Botania- Looking for midgame setup

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm looking forward to automating my Endoflames
In the past I only used the cheaty methods with either the Blood Magic ritual or Flood Gates with lava pumped from the nether.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm looking forward to automating my Endoflames
In the past I only used the cheaty methods with either the Blood Magic ritual or Flood Gates with lava pumped from the nether.

I always use charcoal for my endoflames at the start with a crate from Botania dropping the charcoal on a pressure plate surrounded with endoflames.
under the block that has the pressure plate I have a mechworks signal bus connected to another signal bus that's attached to a hopper that feeds the crate.
this way if there's charcoal on the pressure plate the hopper won't output any charcoal anymore into the crate.

downside with this is that the crate seems to drop 2 charcoal at a time, which isn't a big problem because the endoflames absorb them anyways.
but another downside is if the mana pool is full, the endoflames fill up and stop absorbing charcoal, which means the charcoal starts despawning, causing the redstone signal from the pressure plate to disappear which results in more charcoal dropping. that's why I always have a lever on the crate aswell so I can turn it off

I know that you could put a comparator that outputs a redstone signal next to a pool to measure how full it is, but you can't connect that directly to the hopper because the hopper reacts to almost any redstone signal strength.
in a test world I created a pretty ugly looking and bulky way of doing this, but there's probably a better and easier way


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nice, I didn't think of pressure plates there.
I know that you could put a comparator that outputs a redstone signal next to a pool to measure how full it is, but you can't connect that directly to the hopper because the hopper reacts to almost any redstone signal strength.
When you have a strength 15 signal going into the comparator from the side then it will only emit a redstone signal if the pool is full. The signal is compared to 15 and only passed through if it is >= 15.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nice, I didn't think of pressure plates there.

When you have a strength 15 signal going into the comparator from the side then it will only emit a redstone signal if the pool is full. The signal is compared to 15 and only passed through if it is >= 15.

see, that's why I'm bad at redstone, I don't even know the basic vanilla redstone


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nice, I didn't think of pressure plates there.

When you have a strength 15 signal going into the comparator from the side then it will only emit a redstone signal if the pool is full. The signal is compared to 15 and only passed through if it is >= 15.

and with a bit of tinkering later, voila


incase you're wondering what that extra mana spreader is for, it's to quickly place and destroy a mana pool to output a bit of mana to activate the setup


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My set ups always had Rednet timer, so it would drop a few seconds after my endoflames last cylce of burning my blaze rods went up, since I'm redstone stupid I would inadvertently fail at that redstone set up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My set ups always had Rednet timer, so it would drop a few seconds after my endoflames last cylce of burning my blaze rods went up, since I'm redstone stupid I would inadvertently fail at that redstone set up.

sadly I fail even more at rednet than at redstone, and seeing as my rednet controller keeps getting corrupted in my direwolf20 pack I've stopped using them


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sadly I fail even more at rednet than at redstone, and seeing as my rednet controller keeps getting corrupted in my direwolf20 pack I've stopped using them
Ahh I use my own pack I created so I can't help you there, but the only reason I got my Rednet set up to work was random fiddling until it somehow worked. Yay for button pressing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ahh I use my own pack I created so I can't help you there, but the only reason I got my Rednet set up to work was random fiddling until it somehow worked. Yay for button pressing.

aah the good old "press all the buttons until it works" method, but for some reason that method never seems to work for me :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
aah the good old "press all the buttons until it works" method, but for some reason that method never seems to work for me :p
Then it dawns on you that you have to recreate the "press all the buttons" method since you made a new world o_O


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It looks like one mana spreader is not able to keep up with eight endoflames when approx. 2 blocks away from the pool. Heck, even an Elven spreader can't manage it.
How much faster is the Elven spreader compared to the normal one? Looks like there's not much of a difference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It looks like one mana spreader is not able to keep up with eight endoflames when approx. 2 blocks away from the pool. Heck, even an Elven spreader can't manage it.
How much faster is the Elven spreader compared to the normal one? Looks like there's not much of a difference.
Hmm, I think lens would help?

pretty much this. if you're not advanced enough for gaia spreaders the next best choice would be to use the mana lenses
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, that pressure plate is an easy work around for a ton of complicated redstone tomfoolery. I am wondering if I can get a similar setup with automagy. But I may have to go the complicated route on this build. In Magequest, coal is not used a ton and I am using coal blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and just in case anyone missing, Botania invented charcoal blocks, that's what I'm feeding endoflames...