Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Most everything is griefable. It's more of a question of what is not :) Obsidian, stone bricks, sandstone, logs, and other naturally occuring blocks don't get griefed. Most anything else does. Items that only vary in texture are also different. For fun, take obsidian and chisel it. Zombies will try to break the chiseled block if you leave it sitting out, taking forever and then burning up in the sun :)

Oh wow that is harsh. Not much of a safe space :p. I wish there is a spreadsheet of it or some kind just to make it easier to remember though
Oh wow that is harsh. Not much of a safe space :p. I wish there is a spreadsheet of it or some kind just to make it easier to remember though

It's a harsh world :) But you know stone and stone bricks are safe, start with those. And dirt, but i don't recommend, too easy to blow up.
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Is it possible to go the spirit world randomly? I was exploring, found a village, decided to spend the night on top of a building in the village. Anyway, I'm up top, looking around, trying to spot pumpkins in the distance when the game goes "loading terrain". I wait awhile, the game comes back, I look like I'm in the same spot but all of my gear is gone.

EDIT: Hmm, I guess that is why those 2 apples didn't stack. :)
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Is it possible to go the spirit world randomly? I was exploring, found a village, decided to spend the night on top of a building in the village. Anyway, I'm up top, looking around, trying to spot pumpkins in the distance when the game goes "loading terrain". I wait awhile, the game comes back, I look like I'm in the same spot but all of my gear is gone.

EDIT: Hmm, I guess that is why those 2 apples didn't stack. :)

Not that i have heard of. I think you have to use a sleeping brew. If it did, as soon as you 'die' in the dreamworld, you reappear with all gear in the overworld.
Yes. Know all of this.
Previously, holding one of the witchery needles acted as a lightsource as you ran around chased by the nightmare looking for cotton. It got changed a while back, but i thought that it was going to be fixed. When i say 'Dark', i mean, black screen and i can only see what's in front of me by reading the top of the screen. And it's a tad hard to stay away from the nightmare, and find cotton without any visual clues.

Cotton only spawns in certain biomes, and isn't so plentiful that stubling into it won't take an ungodly amount of potions and luck. What are people doing to work around this?
I managed to find some cotton while in the dark. Looking in the dynamic lights configs, I don't think there's anything you can get easily to provide light. :/
In 1.1.2 you can add ",10886-78=15" to the end of the LightItems line in the DynamicLights_thePlayer.cfg and DynamicLights_otherPlayers.cfg to make your icy needles glow again.

In 1.1.3 this is already in the file, but there's an extra space that broke it, so just remove the space before the comma. Should be fixed in 1.1.4.

Also, you can turn up the brightness on your monitor, set it for game mode if it has one, or use your video card drivers to increase your gamma a bit to see better in the dark. My monitor is pitch black in "theater" mode, mostly black in "standard", and bright enough I can see without light (barely) in "game" mode.
Hear my opinions:
-Obsidian dungeons are nice for not getting destroyed, but as you can't find any ores exploring them doesn't really give you anything.
-New biomes look nice, but most of them seem to have barely any food and therefore extremely difficult compared to default forest or plains.
-Some mobs are very silly early on. The strong baby zombie versions are insane when you have barely any equipment. And it has happened to me more than once that one of them just ran out of a cave I didn't see and kill me before the second night. I also got poison 3 in the early levels of a dungeon which was guaranteed death.
-Wild carrots heal a lot considering they are just wild food, maybe they got left out when all the other foods got nerfed.
-Some of the stuff in dungeons is quite valuble vs ores: flint and steel, anvils, glowstone and redstone pre-nether, enderpearl seeds, books, food, etc
-Don't stay in biomes with little food :)
-Baby zombies are a pain. I avoid cave openings whenever i can, and am prepared to put down a pillare as quick as i can, and often run across treetops if possible. Paranoia is your friend.
-Since we can't plant wild carrots, they are just a early bonus, not a resource.
Oh wow that is harsh. Not much of a safe space :p. I wish there is a spreadsheet of it or some kind just to make it easier to remember though

As was already said, a good way of looking at it is that most natural blocks are safe, where player made ones are not (cobble might not seem like a player made block, but it is). Stone bricks obviously being one of the exceptions. If I'm ever curious, I stick a block out in the open over night and see what happens. The other thing you can do is look in the config files, one of them lists which mobs will go into grief mode, and which blocks they will target. There is a great video on youtube here:
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Hear my opinions:
-Obsidian dungeons are nice for not getting destroyed, but as you can't find any ores exploring them doesn't really give you anything.
-New biomes look nice, but most of them seem to have barely any food and therefore extremely difficult compared to default forest or plains.
-Some mobs are very silly early on. The strong baby zombie versions are insane when you have barely any equipment. And it has happened to me more than once that one of them just ran out of a cave I didn't see and kill me before the second night. I also got poison 3 in the early levels of a dungeon which was guaranteed death.
-Wild carrots heal a lot considering they are just wild food, maybe they got left out when all the other foods got nerfed.
I've gotten lots of ores out of obsidian rouge-likes, but then that was from operating branch mines out of the openings. They also often intersect cavern systems if you want to explore.

yes, you are forced to seek out good biomes in which to live. That said irl if I was in a survival circumstance I'd have a far better chance in the pacific northwest than the Mojave.
yes, you are forced to seek out good biomes in which to live. That said irl if I was in a survival circumstance I'd have a far better chance in the pacific northwest than the Mojave.

