Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Here's Episode 12 of the Blood N' Bones series. It's another one of those titles that can be applied to multiple things — Mistakes. Flux was on (again) for the first half of the video, so colors won't be completely accurate. There are some other mistakes that I won't be talking about because spoilers.

Thoughts regarding the food mechanic.

I really enjoy Harvestcraft and Hunger Overhaul etc. In the early game the need to gather a range of foods coupled with the low saturation levels of morsels adds to the pressure and intensity, it's an important part of the juggling act when it comes to early priorities and goals. Middle game your looking for better options, playing with meals and starting on automation as well as dealing with the slowed growth rates and mob griefing concerns. As you progress further good food automation is a thing of pride for some and a necessity ofr others. Whether you're Min/Maxer or like to mix it up and eat something new everyday a lot of players enjoy this aspect of BnB.

I do understand that some folks hate the food mechanics and that's fine too.

However in the later game I do find things becoming tedious and unrewarding. After playing for a while now it think it comes down to the stack sizes for higher quality meals. I feel it goes too far. BnB should always feel like a struggle, one step from disaster but you need to have some compensations. Take for example a lot of the medium sized meals. Almost all of them stack to 4 yet diminishing returns cuts in at five so you are faced with the choice of taking double the inventory slots for a ideal rotation or carrying a larger variety of foods to fit with the rotation. It gets even worse with the best food options, when stack sizes drop to even further to the point that you feel you are going backwards. (well I do anyway)

I feel that capping the minimum stack size at 5 would be a much better option. By the time you get to large meals and feasts you deserve to feel you have made some progress against the odds and earned back a few inventory slots, instead of the constant rummaging though various bags while managing inventory. Especially as you have weight and reduced stack sizes for everything is a constant issue anyway.

TLDR: I like the food mechanics but changing stack sizes would lead to better balance and enjoyment.
I aggree that the food stack sizes are annoying.

My solution.. A lot of big backpacks!! One for food, one for multiple tools and weapons, one for brick stone blocks, other to be the default pack that gathers what I mine, a crafting backpack too... a couple more for other random stuff.

In the end, its not only the food that is annoying, since blocks only stack to 16... You go on a mining trip in the Dreamworld and if you dont have a lot of backpacks, you will be back in 10 mins....
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I like Sim's suggestion. The decreasing stack sizes are intended to prevent the high end foods from being so much better than the lower tiers, but Blood 'N Bones already handles this with strict diminishing returns from Spice of Life. The suggested minimum stack size of 5 would be a big quality of life improvement without significantly affecting the difficulty
I also feel letting higher tier foods stack to 5 would be a nice change. As it is with the weird stack sizes and SoL's diminishing returns point, I set aside eight inventory slots between personal and bags for the food of choice (jelly sandwiches) since they're easy to make with the farms I have, and that they stack to four. There doesn't really seem to be a reason to make feasts other than perhaps a 'let's eat this to start our adventure' kind of food, just for the mass saturation to start a journey. So you don't have to eat the other foods you have for two minutes instead of thirty seconds. My two cents.
Also.... rowan fruit, from the witchery tree(I think its rowan. its one of the trees...) gives full saturation, so its a nice way of dodging the food stacks.
Top you food bar and just bring stacks of fruits to keep saturation filled :)
Just FYI, it's not possible to set stack size to 5. The only config option that controls the stack size is a global foodStackSizeMultiplier, which is an integer (meaning it doesn't allow decimal numbers), so the smallest possible increment would be to double the stacksize of all foods.
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As far as food stacks go I'd like to see ( short of 64 for everything ) 32 for everything up to nourishing meals and 8 for nourishing meals and better. What really makes no sense the things like peanuts stacking to 32 but rice only stacking to 16. And items coming out of machines in stacks larger than your allowed to keep in inventory ( soy products )

I assumed that the design goal of stack limits was to make travel and adventuring more difficult and to force you to live off the land a little more. If that's the intent could you do it with the carry weight system? Wholesome meal weighs a pound type of thing.

Another issue that I see as more of a carpal tunnel management issue than valid gating mechanic is the metallurgy smelter recipes. The later tiers need 2 recipes with the second one just using a block of the previous tiers metal instead of having to build the things up through all the tiers.

And on a random note... If I set up an MFR laser drill in dream land would it mine metallurgy ores or just vanilla like it does in the overworld? For that matter how does the ender quarry perform?
Food stacks are not a result of Iguanas Tinker weight system.

Its from HungerOverhaul, so they can be tweaked separately ....
has anyone gotten far enough in witchery to encounter the problem with acquiring wormwood seeds? i can't get them because the ritual requires you to right click fully grown wheat with a mutating sprig. because of pam's harvestcraft, the wheat is harvested instead, and the magic doesn't work. does anyone know any way around this? there doesn't seem to be anything in the config files that helps, though i may have missed something. i'm on server, btw.
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i see. well i checked the config files for that too and there doesn't seem to be an option to disable the right click mechanic. any ideas?
I have the same issue. You can't make wormwood the way you're supposed to. Since I have a mutating sprig, and the wispy cotton, I'll probably just cheat myself in a wormwood seed. Don't really wanna mess with hunger overhaul for the sake of just getting my first wormwood.
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I was looking at recipes earlier, and it seems that the TE terrain smasher is still at redstone tech level. Is it nerfed in some other way, intentional, or an oversight that should be ignored so as not to mess up mining progression?
I think I have the best way to get power from a tree farm:
Steam dynamo, weather collector with portable tank as a buffer, and a sawmill.
It's cheaper material-wise than a set-up using coal and multiple survivalist generators.
And the faster furnace generator is just too inefficient to be any good.

It's also better for a blaze spawner. I initially tried a reactant dynamo, but then you need a pulverizer to turn the blaze rods into powder and it uses quite a bit of mob essence which is pretty much the point of such a contraption.
I was looking at recipes earlier, and it seems that the TE terrain smasher is still at redstone tech level. Is it nerfed in some other way, intentional, or an oversight that should be ignored so as not to mess up mining progression?
Oversight. It's supposed to be disabled.