burned out, help?

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seems like you picked up the wrong game.
Seems to me he picked the wrong past-time in general. Vidya games are about the most pointless time sink ever if you don't count doing something simply for the fun of it a 'point', which obviously is the statement made by the the OP. What is really happening is that OP is doing a terrible job at expressing what he actually likes.[DOUBLEPOST=1362940709][/DOUBLEPOST]
I find the best way to re-engage into minecraft is to give yourself a challenge for the world. The optimal path often ends the fun quickly.

Usually i take whatever i used excessively in a previous world and don't use it. So if you got all your resources from the BC quarry last world, don't use it in a new one and try out the other automated mining methods.
I just started a world like this! MFR farming, GT heavy processing, no RP, and as a kicker, I am not touching the nether. (I just got glowstone!)
Get Ars Magica layered over Ultimate. You aren't winning unless you have all the spells, which can only be obtained via exploration and NOT resources. Then establish yourself a base that can wield RP2 computers autocrafting via Factorization craftpackets like WayofFlowingTime. In addition, display one of everything in NEI that can be obtained.

And if you really want to challenge yourself, do it in Hardcore mode.

Minecraft is pointless by default anyway. :D
Make a fully automatic, endlessly running fusion reactor for endless power.
quantum/ gravity suit
conquer mystcraft and all the pages
fight multiple withers at once
twilight forest.
mine out an entire biome
make a 64x64 quarry a home
build some awesome shit
I don't even touch other launchers besides ftb, you think I'm going to touch a mod that thinks all that crap is better than wolves? I rather have wolves and 200 mods than a single stupid mod (that hates wolves)

Anyway, in vanilla you cannot do anything automatic, its more fun to do by hand.

Can't do anything automatic?

Even in my vanilla worlds i usually automated:
cactus, reeds, pumpkin, melon, mob items.

Semi automate:
wheat with a bread maker.
XP with mob traps

I think in 1.5 you can now automate wheat.

So what is left in vanilla then?
Processing Materials
Sorting Materials

If to you that is all that is left then it doesn't look much different from modded minecraft. Even in vanilla you can have enough resources after manually mining in a world for a little bit. At that point you are in the same spot as your boring modded world. I usually try to look for an interesting place to build something or start a new world as i find the first couple nights interesting.

FTB mods generally allow you to automate all the above, but the 'end game' is still dependent on you. You might look for a project that interests you, or just do what you do in vanilla and start a new world. With gregtech I don't like to restart, so I generally just dig deeper into other less efficient mods or artificially restrict my play in some new way to innovate in other systems.

If you enjoy doing things manually why not make that your challenge, while still using modded machines? Instead of using a quarry make a tunnel bore that requires your direct input to mine and move. Use IC2's crops over vanilla crops -- better system but can't be automated.
of course it is a sandbox, but there are stuff that isnt pointless, like beacons, or portal guns, or defeating the dragon.

In vanilla I have no problem on keeping playing, but FTB simply doesn't have enough end game stuff (mention me at least 3 items that you consider endgame outside IC2, good luck)

Of those 3 things you list as not pointless, all three of them are pointless to me. Everything is subjective in Minecraft.

Here is a goal for you to do. Collect a double chest full of every single item in the game. That means stacks of diamonds and stacks of diamond blocks. Every single item.

Limit yourself to not creating diamonds in any non mining way outside of loot chests.

As far as endgame. I fail to understand that term in regards to minecraft. This isn't some mmo where you get the best gear and continually fight bosses. Of course I have never found that to be fun.
Honestly, take things a lot slower, if you rush everything in 2-3-4 days, you obviously aren't having fun, and are just TRYING to reach end game, not taking yourself along to it. Take time to do the little things that kept bugging you, work on asthetics, build a rube goldberg machine, clear out a 4096 area with a frame machine. (64 64x64 quarries) Sure they might be "pointless," but if you don't do anything pointless, then you just entered a paradox in minecraft, my good sir.
I find it rewarding to not centralize everything in one location. As in, having a base for ore processing, thaumcrafting, farming etc. and then link them together with a nether railroad of awesome that has as many jumps over lava seas as possible. Of course, it isn't practical, but I enjoy it a lot. Bonus if you use actual trains instead of wimpy minecarts.
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Well, the faster I do stuff, the more fun is for me.

