Speaking of, I'd love to see a less cumbersome method for transferring power between dimensions. If I'm running a fusion reactor in the overworld, I would like to be able to transfer some of that power to places other than those exact coordinates in other dimensions (as using the current shaft-in-a-portal method). Something like a tesseract wouldn't fit with Rotarycraft but I think a multiblock which requires input power in both dimensions would be perfect. Possibly a 3x3x4 requiring rotational input at the rear (not the power to be transferred, but to run it) and a van de graff on either side. The logistics of building and powering it would encourage the current hub model where you have one stationary point of transfer between dimensions but without requiring your bases to be in identical locations. It could be a 1:1 system with some sort of linked block at the center of the multiblock to connect the portals.