Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We already have some it in the form of the fire mobs. And yes, could make things very difficult with special mobs and the AI in place. But so far, difficulty = fun.
I agree, my only concern is that it would literally impossible to get out of your base alive after the first night...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I lost my base last night... I'm finally up to full iron gear and desperately searching for tin, but my biggest problem is still food. I went out on a scavenging mission and realized a little too late that I forgot to block the entrance to my base.

The real problem came when I finally found a rogue like tower and decided to grab some mossy stone. That took me a little too far away, and long story short, my base was completely overrun and my bed destroyed by the time I got back.

And all that is a long winded way of saying I just love how much this pack challenges you. I'm pretty sure I lost everything because I saw stuff that had been in chests scattered everywhere. But whether I manage to recover or I start over, I have a dozen ideas for how to secure my base even better next time. I can't wait to build a bigger and better base the next time around!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree, my only concern is that it would literally impossible to get out of your base alive after the first night...

Yes, and mobs would just build in the area and you'd have more each morning. At least now if you survive a night, the sun clears out 80% of the stuff and you can get back to work. Unless it rains...hate rain.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a big problem. all of the mining levels have been set back 1. in other words I can't mine iron with my copper pick and I can't mine tin with an iron. I have tried to fix this but i don't know how. I have a feeling I can fix it by the pickaxeoverrides in the iguana tweaks config but I don't know what o type in there.
please help this mod pack is so fun but i can't really do anything right now!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, we are considering trying this modpack with a bunch of friends.
We just have one hesitation concerning Hostile Worlds.

What happens if nobody is logged on the server? Does the countdown for the next invasion decreases? Does an invasion actually occur if nobody is here?

Thanks for your answer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a big problem. all of the mining levels have been set back 1. in other words I can't mine iron with my copper pick and I can't mine tin with an iron. I have tried to fix this but i don't know how. I have a feeling I can fix it by the pickaxeoverrides in the iguana tweaks config but I don't know what o type in there.
please help this mod pack is so fun but i can't really do anything right now!
Have you boosted the pickaxes...? I didn't have this problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, we are considering trying this modpack with a bunch of friends.
We just have one hesitation concerning Hostile Worlds.

What happens if nobody is logged on the server? Does the countdown for the next invasion decreases? Does an invasion actually occur if nobody is here?

Thanks for your answer.
Unless this modpack changes something, worlds unload when no one is in them and no chunks are being forced to load. So as long as there is not currently an invasion, the timer should stop? Don't take my word for it though :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no i have not boosted what i am asking about is that an unbolted copper pick should be able to mine iron and it can't. And an unbolted iron pick should be able to mine tin but it can't.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no i have not boosted what i am asking about is that an unbolted copper pick should be able to mine iron and it can't. And an unbolted iron pick should be able to mine tin but it can't.
Umm, no. What you say is simply not true and it has never been that way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
U have to use them to level them up. There will be a counter showing how far to go the boost and that gives it another mining lol. Also u can attach a mob head to copper picks to boost it instantly. Each time u upgrade the pick to a new metal it resets and starts counting again for the boost to the new level. U will get there it just takes a bit of mining to get there lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no i have not boosted what i am asking about is that an unbolted copper pick should be able to mine iron and it can't. And an unbolted iron pick should be able to mine tin but it can't.
Take a look at the spreadsheet Batch_2 put together. It's linked in the first post of this thread and will show you all the different mining levels. For instance row 8 shows that Copper can mine at Copper level (which kinda makes sense). But then you can boost your pickaxe up a level through Boost XP or adding a mob head (for some levels). Larae already said it, but just wanted to mention the spreadsheet too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unless this modpack changes something, worlds unload when no one is in them and no chunks are being forced to load. So as long as there is not currently an invasion, the timer should stop? Don't take my word for it though :p
actually unless the mod has changed something some parts of hostile worlds do act as chunk loaders


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
huh i was watching anesos and he was able to mine iron instantly with his copper pick and i can't.
That's from like version 1.0.2 of the pack. I restarted and am working on season 2 now under the 1.1.1 version. Boost XP was added around 1.0.4 or 5 I think.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Recipes change. Look at how torches were made then and how u make them now. Look at the changes to food. This is just how it is now do I'm afraid u will just have to deal with it. The time u spend complaining here could be instead used to go mining and level ur pick up. Eyamaz adjusts the pack as time goes on and changes things up. Even the invasions have been changed. Go level ur tools it's the only way u can progress in this pack.