anyway, thanks for the ideas, I guess I will try to do more stuff in this world for now.

and, what is a withering rose?
What's the point in even getting infinite resources if you don't build anything with them? Should have stopped when you hit the end credits and played another game.
What's the point in even getting infinite resources if you don't build anything with them? Should have stopped when you hit the end credits and played another game.

so I should build with tin, copper, lead and iron blocks? sounds interstingly ugly!
Well, the faster I do stuff, the more fun is for me.

anyway, thanks for the ideas, I guess I will try to do more stuff in this world for now.

and, what is a withering rose?

The witherless rose is an expensive **** rose that costs 4 nether stars, but protects you from the wither effect permeneantly. You said you have about 25 nether stars, so it's not really any type of challenge for you.
well, I did a gravity gun and moved 5 skelle spawners to the nether, since I got the sword of the zephyr, I get like 10 skulls by waiting 10 minutes in front of the farm.

after that, automatically killing wither with a warded blocks technique that I invented
first I start with saying that end game for me is have infinite resources and nothing to do with them.

I started a DW20 world (without IC2, xycraft, ee, factorization, and reliquary) and after like 3 days I have infinite biomass, charcoal, energy, steam, a quarry at max speed and a crapload of resources, now I don't have anything to do with them (that has a point, I don't do stuff that is pointless) and I feel I reached end game, I killed the enderdragon the first day, finished thaumcraft in the second, I have 25 nether stars, a 5 beacon pyramid, and really nothing to do.

now with ic2 there is no difference, as soon as I have a lot of resources that are just sitting in barrels, I don't need anything else, since thats my endgame. And gregtech just makes me to get to end game in like a week instead of 3 days.

neither doing a quarry frame, galardron drill, forestry farm is useful, is just pointless, waste 10% of resources to make something that gives you 200% of what you have.

or do pointless stuff, like have the base in a frame ship, or doing trains sorting systems, that is just pointless, and I dont do stuff that is pointless.

any ideas?
Try the new Ultimate Pack. It's hard as hell (platinum for mining laser wtf?).
How do you even do it so fast? After 2 weeks I finally had my fusion reactor, a day after I had 2 fusion coils and I'm kinda stuck now (Out of chrome and berylium).
Have you tried GregTech? I don't think a week is enough to make a fusion reactor that runs 24/7.

The problem with the fusion reactor is that it's pretty pointless. By the time you can make one you don't really have much use for the power it creates. And sure, you could say that playing minecraft in itself is pointless (I don't agree, any form of relaxation has a 'point') but I do like to build stuff that I can actually use in a game. For example: my 2 36 HP boilers didn't cut it (due to 9 lasers and 4 quarries) so I spend the time building 2 more together with the fuel supply, but there I actually needed that amount of power.

I kinda plan on trying to fuel a boiler on methane now. Still pretty pointless but a nice challenge (also because I haven't done it before, doing something the first time is always the most fun).
I said I didn't use IC2. So yeah.

without IC2. yeah. maxing out is not all that time consuming with most mods.

I can generally get decked out in real bad-ass enchanted gear within a single real life day of playing in vanilla. just have to get a little lucky and find a blaze spawner quickly when going to the nether.
building a nether blaze farm is not hard. and a semi automated wheat farm that can feed you for hours with a single harvest takes no more than an hour of gameplay to build if all you do is go for function rather than spending any time on aesthetics.
same with enchanting stuff. the hardest part is to get the cow farm rolling properly, but that too takes almost no time to set up. just remember to feed the cows every time you pass by them. logarithmic growth curves FTW, with luck you have more than enough books from a nearby village, thus making the cow farm obsolete before you even built it.

That is the thing with IC2 and other mods that add new endgame gear. it helps pushing the goalposts back for those players who play minecraft as an mmo.
Personally, I play more like Etho. I play because i love building stuff. especially contraptions that do/make stuff for me. even if I don't actually need all that much of whatever the stuff the contraption makes for me.