Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Finished working on a complete list of Mob Griefed Blocks they are here (used a txt document from older post as template fixed errors and completed it)

On another note, i noticed that I cannot get snowballs from snow (the ground cover type-have not tried blocks) with a there a way to fix a whitelist in a config somewhere, or should i have not deleted my shovel :p
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Finished working on a complete list of Mob Griefed Blocks they are here (used a txt document from older post as template fixed errors and completed it)

On another note, i noticed that I cannot get snowballs from snow (the ground cover type-have not tried blocks) with a there a way to fix a whitelist in a config somewhere, or should i have not deleted my shovel :p

The matlock has a few issues and it seems to have something to do with the 2 tools not agreeing properly as one. Or that's how I've understood it.
I just use my shovel... it's maxed out... but still made of flint. Having a hard time getting moss to give it auto-repair.
I just use my shovel... it's maxed out... but still made of flint. Having a hard time getting moss to give it auto-repair.
Make your smelter, repair shovel with flint. Make a copper shovel head and upgrade it.

For moss, either find a forest with moss on trees, need like 81 i think for a mossball. Make an infuser, which takes an emerald. Or when you get to TE, the fluid transposer makes moss stone.
I have a smelter, and I know how to upgrade it. I just haven't been willing to do so until it will repair on it's own, so as to not waste metals.

Moss can not be made into moss balls (at least not according to the NEI). You can use 8 moss to make one mossy cobble, and it takes 9 mossy cobble to make one moss ball. Which means I'd need to find 72 moss. I have maybe 15ish.

I have started making TE machines, so pretty soon I'll make a liquid transposer and make the stone that way. I'm just in now hurry. I mean it's not like I NEED my shovel upgraded or anything.
The M3 chests do not be on the dolly white list or the JABBA developer has do implement special handling for it. :(
Computercraft Mining turtle recipes are broken ( i think due to not recognizing cobalt tools) so i quickly make a fix I added these lines to the bottom of the Minetweaker/BnBComputercraftRecipes.cfg as a temp fix

#fix Mining turtle recipe to accept cobalt pickaxe
recipes.addShapeless(<1227:1>, [<1227>,<278>]);

The other turtles are unfixable (without id changes) due to all having the same id and recipe as the wireless turtle ...but i have never used any of the other turtles


They are not broken. You need to use turtle.equipLeft() or turtle.equipRight() now with the cobalt tool in the turtles inventory.
Great modpack Eyamaz - having a blast atm.
I have one question though, I'm playing with friends on a small (5) server with downloaded Recommended version of the BnB (i don't know wether it is 1.1.2 or 1.1.3) and due to some weird glitches (like TiC tools being deleted upon death) we decided to wuss out and use "/gamerule keepInventory on" for now.

But it does not work, even if i check in-game the rule which states "keepInventory = on", none of the items stays after death.

Is it a cross-mod issue? Or some mod overrides it specificaly to prevent it? Can it be turned on somehow, please?

Also, on the unrelated note, is it an oversight that the TiC explosive "SDX" is so easy and cheap to craft yet is capable of mining ANY ore?
Just by farming some creepers and having smeltery you can skip whole metal/tool progression with that explosive.
Imbuing station makes mossy cobble easy. If you don't have a biome nearby with emeralds you'll find them in your first nether mine.
How does your first shelter/house look like? I haven't come up with a good early game setup yet.
Mine is a lit up area (4 chunks) surrounded by a 4 block high dirt wall. In front of the wall I have a 2 wide, 2 deep (better would be 3 wide & deep, but that's a lot of sand) pit of quicksand. Most mobs will just walk into the sand, sink down and suffocate. Sometimes spiders make it through and every once in a while one of those mutalisk-whatever-those-are-called flies over but they are easily dealt with.
I tend to flatten hilltops, using the dirt to enlarge the usable area while making the sides to steep to climb. With a spider proof ledge around the perimeter you tend to be safe until the invaders come calling. One of the first things I add to the design is flowing liquids to push mobs away from the walls.
I built mine inside a Natura redwood tree. Put liquid poison flowing outward around the base of the tree. Have crops/weather collector on a platform about 40 units off the ground, put 2 layers of quicksand in the ground underneath where it casts its shadow. Use a bucket of water to get in/out of the base on the surface.

Never seen invaders, am playing singleplayer, at manylulululululu tier tools.
I built mine inside a Natura redwood tree. Put liquid poison flowing outward around the base of the tree. Have crops/weather collector on a platform about 40 units off the ground, put 2 layers of quicksand in the ground underneath where it casts its shadow. Use a bucket of water to get in/out of the base on the surface.

Never seen invaders, am playing singleplayer, at manylulululululu tier tools.
Trees are fun..til they catch on fire from lightning and everything u have burns up with them lol
I tend to flatten hilltops, using the dirt to enlarge the usable area while making the sides to steep to climb. With a spider proof ledge around the perimeter you tend to be safe until the invaders come calling. One of the first things I add to the design is flowing liquids to push mobs away from the walls.
Seems nice! How do you get in and out?
Seems nice! How do you get in and out?
I seek out coastal regions, and build a long "pier" of slabs. The pier definitely breaks the rules of physics, but when I leave I just walk to the end of it and dive off, deploying a boat as I land. Boat out of despawn radius, and return. Once I get a bucket of water I'll place that against the pier so that I can swim back up it when returning to my base.

You will need to be ready to deal with flying creatures, but they are not generally a huge issue.

This often takes more than the first day to put together, but I'm assuming you don't want to a description of the first whole in the ground I build.