Buildcraft Energy routing?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Care to reverse that and show ANY activity by her since RP was released?

sure.. just watch some of direwolfs videos. Care to show me were she has had activity since old technic? (I take it your talking about forum post) Other then forgcraft.. Hell I don't think she even updates her own blog anymore.. SOmeone else does. LOL.

She has become a recluse.. Don't blame her.. Lots of people in the minecraft world are hateful, unforgiving people.. Actually... Take that back its not just minecraft.. Its pc gamers in general. Not all of course.. But the minority few... are always louder then the majority... It seems.[DOUBLEPOST=1360697776][/DOUBLEPOST]I love king lemmon too.. He is a great guy.. And I fear that people will again destroy a great modder with negativity. I really don't understand Gamers that much anymore.. We want mods, and games.. They always bite the hand that feeds them.. I guess its just a human flaw.. magnified by the hiding behind a keyboard internet thing.

But kinglemmon is great.. I always thank him when I see him post on reddit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aye, just wanna take the time to give thanks to all the modders who contribute to the various FTB packs. You all do excellent work, and I enjoy every minute I spend playing with it. Being a programmer myself, I know that these things aren't small accomplishments, especially the big, world-changing mods like what's in FTB. It takes a lot of time, effort, and no small amount of patience to do the kinda things you guys have done, and I tip my metaphorical hat to you all!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, that's what I've been wondering about myself. It was just like *snap* and all of sudden everyone seems to think that she dived off a cliff or something. I'm already seeing people go trough the "I don't need it anyway" stage, it's funny.

Actually it's more that, "I want to actively shun people who have abusive licenses on mods." The only thing keeping me from ditching Forestry is how much my wife is loving beekeeping. If Mojang licensed like Elo, we would not be having this conversation. It's utterly incomprehensible to me that a developer in 2013 would not open source code that they cannot possibly sell. It's actually actively detrimental to your career to do that.

Wishful thinking aside, I don't see her dropping it completely in the foreseeable future. Considering that one thing that happened. Otoh, I don't see her being very enthusiastic about development either.

No one should care about her personal life or priorities. That's really not the issue. The case can be made entirely on the grounds of the mod licensing and development schedule. RP2 has TONS of trivially fixable crasher bugs right now; I can name 5 unique things related to her redstone stuff right now that crash the client. I can name 2 that can crash the server. I can see exactly what's happening in the stack traces (ty forge) but I am forbidden to even try to fix it.

But hey, Eloraam's super-important unsellable derivative-work IP is protected. And heaven forbid someone use your mod as intended by putting it in a modpack; you might lose advertising dollars that you're already not getting because lol adblock.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RP2 has TONS of trivially fixable crasher bugs right now; I can name 5 unique things related to her redstone stuff right now that crash the client. I can name 2 that can crash the server. I can see exactly what's happening in the stack traces (ty forge) but I am forbidden to even try to fix it.

This may be unpopular, but imho fix it anyway. Make it a community patch on an anonymous upload site, and make it require the base RP to be installed first. Guilt free and anonymous community improvement. (as if any MC mod case would ever have legs to stand on when it came time to enforce anyway).

EDIT: Bonus, if my very limited knowledge of programming serves, simple tweaks like that to internal code should not do anything to break future compatibility with official releases.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may be unpopular, but imho fix it anyway. Make it a community patch on an anonymous upload site, and make it require the base RP to be installed first. Guilt free and anonymous community improvement. (as if any MC mod case would ever have legs to stand on when it came time to enforce anyway).

EDIT: Bonus, if my very limited knowledge of programming serves, simple tweaks like that to internal code should not do anything to break future compatibility with official releases.
They WILL find where you live and burn down your house... They will track anyone who touches redpower...:confused:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may be unpopular, but imho fix it anyway. Make it a community patch on an anonymous upload site, and make it require the base RP to be installed first. Guilt free and anonymous community improvement. (as if any MC mod case would ever have legs to stand on when it came time to enforce anyway).

EDIT: Bonus, if my very limited knowledge of programming serves, simple tweaks like that to internal code should not do anything to break future compatibility with official releases.
Speaking of this, I know somebody made a patch to redpower that removes those stupid volcanoes. I'll see if I can find the link to it...

Edit: Found it! Note, I did not make this patch, and I don't know who did. This link was given to me via IRC.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hasn't Elo been this way for a while though? If memory serves its always been "Hi guys here's a new build of rp. By now." And then she's gone until the next build is ready. She's been very clear that she's not here to be involved in daily community goings-on and would rather be in the background doing her thing and endangering her privacy as little as possible. If anything I find it creepy that so many people get upset by her desire for privacy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suddenly i'm reminded of BTW. I loved that mod but stopped playing it because I got tired of the fact that I needed a gearbox every 3 blocks and the fact that FlowerChild has a "I don't like people modifying how my mod works" train of thought. I actually stopped when I listened to a video where him and I don't remember who talked about mods interacting with BTW but his attitude really annoyed me.

Anyways this thread has been quite informative for me. Ive had very limited use with redpower2 so I think i'll find alternatives for the few things I do use.
Not that i'm equating Eloraam to Flowerchild, IF you have a mod as big as Redpower2, you should at least offer some form of communication. I can understand not wanting to be part of a community or doing anything with that but releasing buggy software then disappearing for an unknown amount of time doesn't seem acceptable to me.
I mean if it was me and I wanted it locked down(which I would't I would likely do a BSD style licence), I would probably release the source on a repo under a "do not distribute or use in other projects" style licence, but allow people to submit bug fixes, patches, and features to be submitted. You don't even need to post anything, simply applying fixes would let people see activity.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
She can have all the privacy she likes, as far as I'm concerned. Her mod is the problem. It's been a couple months since the release of PR6 and she hasn't even bothered to release a fix for the myriad of major (some even crashing) bugs that plague it. Unless she's dead (which seems very unlikely) or injured/gravely ill (slightly more possible, maybe)... what gives?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seeing the response in this thread to Elo, I'm not surprised she doesn't want anything to do with the community. It's her code. She can license it however she wants. You don't have to like it, but attacking her for it is ridiculous. As to feedback, this is Elo. She never gives feedback. Never will. If she drops the mod, I have every confidence that she'll pass it on to a capable developer. If not, well, to be honest, that's what this community deserves for the way they've treated one of the brightest modders we have. Lord knows, I'd have stopped dealing with this along time ago.

