Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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I think I saw you post earlier there was some kind of conflict with Lycanites mobs?

As I posted before I heard the Trent hitting the player could cause world corruption because of a debuff it caused...wonder if that was because there was a conflict with potion effects from blood magic?

I talk about the config changes both to metallurgy and to Blood Magic in this video. I also posted the text in the description so you can copy and paste if you want to modify your own files.

I'm not sure this will fix the Trent issue. That one puts a status effect 0 on your player which Minecraft thinks is invalid and then crashes. You can fix it by changing it to status effect 1 with an NBT editor. It'll be in player.dat on a server, or level.dat if you're in SSP. I guess it's possible that changing the Blood Magic values could fix it, but I'm not sure they will.
Would it just be reasonable (or possible?) to just disable the Trent from spawning if it causes a game breaking bug?

And thanks for the link, I had already done adamantine but didn't realize infuscolium had the same issue. Guess its tied to the game checking if the ore could spawn all the way up to height 128?

edit: I'd also like to share that I did possibly the dumbest thing possible in this modpack. I went into a pocket of red gas, and used a hammer to mine. Two blocks broken was all it took.

I don't understand how, but my tinker tools were the only things to survive. All those sandwiches though...

edit2: oh derp yeah you say that in the video about the ore spawning. pay no attention to derpy ole me...
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Would it just be reasonable (or possible?) to just disable the Trent from spawning if it causes a game breaking bug?

And thanks for the link, I had already done adamantine but didn't realize infuscolium had the same issue. Guess its tied to the game checking if the ore could spawn all the way up to height 128?

edit: I'd also like to share that I did possibly the dumbest thing possible in this modpack. I went into a pocket of red gas, and used a hammer to mine. Two blocks broken was all it took.

I don't understand how, but my tinker tools were the only things to survive. All those sandwiches though...

edit2: oh derp yeah you say that in the video about the ore spawning. pay no attention to derpy ole me...
First, let me just say that I approve of your thumbnail, funny death by red gas, and derpiness. :)

Tinker's tools are set to be indestructable. There's just too much time and effort invested in them to let them disappear in the blink of an eye because of a dumb mistake. I believe you can actually thrown them into lava and they will survive... though you might not while trying to recover them. Also, they are set to never despawn (though I've heard some say they despawn after 2 hours).

As far as the Trents, I'm not sure how to deal with that other than just not fighting them. So far, I've just left them alone and/or went far enough away for them to despawn.

There isn't likely to be another 1.x update for MC 1.6.4, but it's good to consider these things for BnB 2.0 / MC 1.7.10 work.
In regard to Trents, in C:\Games\Feed The Beast\BloodNBones\minecraft\config\LycanitesMobs\forestmobs.cfg there are the lines (obviously whatever install directory people have set up could be substituted in...) at 54 "B:"trent enabled"=true" and at 146 "B:"Trent Spawn Enabled"=true"

I don't really want to mess with the configs though, which also show that trents and ents can only spawn in forest and jungle type biomes.

And oh my god that's good to know about tinker tools. I guess that means somewhere in the nether underneath a nether fortress I have a sword, an axe, and a shovel hiding somewhere under the lava...I have to say I was shocked with the gas, though. I don't think I've ever been so thoroughly eradicated in minecraft.
Other than that you can limit the spawnable space by keeping the roof low.

Or just slab everything! EVERYTHING!! :P

But really, you will have to apply the same technics you use in Overworld to the Nether when its about the Nether portal. Dig a deep hole in front of the portal, put some open trapdoors and mobs that spawn in the portal will fall to the hole.
The rest of the base, just use lower slabs since mobs cant spawn in them.[DOUBLEPOST=1413417443][/DOUBLEPOST]Tinker tools are indestructible but they do despawn. It just takes a very long time, like hours. And by hours, I mean hours in a loaded chunk. If the chunk is not loaded, time doesnt count, nothing despawns and they can stay there for days or months.

Also, tinker tools dont submerge in lava. They will just start jumping over lava until they find 'land'. If the lava lake is huge, you might have an hard time to find them.
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Heh, yeah red gas is some crazy stuff. I blew up an entire roguelike tower from top to bottom layer with it just for fun in creative mode once. ;)

I was thinking the Trent problem was from Witchery... but maybe it is Lycanites. Not sure.[DOUBLEPOST=1413418199][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, good news. I think you're right and it was the Lycanite's Trent. I spawned one in and yes I think that's the one that was causing problems. The good news is that I switched to survival and let it kill me. It put a debuff on me with a real name this time and didn't crash the game.

So yes, I think changing the blood magic ID's fixes this problem as well. Yay!
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Heh, yeah red gas is some crazy stuff. I blew up an entire roguelike tower from top to bottom layer with it just for fun in creative mode once. ;)

I was thinking the Trent problem was from Witchery... but maybe it is Lycanites. Not sure.[DOUBLEPOST=1413418199][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, good news. I think you're right and it was the Lycanite's Trent. I spawned one in and yes I think that's the one that was causing problems. The good news is that I switched to survival and let it kill me. It put a debuff on me with a real name this time and didn't crash the game.