Yes, eeking out a living here in the pacific nw wouldn't be easier than a lot of places I think. Plenty of berries and fruit trees, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds to go fishing in. Not to mention shellfish and fishing in Puget Sound.
Yes, eeking out a living here in the pacific nw wouldn't be easier than a lot of places I think. Plenty of berries and fruit trees, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds to go fishing in. Not to mention shellfish and fishing in Puget Sound.
You forgot the mushrooms, I love me some chanterelles and morels..... though I admit they do not have high nutrient values, and there are many months where there are no edible mushrooms to hunt.
In 1.1.2 you can add ",10886-78=15" to the end of the LightItems line in the DynamicLights_thePlayer.cfg and DynamicLights_otherPlayers.cfg to make your icy needles glow again.

In 1.1.3 this is already in the file, but there's an extra space that broke it, so just remove the space before the comma. Should be fixed in 1.1.4.

Also, you can turn up the brightness on your monitor, set it for game mode if it has one, or use your video card drivers to increase your gamma a bit to see better in the dark. My monitor is pitch black in "theater" mode, mostly black in "standard", and bright enough I can see without light (barely) in "game" mode.

That worked, thanks. Been running around looking for cotton. Of course the biome near me that has it is also infested with poison ivy :) 9 down, 3 to go
No I didn't forget them... I hate mushrooms, lol. Not to mention it's really easy to eat the wrong ones and die... I'm surprised Blood n Bones doesn't have something like that. Or at least a system where food can go bad and you have to keep it preserved. But I did forget to mention all of the wildlife you could hunt as well (granted some of it might also try hunting you...) Anyway, getting off topic. edited my post from earlier to add the link about mob griefing.
morels and chanterelles are easy to identify, and have few lookalikes that'll more than give a sensitive few a belly ache.

My understanding is that funawayguy (enviromine) is working on food spoilage mechanics. That's a mod I'd support adding, at least in parts to BnB.

But yes shroom hunting can be DANGEROUS without knowing what you are looking for. I for instance sought out a locale group of mycologists, who I've gone hunting with and I still stick the the easily identified species.
A friend of mine went to high school with a kid that thought he knew what he was doing... fried up some mushrooms he found and killed himself and another friend of his.

I've heard a few things about enviromine that sounds like it could add some cool stuff to BnB. A few people on here have said that they think it should be added.
A friend of mine went to high school with a kid that thought he knew what he was doing... fried up some mushrooms he found and killed himself and another friend of his.

I've heard a few things about enviromine that sounds like it could add some cool stuff to BnB. A few people on here have said that they think it should be added.
Hunting in high school, was he looking for culinary or phsycadelics?.... many who go looking for phycadelics get into trouble as the family of shrooms commonly used illegaly have some very deadly lookalikes. If you are not experienced there are wide swaths of shrooms to avoid, but there are a few that can be safely hunted with a fairly minor amount of special education.
A few quick questions and my 2 cents:
(running 1.1.1) is the world supposed to remain loaded when no players are logged into a server? as a result our farm still continues to grow and mobs continue to spawn over night when no one is on. The farm is great but I joined the server to find 756 mobs in my chunk alone with another few hundred spread around me. My computer really doesn't like that.
boosted steel or boosted hepatzion should break ardite correct? Neither seemed to work for me.
When returning from the nether are you supposed to return to the portal you created? the game likes to create a new portal in a dungeon near me and force me to come through that one. even if i break it then a new portal forms right next to it.
Also can you collect gas (like the electric gas around invader portals)? That towering stack of zombies is starting to get close to the level of my sky base which is a bit concerning.
Someone mentioned awhile back that something like a HQM mode would be great for BnB. I don't think any reward system would fit in with the very hardcore nature of the pack but some kind of brief guide. It's a bit daunting coming to so many new mods and not knowing what order progression is supposed to take. ex overworld->nether->end->deep dark-> dream or any variation of that as well as explain so stuff like how to start witchery or how it could help you. just a thought though
In the newest version of BnB (1.1.3), there is no longer electric gas around invader portals. But either way, gases can be collected. You just need a gas collector, a gas tank, and possibly some gas pipes. I think somebody said that electrical gas can't be collected though. Even if it could, it probably wouldn't be worth it. As the gas doesn't flow, you'd have to place the collector right next to the block you wish to collect, and would probably be fried before you got a chance to do so.

Steel and hepatzion will not break ardite. When boosted they go from bronze to steel, and I belive that ardite requires shadow steel (again, based on v1.1.3).

Is your base around the server spawn point? Minecraft keeps a 16x16 chunk area around spawn loaded at all times (personally I find it kinda annoying). As far as mobs spawning and pilling up like that... that doesn't seem right.

I've heard of the portal issue. Unfortunately I think it's a side effect of the fact that roguelike dungeons have all kinds of open space in them, and the way that minecraft checks for and creates portals. When you create a portal to the nether, the game finds the closest place that corresponds to where you placed in in the overworld that it can actually put a portal. Sometimes it's a little bit farther away. Then when you come back, the game looks for a portal within a specific range to the spot in the overworld that corresponds to where you are in the nether. If it doesn't find one within that set range, it will go ahead and create one in a viable spot. Or if there is no viable spot, it will keep searching outward. But as there is a ton of space in the dungeons, it can find a viable spot.

So by creating your portal up in the sky, the portal in the nether isn't able to be placed up that high and has to be down lower. When you come back, your portal in the sky is not within the normal range, so instead it creates a new one.