This girl has gone through hell for what? making an amazing mod, and doing her best to keep it bug free? For wanting her mod to not be messed with by other people? Does no one seriously understand the concept of what OCD (a common psychological condition for those who are logical enough to program) is? Some people have compulsions to do certain things certain ways, ever time they do them. Violating those specific methods can cause a number of ill effects, including physical pain. Possibly changes to Elo's coding style, or changes she herself has not put in to her mod, violate a compulsion. That would drive me up a wall, if I had that compulsion. I don't know her specific reasons for developing the way she does, or if she even has OCD, but neither does anyone else. How about we stop attacking her, and stop calling her out, and stop demanding bug fixes and patches right this instant, and stop and take a minute to thank her for what she does?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I have my opinion. I think at this point it turns into an endless loop. The more hate, the less you see, thus causing more hate. The pitfalls of being amazing.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Seeing the response in this thread to Elo, I'm not surprised she doesn't want anything to do with the community. It's her code. She can license it however she wants. You don't have to like it, but attacking her for it is ridiculous. As to feedback, this is Elo. She never gives feedback. Never will. If she drops the mod, I have every confidence that she'll pass it on to a capable developer. If not, well, to be honest, that's what this community deserves for the way they've treated one of the brightest modders we have. Lord knows, I'd have stopped dealing with this along time ago.

This girl has gone through hell for what? making an amazing mod, and doing her best to keep it bug free? For wanting her mod to not be messed with by other people? Does no one seriously understand the concept of what OCD (a common psychological condition for those who are logical enough to program) is? Some people have compulsions to do certain things certain ways, ever time they do them. Violating those specific methods can cause a number of ill effects, including physical pain. Possibly changes to Elo's coding style, or changes she herself has not put in to her mod, violate a compulsion. That would drive me up a wall, if I had that compulsion. I don't know her specific reasons for developing the way she does, or if she even has OCD, but neither does anyone else. How about we stop attacking her, and stop calling her out, and stop demanding bug fixes and patches right this instant, and stop and take a minute to thank her for what she does?
Very true. if the FTB team would make an "official" statement to what's going on with redpower, it would stop (hopefully) all the bad mouthing and wild rumors.
Yes there's bugs, but all mods contain bugs (hell, even major software that you buy for home and business, ranging from tens to thousands of pounds contains bugs), so the bugs in a free mod for a cheap game are not the end of the world.
If the upcoming ultimate pack includes RedPower, then that tells us that the FTB team must be aware that it's not abandoned.

Elo reminds me of an artist that worked for us in an indie game project that I worked on for a while. He never participated in chat, but every few weeks we would suddenly get a new post of all his new artwork, and it all perfectly reflected what the rest of the team discussed. Everybody works differently. Elo avoiding the public eye could be just her way of keeping focus on the mod and also keeping her sanity.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyways after I removed all the piping, the jitter and freezing went away, yet my FPS was still about 15-20 FPS in my base. So I started tearing everything apart and it had no effect, then I went to my reactor room to start a tear down there and here it was:

This innocent looking wire.
I watched my FPS rise ~15FPS as I removed each piece. Now Its up to about 160-170FPS.

Now to find one of those volcanoes so I can properly dispose of this cursed wire.

Plus side, this wire made me go out and buy a hex-core processor. lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alloy wires attached to IC transformers have been reported to behave oddly. That would be the case then. Try just using normal redstone fairy dust for that particular setup.

Licencing aside, developing a piece of software as large and as popular as RP is a commitment and a responsibility. A responsibility for at least maintaining it in terms of compatibility and fixing critical bugs. And if Eloraam for whatever reasons can't manage this responsibility anymore, I think she should pass the mod on to somebody else, or at the very least get somebody to help her. Speaking as someone who worked in professional SW development, your software crashing is not something that should be fixed in the next release whenever. Software crashing is the kind of thing they will pull you out of bed at 10 PM to fix YESTERDAY. (Also the biggest embarrassment for a programmer ever if that sort of thing even gets into a release version.) I do realize modders aren't being paid for their work, but I would expect at least some degree of taking responsibility for their work.

(And just so that you don't think I'm bashing Eloraam specifically, ComputerCraft and MiscPeripherals both have server crashing, item duping, or item destroying bugs that their authors acknowledge but are unwilling to fix in any reasonable time. IC2 spits out literally gigabytes of log files because of a forgotten debug switch.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah some quick testing produced this.
Note the FPS. This isn't very good as the actual number fluxed between 400-500
I also noticed on the last one, the huge number of chunk updates.

Now I know its not entirely them, but is there not something the IC² team could do to alleviate this?
I know that its not entireley their job but at least an assert(false); or something would alert people, "don't place that on me, I crash everything" :p




Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
You get FPS that high? Count yourself lucky :D I have to play on 2 - 30 FPS :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the distance was also set to tiny :p (It also peaked at about like 800 while I was testing, but that was like looking at the ground or something)

The same plays so much better though with the server on a different machine.
Now to see about overclocking that hex-core to 4ghz. Apparently very possible.