So yes, I think changing the blood magic ID's fixes this problem as well. Yay!
Hah nice. Looked like surprisingly little lag although I guess part of what makes TNT so laggy are the TNT entities being propelled everywhere.

And I guess the debuff conflict is fixed...until we find out some other ID conflict has taken its place :p

In any case...this is pretty much the point I'm at. This is the spirit world so don't mind the mud armor :P.
I missed the last episode so I'll include it here.

Making a concerted push for the Dreamworld now, so Witchery is the flavour of the month.

BloodnBloody Idiot #24 - Dark Dreams

BloodnBloody Idiot #25 - Dreamweaver

The good news is that I switched to survival and let it kill me. It put a debuff on me with a real name this time and didn't crash the game.

So yes, I think changing the blood magic ID's fixes this problem as well. Yay!

Sweet. I've tiptoeing around them with a bow so far.
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Tiny bug (not game breaking):

High Oven don't turn compress cobblestone in the correct ammount of Seared Liquid. (example: Double Compress should yield 648MB but instead yield arround 80MB.) This doesn't occure when using the Smeltery though.
Is Redstone from witches turned off or is it the grinder preventig the drop? Took me quite some time to figure out how to move those spawners there :confused:

The satisfaction of making my first machine, a pulverizer. Finally I can do something with all those quartz pillars and chiseled quartz I looted from a roguelike. And finally! I can process all that nether quartz ore and coal without having to be at least a little cautious.
Is there anything more degrading that the grind stone? No, no there isn't. Even cavemen have standards of whats ok to waste time on.
So.... how would you generate say.. 70 million or so cobblestone? Ya know, for science.

So far it looks like terrain smasher plus vanilla cobble gen is faster than igneous extruder, but I'd need at least 100 of 'em to make it close to fast enough. Any great ideas on how to make tons of cobblestone fast?
So.... how would you generate say.. 70 million or so cobblestone? Ya know, for science.

So far it looks like terrain smasher plus vanilla cobble gen is faster than igneous extruder, but I'd need at least 100 of 'em to make it close to fast enough. Any great ideas on how to make tons of cobblestone fast?
Fastest way I can think of in this pack is getting the Blood Magic bound pickaxe, figuring out a way to get a lot of LP in your soul network through automation of a blood altar, and some form of flight, wandering around and eating massive chunks of ground right-clicking with the pickaxe. Other than that, all I can think of is Igneous Extruders, since 100 terrain smashers with that many vanilla cobble sources will be a lot of tick update lag. So you might have to go fight that Wither in a way that doesn't rely on a compressed cobblestone prison of sorts.
Fastest way I can think of in this pack is getting the Blood Magic bound pickaxe, figuring out a way to get a lot of LP in your soul network through automation of a blood altar, and some form of flight, wandering around and eating massive chunks of ground right-clicking with the pickaxe. Other than that, all I can think of is Igneous Extruders, since 100 terrain smashers with that many vanilla cobble sources will be a lot of tick update lag. So you might have to go fight that Wither in a way that doesn't rely on a compressed cobblestone prison of sorts.
Yeah the blood magic pickaxe could be an option, but oh the LP required and the massive holes it would create! I guess it's igneous extruders or terrain smashers unless someone else has a better idea.

As for the Wither, I have plans to fight him a few different ways. The first one is probably the least safe and resulted in a double kill. I have a couple of other ideas too, but eventually want to try to set up a containment room to spawn him in. I had hoped obsidian would work... but no.. no so much. ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1413570473][/DOUBLEPOST]
This video perfectly sums up my relationship with this modpack:

Oh! I haven't heard any Rammstein in a long time! That's one crazy video, but it seems to go with BnB so well. Except of course that it makes Eyamaz an evil Snow White and us dwarves...? Or something like that. :)
Yeah the blood magic pickaxe could be an option, but oh the LP required and the massive holes it would create! I guess it's igneous extruders or terrain smashers unless someone else has a better idea.

As for the Wither, I have plans to fight him a few different ways. The first one is probably the least safe and resulted in a double kill. I have a couple of other ideas too, but eventually want to try to set up a containment room to spawn him in. I had hoped obsidian would work... but no.. no so much. ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1413570473][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh! I haven't heard any Rammstein in a long time! That's one crazy video, but it seems to go with BnB so well. Except of course that it makes Eyamaz an evil Snow White and us dwarves...? Or something like that. :)
Maybe try using notched apples for your healing instead? Gives you like regen III for a good amount of time. Maybe as your 'oh crap' healing.
Maybe try using notched apples for your healing instead? Gives you like regen III for a good amount of time. Maybe as your 'oh crap' healing.
The enchanted "Notch" apples actually give you Regen V for 30 seconds making you pretty much indestructible, though I haven't tried it in BnB yet. Yeah, planning a full frontal assault with a Notch apple for one of the kills. :)