMathLibrary.extrema(liquid+oldLevel/4+1, 0, "max");
         pressure = tile.getPressure();
     if (liquid > this.getCapacity())
       liquid = this.getCapacity();

   public int getCapacity() {
     return 180;

   public int getWaterConsumption() {
     return 3;
I assert that the hydrokinetic engines are very overpowered and provide excessive energy for little to no investment. I really like the progression of steam and renewables to gas, to jetfuel, to nuclear. Hydro bypasses that completely. I respect you have based them on physics, but I think they bypass the tech tree you built. They exceed material strength and they assume large quantities of water. I'm for nerfing them to just above wind power but that's your call.

Just wanted to post my $0.02, and let it drop.
Just do what I did: forbid hydros in single and server play.

As a function of what they do: taking falling water and converting it to power in a realistic way, they're fantastic. The simulation is wonderful. And now I understand that a great deal of thought went into calculating the actual power output, which is interesting.

But in gameplay, where one obstacle should lead to the next, they're completely ridiculous. Sword-of-one-thousand-hearts-damage ridiculous. So long as there's no way to make them dependant on a "real" falling water scenario, they'll remain an extremely simple source of abuse. And any mitigating, balancing factors (adding more lubricant requirements, or more expensive parts) will only serve to make them more and more annoying to build until a line is crossed and nobody uses them anymore.

There's absolutely nothing Reika can do about these either other than pull them out completely, or destroy your computer attempting to (constantly) determine a realistic amount of force being applied to the hydro.

I don't recommend removing the machine (its interesting in creative worlds or demonstrating to a class of students), so I simply recommend that players just do not use it for games where progression and challenge is important to them.
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Just do what I did: forbid hydros in single and server play.

As a function of what they do: taking falling water and converting it to power in a realistic way, they're fantastic. The simulation is wonderful. And now I understand that a great deal of thought went into calculating the actual power output, which is interesting.

But in gameplay, where one obstacle should lead to the next, they're completely ridiculous. Sword-of-one-thousand-hearts-damage ridiculous. So long as there's no way to make them dependant on a "real" falling water scenario, they'll remain an extremely simple source of abuse. And any mitigating, balancing factors (adding more lubricant requirements, or more expensive parts) will only serve to make them more and more annoying to build until a line is crossed and nobody uses them anymore.

There's absolutely nothing Reika can do about these either other than pull them out completely, or destroy your computer attempting to (constantly) determine a realistic amount of force being applied to the hydro.

I don't recommend removing the machine (its interesting in creative worlds or demonstrating to a class of students), so I simply recommend that players just do not use it for games where progression and challenge is important to them.
I agree with this.

The good thing about hydrokinetics is that they are so slow that gearboxes are usually essential in doing anything with hydro power, and this "must understand how to speed up shafts with a gearbox" is exactly the same test behind the fractionator power requirements. Seeing as a fractionator leads to jet fuel, the hydrokinetics do not actually provide much of a techtree skip.

I would like to find some way to bar just making a waterfall. Any ideas?
I would like to find some way to bar just making a waterfall. Any ideas?

Not sure how easy this is to implement, but possibly add a metadata tag on naturally generated water and make it so hydrokinetics only use the 'ocean' water (or lake/river). This would cause people to build aqueducts to move the water to their base for use.

Edit: if possible, it would be nice to still be able to bucket natural water as regular old water.
I would like to find some way to bar just making a waterfall. Any ideas?
No really good ones.

You could consume water source blocks, but I'm sure people would find easy ways to replace them, and infinite-water source-replacing would be an issue.
Maybe consume them and replace them with a block of your own devising that stops them from being replaced with source quickly.

The hydro would run for a duration of your choice on a given source block before it dissipates. If a single bucket created the waterfall, it wouldn't last long. If a lake was feeding the chute down to the hydro, more water sources would end up being viable as each one is traced back to the source.

By the time you've drained your lake, hopefully you've learned to progress past hydro power.

Edit: could make the "force" of water a function of how many adjacent water source blocks there are to the target one. And this calculation wouldn't need to be done constantly, since you can effectively "fuel" the hydro on a single water-source trace.
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Not sure how easy this is to implement, but possibly add a metadata tag on naturally generated water and make it so hydrokinetics only use the 'ocean' water (or lake/river). This would cause people to build aqueducts to move the water to their base for use.

Edit: if possible, it would be nice to still be able to bucket natural water as regular old water.
Water metadata is already used for flow state.

No really good ones.

You could consume water source blocks, but I'm sure people would find easy ways to replace them, and infinite-water source-replacing would be an issue.
Maybe consume them and replace them with a block of your own devising that stops them from being replaced with source quickly.

The hydro would run for a duration of your choice on a given source block before it dissipates. If a single bucket created the waterfall, it wouldn't last long. If a lake was feeding the chute down to the hydro, more water sources would end up being viable as each one is traced back to the source.

By the time you've drained your lake, hopefully you've learned to progress past hydro power.

Edit: could make the "force" of water a function of how many adjacent water source blocks there are to the target one. And this calculation wouldn't need to be done constantly, since you can effectively "fuel" the hydro on a single water-source trace.